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Everything posted by Ironroad

  1. As promised here are pictures of the Heljan Esso Class A 4 wheel tank wagons (catalogue # 1153), not produced for the Irish market but acceptable because some were imported and ran initially unaltered on Irish rails. Although I would ask if anyone has knowledge of the running numbers used in Ireland. To my eye this model is right up there in terms of detail and quality. As supplied the tension lock couplings are loose in the box and so I immediately fitted Kadee # 18s instead. Much has been said elsewhere on this forum about the height of NEM sockets, so in examining this model I checked the position of the socket with a Symoba gauge. They are perfectly centered but very very fractionally too high but did engage the feeler on the gauge with a slight nudge. And the couplings themselves look perfect with the Kadee height gauge. I hope the pictures demonstrate both points. These models appear to be in short supply and the earlier weathered version seems to be completely sold out.
  2. Sorry to hark back to this, still catching up. This is a reason I always open the box and inspect the contents but it also brings back a very old memory. (maybe a little off topic) As a kid I brought a pile of secondhand model railway magazines in the Banba bookshop on Capel St. (long gone) and in one of these magazines dated 1950 was a article on "Tidmouth" by the Rev Awdry. At the time his creations were yet to become world famous but the article struck a cord and has stuck in my mind. Not least because this man had a sense of humour. The layout was "out and back" IE a terminal station running to a hidden return loop. But since at any time only one side of a train was visible to a viewer the opposite sides of the coaches were painted in different liveries. So "Thomas" could depart hauling a particular train and apparently return with a different one. If you are not a purist you can get twice the bang for your buck.
  3. Fantastic news, but I'm holding my breath
  4. Hi WRENNEIRE, I respect this this as your space and appreciate the sequence in which you have been presenting things and don't want to intrude. I don't have the Heljan model but have just ordered the last 3 in stock at Hattons and will post a picture when received it that's in order. I'm in the US so that's a week or more off. I'm also expecting a J15 from OO Works this week and believe this is also worthy of inclusion here (not mass produced but RTR). Hi WaYSidE, I agree that the Lima products were robust etc. and we still have a HO blue Lima class 33, that was part of a train set that Santa brought my then three year old son many years ago, now minus buffers, but still runs. However, while the early items produced in Irish livery are now legitimately collectible I have to admit to being turned off by them in their time, because to me they lacked any authenticity. Ultimately in modeling, in my view, some licence and compromise is necessary, but to my mind painting British Locos that never ran on Irish Rails in "sort of" Irish Liveries didn't make the cut. This thread really serves to demonstrate how far we have come. I also agree that it was nice to see "Made in Ireland" and "Guaranteed Irish" but on the other hand some of that range was so terrible, it didn't necessarily reflect well on Irish quality. As a consequence I never considered building an Irish themed layout to be a realistic aspiration. That is until one evening when I was at a loose end on business travel, I wandered into a Hobby Lobby store (chain of very large stores catering in a generalised way to a wide range of hobbies) in Wisconsin and tucked away in one corner I discovered an Irish Train Set by Bachmann. At first I was very skeptical but this tuned out to be the K1 Woolwich loco with albeit LMS coaches in CIE Green livery and for me that made the cut and changed my aspirations completely (I now have three of these sets two of which are still sealed). Being late to the party I paid a bit over the odds (not nearly as much as some) for the Lima 201's on EBay but I'm now considering disposing of these and the GWR items etc. I collected over time (the aspiration was to build GWR) to help pay for all the Irish stuff we are anticipating. However, reading this thread has made me relent on considering disposal of no. 219 that is part of the LIma Train set L105500X05 (River Tolka and 2 x MK 3 coaches), I will now keep this set intact. As for DCC that's also a long fingered maybe future project I need to crawl before i can walk.
  5. Hi WRENNEIRE, I'm new here and have spent hours reading through this fascinating thread. Not least it brought back memories of pipe smoke on Sunday mornings in Monk Place and of the Southern Model Railway shop as I remember it in a basement in Leeson St. Anyway my question is, would you consider it appropriate to include here items not specifically produced for or aimed at the Irish market but regardless may well be appropriate for use by Irish Railway modelers. A particular example I have in mind is the class A Esso 4 wheel tank wagons produced by Heljan, their catalog no. 1153, albeit the running numbers may not be correct. There is also a weathered version no longer available. Thank you
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