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Everything posted by iarnrod

  1. Came across this during my travels on the inter web. Perfect head on shot just waiting to be made into mini posters for layouts.
  2. Thanks John. I will add the timetables to my list of avenues to research. Might try writing to the CME as well and see if that opens any doors. Who is the current CME?
  3. Thanks John. I found out earlier that Irish Rail recently sent a quantity of material to the IRRS relating to wagons. This is possibly material from the Drawing Office in Limerick which closed a couple of years ago. However, I understand this will take years to sort through and categorise, and is therefore not available at present. I am waiting for confirmation from IRRS archivist who has been in touch with me as to what material, if any, they posess. I am still waiting to hear back from the Irish Rail Heritage Officer.....almost two weeks now since I wrote to him, asking if such information was available. Should I be contacting someone else in Inchicore? My plan is to provide a more detailed and up to date version of Doyle's book. Maybe even backtrack to any wagons built since when CIE was formed. Problem is the availability of information, and that will be the make or break for the project, as there is no point just doing a reformat of Doyle's book. I could be wrong but my research so far possibly suggests that Doyle's book is missing certain wagon series or types. If I can get sufficient information, then the next phase would be sourcing photos and possibly getting drawings done up to illustrate different liveries and markings that wagons carried over the years. Maybe even scale drawings which would benefit modellers. Response so far has been a bit disappointing, but I will continue to dig for information until all the sources on my list have dried up.
  4. http://irishrailfreightotp.yuku.com is a new forum dealing with Irish railfreight and on-track plant. Drop by and visit.
  5. Thanks Richie. I'm aware of that thread on IRN. Provides some good info alright but would need a lot more info than that if this is to go anywhere other than on my ipad. Thought you had given up on the other 'project' as we kinda lost contact with each other on it.
  6. I am currently building a database of Irish wagons from the 'modern' wagons built by CIE in the 1960's and 1970's to the present day. If I can source sufficient information, this may lead to a future publication on the subject. I am looking for information such as withdrawal dates, modifications carried out over the years, such as converting wagons for PW use, like the rail carrier wagons, electrification wagons etc. Items such as drawings, photos or anything wagon related which may assist in compiling information is especially welcome. Feel free to post here, pm me through the forum, or email me at nruxton@gmail.com. I have contacted Inchicore to see what help, if any, they can give and am awaiting a reply, but it will become apparent in the next month or two if this project will take off or not, based on the amount of information available, or willing to be shared. Thanks in advance.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/groups/741913609175327/permalink/742020652497956/ Here is another pic showing these wagons with the newer type ballast wagons hauled by an MV.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/groups/741913609175327/permalink/742024489164239/ Pic here shows an MV loco hauling these wagons.
  9. Thanks for clarifying that Leslie.
  10. Any information on these rolling stock diagrams that Richard McLachlan has. Are they modern i.e. diesel era or historic i.e. steam era ? Any chance of more information on this please? Next door at Stand 16 is Richard McLachlan, who will be selling books of loco and rolling stock diagrams produced from information in the IRRSarchives. And showing off his considerable skills as a coach modeller. Do call around and say hallo, even if you don't buy anything! It's nice to put faces to names! Regards Leslie and Richard
  11. Looking good.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/groups/741913609175327/
  13. I think MIR closed up shop at the wrong time. At the time they closed, I think only the MM 141 and 181's were available. In fairness to MIR, the last few wagons they released before closure were actually pretty decent representations of freight wagons, and were streets ahead of their earlier releases. There is clearly a demand now for freight wagons with all the new Murphy Models loco's available. Obviously, people need to put their hands in their pockets and buy stuff, but if opinion on this board is anything to go by, modellers clearly want freight wagons to run with their loco's. It will be very interesting to see how many ammonia wagons, barrier vehicles and 42' flats actually sell when Weshty releases them.
  14. Biomass needs to be kept dry, so whatever form of wagon is used, will need to be covered. The cements could, in theory, be used if they have a pneumatic pump to unload and load the biomass pellets. However, can't envisage them being the most efficient way to load this traffic for transportation, unless they undergo some modifications.
  15. Any truth in the rumour that MIR might be coming back into the kit market?
  16. Also strong possibility that biomass traffic from either Dublin Port or Waterford Port - Ballina will commence in the near future. Not sure what wagons would be used for this by IE, as I know in the UK, there is an ever increasing pool of recently built specialised biomass wagons coming into service. Not sure if biomass traffic requires a specific wagon type, or can be carried in any kind of wagon.
  17. Thanks Boskonay. Have seen those pics and some are part of my references for the project.
  18. Thanks Boskonay. I have the drawing of the wagon. It's just detailed or up close pics of the mechanism at either end that I'm after. Thanks anyway.
  19. Not sure how I missed this thread, but all I can say is WOW.....stunning modelling.
  20. Going to have a bash at scratchbuilding some bogie bulk cement wagons. Looking for up close pictures of the layout at each end of the wagon. Think I have found every available picture on the web, but none really show the mechanisms/layout at either wagon end very well, particularly the pump/brake mechanism under the mini roof thingy. Can anyone help?
  21. MIR range gets my vote. Especially the wonderful drawings that used to appear on the boxes
  22. Thanks for the replies lads, but it's not that one. It was a smaller format like the Iarnrod Eireann book by Tom Ferris. Did any other book cover wagons apart from Locomotives and Rolling Stock of CIE and NIR by Doyle and Hirsch?
  23. Nice one glenderg. They will do the job alright. Just hope Weshty plans on selling them as individual parts along with the bogies. Looking forward to his ammonia wagons and bogie flats. They look the dogs. Hopefully the first of many wagon kits of that calibre.
  24. Are the brake wheels that are used on Irish wagons a CIE design? I notice that the new Bachmann Polybulk has a very similar five slot version of brake wheel, where as the Irish wagons all have six slots on the brake wheels. Have searched high and low on the net but can't find anything remotely similar until the Bachmann Polybulk wagon came along.
  25. Biomass traffic? Tell me more. Are these wagons that were in storage, or just reconditioned/overhauled wagons that are currently in use?
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