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Everything posted by Killucan2

  1. Killucan2

    071 photo

    Should be handy to spray,only them numbers!!! M.
  2. Killucan2

    071 photo

    Seem's you found it!! M.
  3. Killucan2

    071 photo

    There's couple of nice shots of 071 in that livery after painting last week in inchoire check out railway herald. M.
  4. Just to say I got 12 locos,they are the best 073 well what can I say,paddy thank you. M.
  5. That's pounds not euros,rails have them for 119 pounds for a while now and they are new not second hand. M.
  6. Is it going to be a brass body for finish? M.
  7. Was up in the shop last Friday and Gareth showed me 112 with this chip in it,he has done a great job with it. M.
  8. B5 mk2 van,B5 bigger springs. M.
  9. As Dave said it's should be replica railways B4,check out there site,that's we're John from silverfox gets his. M.
  10. Yes. M.
  11. Loco and tender,you will need motor and wheels etc to finish. M.
  12. Yes. M.
  13. That's 25 euro deposit per model!!!,we need 25 orders to go ahead with loco. M.
  14. What's with A7 ? M.
  15. And there is a film also of building and testing in manchester. M.
  16. If you want to sell let people make a offer. M.
  17. I will take it if no one has taken it already. M.
  18. Last two locos in super train where 083 and 086,when time came to paint 086 the last loco they had no small IR logos for cab front so they used large ones used on side,no 071 had IR logos put on while in super train,there is a pic on flicker showing 086 done but it never carried this,some one playing with photo shop. M.
  19. This is a company been watched spending wise,this time last year they needed a bail out of 36m!! M.
  20. It's only been done in the last few days masking tape still around windows,it was only getting bogie wash on friday before paint,not last week as some people taught,078 not far behind to get paint also,better that that ***** silver livery and should be able to maintain better,will look well on new liner in a couple of weeks!!! M.
  21. The loco is been painted,people were saying afew weeks back that it was done,the pic they had was of paint digram not actual pic of 077! M.
  22. Just seen the lima 59 he's selling for 149!! what tablets is he on you can get the new hornby one in marks for 69!!! M.
  23. That's been knocking around for a while (300) he be lucky to get @60-80, was he that same lad flogging a mk4 dvt in intercity livery with coaches a while back. M.
  24. There is no loco painted,the loco in question (077)was only getting a bogie clean yesterday then paint,I would not take notice over in irn as its having a slow death unless your in TRAMS and those heaps of RAILCARS. M.
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