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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. The Railcar got away then!!, Well thought out lad!!. did you ever stick up a track plan of the layout at all, would be interesting to see!!
  2. Cheers boys, Just need to do the Duckets on the brakes and stick em on and a bit of Weathering and there done...well as long as the lads in the white coats stay away for a bit!!
  3. Nearing the Finish line with the Autoballaters, These are gonna be Network Rail so sorry bout the BR Content!! Great kits though, Maybe we will see an Irish rake on Wellington Bheag someday...Come on Paul!!!! Taken with a point and shoot after I applied a few decals. They will be finished with a final gloss coat and then a Matt coat on top. G
  4. Nice mix of Stuff, Those Smoke Deflectors on the West Country are huge!! It did well on those trials too!
  5. 1984 Des it seems as thats the Date on the Hornby Catalgoue that is being sold on the list! 30 years ago!!
  6. Handy bit n bobs there for sure!
  7. What a Piccy, Bells, Black n Tan 141 and a well underused Boreen!! Attention to detail or wah!
  8. Any one want this before I chuck it?
  9. Have this Flyer my Dad must of Brought down from Dublin, The only time I saw the shop was when it was not open, Clever eh. Anyone want this before I chuck it? Also have a Catolgoe from the Southern Model Railway Company, Any one want that?
  10. Beales hill is perfect.....love the leafy Walk up there!! Class stuff... G
  11. Any Around Waterford tomorrow dont forget this is on. I doubt there will be Trainy stuff there. I will be there with some Scale Models on show with a few Friends so do say hi if you about. Refreshing after a week of Model shops to have a day off and spend it at a show to talk about models:confused: have a great Sunday.. G
  12. Loverly stuff, What is the loco in Vid one with the sound ticking over, Class 25 r summit? Keep the Vids coming!!
  13. You only make it busy lads if you post some work and not lurk about, Simple fix Rimfix. There is Certainly enough here to keep me occupied. Nice set and good price too..and I did read it Carefully, Transformer is the Carefully bit I imagine
  14. Fins been out and a Tasty shot too:
  15. FYI: On in Waterford this weekend: Not sure of the Train Content lads but sticking it up Anyhow, Hope to have a Few planes at it. The 2nd Annual South East Scale Model and Hobby Show 2nd March 1200pm o 1700hrs Unit 5A The Hyper Centre Waterford Call Liam on 087-2850231 if your interested in Displaying
  16. yeah, love the shiny Steel and the Faded look.Class stuff!
  17. Good idea that IRM do a Show though...Can be done with helpfrom the Clubs etc.
  18. It did not run today from what I heard, Leaving tomorrow 11am Apparently. The points issue in near Limerick caused the delay. I am sure there will be a few heads managed a few photos..I will be at......Work.
  19. Another Small bit done over the last two hours... Kinda Therapeutic this etch is... Tim for bed now..
  20. Looks like you got a nice haul, The wagon should be no problem to yourself!!
  21. Great day today, Wife at work, Kids away so I made a Start in the tranquil peace I had on these. These are kits from the N gauge Society of the Familiar Autoballasters however these may not be Irish, probably Railtrack but I will throw it on here as these are used on IR and some folks may be tempted or unaware these are available. You have to join the N gauge Socieyy to Purchase these and they have a fantastic kit selection and some RTR. They came to me like this: The formidable etch: The underside of the Wagon: and its in place but not glued: The End Supports in place: thats it for now.
  22. great stuff Glenderg on the ABs....Tricky buggers it seems!.
  23. Thanks lads for the info.
  24. Thanks GFG, The problem I have or hear really is internal corrosion with bits inside rattling about so eventually these will rust away it seems, Even if the rust was polished off and some laquer put on. I dunno...
  25. This thread reminded me of these two things I had in the shed, Got them off a chap that I done some work on his layout a year of 2 ago. Does any one know the colour of the Staff rod as I would like to restore them. I imagine it was black and the brass was usually polished?
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