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Everything posted by iarnrod

  1. The Railways Of Ireland Past And Present - Dublin - Michael Baker €10 Murphy Models Catalogue €5 Great Southern Railways Irish Railways Pictorial - Donal Murray €7 Irish Broad Gauge Carriages - Des Coakham €7 Midland Great Western Railway - Ernie Shepherd €15 Waterford, Limerick And Western Railway - Ernie Shepherd €15 Dublin & South Eastern Railway - Ernie Shepherd €15 British Rail Mk2 Carriages - Michael Harris €15 SOLD Irish Railway Rambler - Michael McMahon €10 ON HOLD Irish Metro Vick Diesels - Barry Carse €7 Rails Through The West - Jonathan Beaumont €8 Ireland's Railway Heritage : Leinster - Michael H.C. Baker €8 SOLD Diesel Dawn - Colm Flanagan €20 On The Move CIE 1945-1995 - Micheal O'Riain €20 ON HOLD Railways in Ireland 1834-1984 - Doyle & Hirsch €15 Bullied Of The Southern - H.A.V. Bullied €8 SOLD Irish Railways Today - Pender & Richards €20 Irish Railways Traction & Travel - Jones Vol. 1,2,3 & 4 €5 each Platform 5 Irish Railways and Coaching Stock €5 Irish Locomotives and Rolling Stock - ITG €5 Locomotives and Rollin Stock of CIE and NIR - Doyle & Hircsh [1979 edition €20 SOLD] [1981 edition €20 SOLD] 1987 edition €15 (ON HOLD) IRRS Journals Feb, June and Oct 2015 €5 each No. 37 June 1965 €10 No. 29 Autumn 1961 €10 Railfreight Today Ireland DVD €7 Railways In The Republic Of Ireland DVD €7 Payment by PayPal only unless collecting in person. Postage at cost, but happy to use Parcel Motel if buyers have a Parcel Motel account as a lot cheaper.
  2. All items except the New Irish Lines magazines are now sold.
  3. 35 Years of NIR 1967-2002 €10 Irish Railways In Colour A Second Glance 1947-1970 €10 Irish Traction In Colour Derek Huntriss €10 Keith Pirt Colour Portfolio Irish Railways In Colour Vol. 1 €10 New Irish Lines Vol. 6 No. 6, Vol. 7 No. 1 and Vol. 7 No. 2 €4 each or €10 for all three Irish Rail Memories DVD €10 All items in mint condition. Postage extra. Payment by PayPal unless collecting in person.
  4. Will the third model still be using the same wagon base just to try and narrow the clues down a bit?
  5. Seriously considering it. Don't tell Wrenneire though
  6. Thought the detail level on the ballast was amazing, but have to say I'm blown away with the detail level on the bubble. I will seriously have to get a second job or a bank loan at this rate :tumbsup:
  7. Looks amazing.
  8. Is it possible to increase the initial batch run to, say, 400, 450 or 500 packs, or would you have to do another full batch of 333 packs? Was hoping to get a second batch of 5 packs, but am happy I at least have enough ordered for one full rake.
  9. When is the next instalment due if you're using the payment plan? Do you get a payment request or how does it work? Excellent news on hitting the 75% sales figures.
  10. A photo of that livery appears in the new Irish Railway Rambler book. It shows the loco at Connolly Station, so it did make it out onto the mainline.
  11. Good to hear. I would hazard a guess that you would be looking at two, maybe three body variations, depending on how they are designed, to cover the class from introduction to withdrawal. Main differences are handrails, windows and marker lights, the position of which differed on various loco's in their latter days. In any case, it's a most welcome development considering the uncertainty that hung over the release of the 121 by MM, and I'm sure that they will at least equal their previous loco releases in terms of detail.
  12. The small cab windows were also blocked off on some or all loco's in their IE days. Possibly other body modifications aswell over the course of their careers.
  13. Excellent news. Definitely be getting some 121's. The fact that MM doing the grey and IE liveries would indicate different body variations for the 121. That just leaves the A Class to be done in RTR......who will take the bait......Murphy Models or Irish Railway Models?
  14. That's exactly what happened, Jonathan. IE are carrying out emergency works there today, placing rock armour at the narrowest point, and there is planned OPW works to place rock armour for about 55 metres along the eroded section starting at the end of the month, which should have the effect of just shoving the erosion further up along the coast. Sure that will be next years problem..... What is required here is coastal protection all the way northwards up to about Five Mile Point, but you are looking at millions of euro in cost there, so I won't hold my breath.
  15. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/remembering-the-new-year-s-eve-train-crash-of-1975-1.2480479
  16. Flooding is the least of the Rosslare line's problems at Wicklow Murrough. It's about to join up with the sea shortly. A good 2-3 metres of beach were eroded during Storm Frank i.e. there was 2 metres or more of beach in front of the gorse bushes at the narrowest point in the photo before the storm. Another big storm or two and the integrity of the railway line will most likely be compromised. The second photo showing the erosion since last year, shows the storm damage in December 2015 after Storm Desmond. First photo shows damage after the latest storm, Storm Frank.
  17. Have been waiting patiently for this book to arrive, and now that it finally arrived, I have to say that it was well worth the wait. If CIE and Irish Rail (IR point logo livery)liveried loco's interest you, then you will love this book. Also a section dealing with Mk2 and Mk3 carriages, NIR railcars operating on IE, and a section on NIR. Excellent collection of photos to say the least. There is a mention that a second edition dealing with freight and cross border trains might appear in the future.
  18. Absolutely amazing layout, with excellent craftsmanship in all aspects. Personally, I think it's the buildings and structures that make this layout stand out from the crowd. Maybe Scahalane can post some more close up or general photos of the buildings on the layout.
  19. The Oxford Diecast container represents a 45' long 8' wide container. The yellow markings on the roof indicate the 40' loading points.
  20. Second the IRRS research suggestion. They may possess old photos of Claremorris in the archive or original plans for the shed. Failing that, you could contact the Heritage Office in IE and see if they can supply shed drawings. I found the Heritage Office to be very helpful, and the Archives in the IRRS were extremely helpful with my queries recently.
  21. Can't wait to see this layout progress. Plan looks excellent. Always had a fondness for Claremorris station.
  22. A very gullible idiot might come along, and make that guys dreams come through.
  23. It most certainly is a bright looking lorry.
  24. My initial impression was that Bell only operated 20' and 40' containers. However, a bit of research has shown that Bell were actually innovators in the whole intermodal area, and are still regarded as such, with patents being lodged for pallet wide container designs and were also one of the first intermodal companies campaigning for the EU to allow the use of 45' containers, so they came up with a specific design of 45' container corner edges to beat the EU legislation then in force. In fact, their patents were later sold onto Cronos, who still use them, amongst others. So far, I have come across evidence that Bell operated 20' tanktainers, 30' bulktainers and 45' containers. However, while the 20' and 40' containers were the most common on Bell liner trains, there was occasionally 20' tanktainers and 30' bulktainers used on these trains too. I don't think that the 45' container was ever used on Bell liner trains though, or at least yet to find evidence of that.
  25. Made a query with Arran from C-Rail, and he has sufficient information to produce transfer sheets for Bell Bulk 30' containers. He envisages enough transfers to do three containers per sheet, and price around £6.50-£7.00 GBP. Only issue is that to make it worthwhile, he would need to sell 70-80 sheets of transfers. If sufficient expressions of interest in ordering is show here, he would be willing to proceed with getting the sheets printed up. I would be willing to take 5 sheets.
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