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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Hi Lads, Surplus to Requirements I have 2 Silver fox A class. Both are hardwired with DCC Decoders. Power by the Glorious Springfield motor. One in Silver Numbered A4 and the other in Green Number A7 Price is €150 per loco, Silver Fox are currently £165 with no DCC on Board.
  2. Afternoon Folks, As snow day has given the the opportunity to weed some more items out that I have no use for. I have here 2 built Fertiliser Wagons from the MIR Stable, No longer Prod, Seen around the Network North and South. 2 nice Runners, Standard Tension Locks on the Bogies (The pictued without tension locks will have them fitted before posted). Gibson wheels a Weathered as per pictures of the real thing hence the white/grey markings where bags were holed by the Forks. Looking for €99.99 for the two plus €10 registered post. As you can see from the Kit pictures They cost STG32.50 as per the box price tag which equates to €37.00.
  3. Yes, Let hope these are tested as some of the couplings on Irish Coaches has left a lot to be desired. A quick google on he couplings gives you an idea of what the couplings are about. It is pretty unreal the constant stream of releases in the Model Railway world, I really wonder if it is sustainable. Same for Plastic model kits. These are certainly good Value though. Will all the 5 packs contain wagons of Different numbers? EDIT: afterI posted IRM advised: We will ensures ours will work properly! ...Good news.
  4. ok thats a wow>> including rotating axle caps
  5. Hi Lads, As I am concentrating on Br 3 Rail for the time being I am going to Reluctantly sell the completed wagons. I have 8 in total. OO Gauge and compatabile with Mr Murphys finest. They run quite very well over my trackwork on test running and shunting. All wagons are individually numbered. Finished with Light> Medium weathering and Buffer grease affect. Fitted with Tension lock couplers. Looking for €45 per wagon or €40 per wagon for the job lot with post paid. cheer George
  6. Hello all, Calling the side curtain Pallet Cements Done, they run sweetly on the wheels Supplies, No wobbles thankfully and I gave them a light>Medium Weathering. Nothing to OTT. It beds them down well. Reluctantly as I am concentrating on the Sasana for the time being I will be putting these up for sale and some of my other Irish Stuff on Ice for the time being. Heres a few pics and I have them up for sale on the book of Face on a new Irish Model Railway for sale page > https://www.facebook.com/groups/352507551893400/requests/?notif_id=1519682726235534&notif_t=group_r2j cheers Lads Keep up the good work. Bogie Cements next.
  7. So I presume you have to get in touch with MM to get the magic fix?
  8. Nah. Most likely not. Bought it from Rails last may so the 6 months Repair or replace for free is up, Only Ran it a few weeks back for 2 hour or so, Seems to be a common fault with this S15 Model, Pity as it is a beauty of a model. Would of been cheaper to buy the motor online and stick it in myself probably. Just running in my Second one I got from Seamus Grahams to see whats that like.
  9. Just wandered past the office window 2 mins ago with a Black and Silver (weathered) 071 in Front on the way to Cobh. Nice day for shots too if your out.
  10. I wonder is there anything that can be used to the UK, Posted a Loco Back to Hornby due to Motor Failure Friday, Nearly 17 Euros registered Postage. FFS that nuts.
  11. 57 notes for 2 dinkys????? Not for me. best of luck with them.
  12. Not for Me, I have only 2 LMS in the Stud, a Streamlined Duchess and a G2. Not too much of an LMS fan TBH.
  13. Came out nice Noel, Bit work Weathering lower down to blend it in but I imagine your working on that!!
  14. There not available anymore, they are Resin Kits,
  15. Location will be in Kent, Heathfield Station has kinda of inspired the build. Around 20 miles from London or So. there will be an Oast house at the end which firmly sets the place. There wont be so much junk it it when its done, Fan of the less is more brigade. Just stretching the legs of some of the Ladies. Need to start packing them back away! You'll notice some shims under the track, The New Floor tiles I got were a Gnats C0ck higher than the ones I got years ago which probably compressed a bit and therefore created a little incline on the track. I have to get rid of that with some sanding in reduce the step. Bummer. Thanks for the kind comments and suggestions.
  16. Yep, Just paid for the Bulleid Diesel. I choose a Green one with sound coming. The Black looks awesome too though. I really have too many locos at this stage. nuts really. The Granddad used to drive the on the Southern Steam before Nationlisation from Barnstaple and then with BR from Tonbridge on the Electrics in the latter day. Never got to know him as he was a bit Cantankerous at best. Pity really. Still have his cap and a signed picture by Bulleid himself on the day the Fist MN left Waterloo. My Nans house was in Tunbridge Wells right next to the Tunbridge well to Tonbridge Tunnel portal (see circled house below). When we stayed on holidays I used to Love hearing the Trains go past and we used to go to the Park to watch the units go by and visit the 4 Model shops in the town (yes 4 model shops!!!) . A plus back then the Airliners inbound to Gatwick used to pass overhead, Tristars, DC-10s, Tridents, Happy days indeed so I feel a good choice for myself.
  17. Hi lads, working on this now over the past few months, got most of the wood work done need to re done the far end curve as the wood somehow warped which is a pain. Plan is for 3 rai southern 1950/1960's so I can run Steam, Electric and Diesel together. I have one point motor installed, a cobalt digital job, Pretty simple enough. Just need to pony up for another 13 Dying to get onto the Scenery aspect of it now but need to sort the Track out first, the Yard is a bit too compressed but I will have to live with it. Where the O Gauge track / APT is will be a 6 road fiddle yard. the double portal bridge was bought around 10 years ago, Came in the post broken so I will need to re scribe the brickwork to blend it in with the other stone work. Wish I got the 40ft Portacabin now Amazing how much therapy watching the trains go by is...
  18. Hi Lads, Mentioned some time back I was looking at O gauge, Managed to give some track and a building a good home and came across this on Ellis Clark Trains for £165.00. when the box was popped open underneath the loco was DCC Sound instructions. Yeah!! Put some track Together to give it a test run and by gum does she look good. Going to look at some Connoisseur coaches no to go with it. They are generic but look the part. It is a lovely scale to handle, Feels the part, looks the part, Puts the OO stuff dare I say into 'Toy' Category. She is on about a Patio now so how to incorporate a Branch line outside now is the truck into one is the trick!
      • 3
      • WOW!
  19. Finally he 2 RAF one were finished late November last.
  20. "establish viable human colonies", We done such a good job here in the last 100 years I pity any Planet we visit and will call home. Remarkable tech to do this though.
  21. Also started some months ago (1 wagon about 6 years ago) are these there pallet cement wagons. With help from the upper echelon of Railway knowledge here I hope I have the Chain arrangement correct. I did not get enough chain to do each wagon so a trip to H Samuels is due to obtain suitable additional chain. (without the missus of course)
  22. Been beavering away on these yokes for about 2 months now, Thought they would take a week or two. The Shed is pretty cold these nights so difficult to leave the fire to glue some stuff together. It has heaters but it add on about 50 notes a month which is nuts. These are the MIR Curtain Sided Cement Wagons. Gave them a test run and they look pretty sweet behind the 141. just waiting for the Varnish now to cure and harden which should be 2020 with this cold and then a tad bit of weathering
  23. Nice work as usual. you hadme worried for a bit when I seen 'Scot' I thought Royal Scot and wondered why it is apple green and has a extra set of wheels!! Touch of Demensia!
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