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Everything posted by Killucan2

  1. Killucan2


  2. If it the same person im think about he never joined irm ,(David) connaught ranger sometimes post on f/book.
  3. As Dave said not railway related,put might have a pint on it!
  4. Not been smart but i think your wasting your time,Connolly water tank? How many orders would you get. One thing about IRM its all talk. Best of luck anyway.
  5. Sure this is old news,heljan anounance these back in November 15.
  6. Between the ballast and bubble there has to be difference cost wise,how long before we see a prototype??
  7. Well you did buy D&M curtin side wagons off us ??,and you say you can't find my work input ,just scrol down to manufacture's look under D&M models and you will see my work there along with David,plenty of people have seen my work on there layouts.
  8. Well you quite good at finding A film I have on other site's!!
  9. The big question is were is irishrailway modelling web site going to,all the real modellers ???
  10. Above,more BULL!!
  11. Well they won't be getting it or the rest Mr Burke !!
  12. There's nothing definite on future release's,and that includes the 121.
  13. Last box gone tks Paul R.
  14. Have one box left if any takes.
  15. Just having a look at above,there's a better way of doing the coupling on the loco,have a look up flying Scotsman 4472 work bench he's the man when it come's to these couplings.
  16. One thing about Hornby points there crap, as Dave said peco all the way.
  17. If line IS to reopen more than likely they use second hand panels,working's would be like second man to open gates like Tara one train in one out.
  18. Might happen.
  19. IRN is gone,so no need to bring on here as the person on boards was banned.
  20. Has he go 220 ?
  21. 121 next well only a few things in the way,well a lot in the way (071,201 craven's mk2s) unsold stock in shops and in store here and uk.
  22. The body is easy,it's the rest that cause's the headache and in 3D print it could be rough.
  23. The president coach was numbered 5406 first than 5408 so this coach could have been the real 5408 and seen more traffic.
  24. Well I hope u meet Paul and you can explain the difference between the two.
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