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Everything posted by Ironroad

  1. The information provided is much appreciated. thank you. I agree that there is great personal pleasure in creating models from scratch or adapting existing components to create a model. However, the difficulty is in deciding what to dedicate our time to. If we know a manufacturer is proposing to produce an item we desire, that affords us the opportunity to dedicate our time and efforts elsewhere while we wait for that offering, accepting some will want to take on the challenge anyway. This is why I'm a bit disappointed that IRM are choosing to delay announcements until close to the release of models and justify this by pointing to criticism of long waits on the part of some. Well personally (and I think many would agree) I would really like to know what may be in the pipeline no matter the wait and I would hope to see a policy change in that regard. I think this should also be advantageous to IRM as commitments to purchase should help with planning.
  2. Hurray, been hoping for that
  3. There are some models of Irish buses available at present, examples; http://briancollinsenterprises.ie/product/brian-collins-enterprises-bus-eireann-expressway-model/ https://www.hattons.co.uk/108950/efe_15718_plaxton_panorama_c_i_e_coach_tours_/stockdetail.aspx
  4. Excellent idea, but would suspect (as does mphoey) that since IRM have already done the work of producing the tank it would make sense for them to use it again and produce this wagon. What length was this wagon and what was the wheelbase, and is there a RTR chassis available?
  5. The containers in the first picture labeled BLMC would seem to belong to the "British Leyland Motor Corporation" and since that company was only formed in Jan 1968 this photograph was probably taken much later than that. There is a Parkside model that looks to be of the same container (probably just requires the correct livery and decals if possible) that could be used with the Bachmann 5 plank open or similar for a little extra interest. https://www.hattons.co.uk/322381/parkside_models_pa21_br_bd_container_for_conflat_wagons_plastic_kit/stockdetail.aspx
  6. A model of a car currently on the road https://www.hattons.co.uk/stockdetail.aspx?SID=376399&utm_source=DiecastNewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200818&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJ0aG9tYXNjYnJvbmFuQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIkpHUWVYaCJ9
  7. Link to Brian Collins Enterprises http://www.briancollinsenterprises.ie Also noticed that Oxford produce a Tayto Truck with Dublin Reg which may be of interest to some. https://www.hattons.co.uk/36148/oxford_diecast_76sp032_bedford_tk_mr_tayto_/stockdetail.aspx
  8. I'm in complete agreement but I don't think the aversion to producing track is fully justified. Yes anyone producing track must be prepared to stock it constantly because there will always be an ongoing trickle in demand. While this requires tying up some working capital in slow moving inventory there will nonetheless be that ongoing constant demand and it is a necessity to complement a range of fine scale models. It also has the advantage of having a one time development cost (PECO Streamline is 60 years old). As a business proposition it is completely different to rolling stock which needs to be produced to cater to different eras and liveries the purchase of which is optional. Track on the other hand is almost generic and standard but not an optional purchase, all modelers need it and I and many others would convert and purchase 21mm track even if the available range was limited to flexi straights, and left & right hand points. This is the holy grail.
  9. Seems to me not everyone is going to be happy but for what it's worth I would like to see Park Royals, AECs or Laminates.
  10. Are the containers permanently fixed to the chassis?
  11. If that is true is seems to me the whole class is doomed. Not a great recommendation of a GM product and certainly not to be expected in a locomotive that is a mere 25 years old.
  12. This was something different and adds interest, Variety is the spice of life.
  13. But is it an inherent problem, or is it due to impact that wasn't reported? Seems very strange.
  14. I don't think so but this may help; http://www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk/news
  15. This may be informative http://s374444733.websitehome.co.uk/code75/index.htm
  16. Some thoughts. For someone in Nth America the best choice is probably code 83 because it is readily available and it's my understanding that code 75 is actually slightly under scale. Also for someone in Nth America using code 100,, a good option is to use Peco point work with Atlas track. I found Atlas easier to lay and the sleeper spacing is wider (more prototypical than Peco). Granted the sleeper colouring is different but this will most likely be painted anyway.
  17. This is and extremely important topic and there and been a lot of interesting and valid input in which the consensus seems to be that supplying a niche market is problematic and most certainly anything niche within that market is not going to happen. So, it seems to me that if there are things we want “we” (the interested modelers and collectors) need to be more proactive in the process. As already mentioned, gone are the days when producers offered a range of products with little variation or upgrade year after year. In today’s world we need to be very alert to what is developing and on offer and to snap up what we want immediately because when “it’s gone it’s gone”. After that it is down to what might appear on EBAY and that can really determine for us “the price of our desires”. That is why I have been happy to pay upfront when pre-ordering from IRM and was very concerned when they suggested they were discontinuing this practice. I do acknowledge that initially I was a bit uneasy with paying upfront because while this was not crowdfunding, it seemed a little akin to that. Any initial unease has long dissipated Ultimately I’m happy to pay upfront because (a) it gives me peace of mind that I will secure the items I want and (b) I’m happy to help fund the project though I acknowledge this was never suggested by IRM and they committed to projects without real certainty of recouping their outlays. I was astonished when IRM produced the plough vans. While they compliment the ballast wagons, they are nonetheless a very niche item in a niche market and I would imagine it will take some time to shift this stock and this may be a motivating factor in a re-run of the ballast wagons, But at the same time a deterrent to producing a regular brake van (or other one-time items in a rake). However, in considering a re-run of anything, the producer must consider whether demand will be at similar levels as the original and whether upgrades are required or necessary. There is a precedent. The Murphy Models LIMA class 201 release in 2001 was superseded by a vastly improved re-release in 2011 but it seems to me that nine years later the re-release has not sold out whereas the original sold out within two years. So that might suggest there is little chance of a successful re- release of an upgraded Baby GM, at very least it would make the producer very cautious. There is anther question here. How many original buyers of the 201 bought the re-release? How many were simply happy to accept what some would point out as shortcomings in the original given that it was nonetheless a reasonable representation of this locomotive? How much does super detailing cost us and is there a trade off in robustness? Personally I don’t think rotating axle caps are necessary (or add that much) and I get worried when IRM consider it necessary to include 16 spares in each box and to find some already missing when the box is opened for the first time. How many of us have broken detail on our super detailed models? EG the brake wheels on IRM wagons (because of the fineness of the stem) and the roof detail on MM locos? There was time that those who wanted super detailing were happy to add this themselves as part of the fun in the hobby. I would advocate this. If it helps with costs, we should probably row back a little on the fiddly detail (particularly things that cannot be seen) and secondly. we should consider how we might work with producers to make it possible to manufacture items we desire. On this second point I would ask if IRM would be interested in managing crowd funded projects? I acknowledge this route has failed modelers in the UK in the past but with proper ring-fencing of the funds IE escrow accounts it should be possible to make this work. The great advantage is that nothing proceeds without sufficient demand and financial commitment on the part of the purchasers and with IRM hosting there is the benefit of their expertise.
  18. That seems most odd, you seem to be very unfortunate. I was notified on Jun 17 by IRM that the parcel had shipped and can see acceptance on that date by the Royal Mail. I can also see that it was processed through the USPS Chicago facility on Jun 24, arrived Marietta GA Jun 27 and delivered (as was anticipated while still in Chicago) on Mon Jun 29. Only complaint is that the postman left the parcel in blazing sunshine in the front yard (about 90f) where it sat for over 4 hours until I arrived home.
  19. A win for the hobby is dependent on sufficient volumes being sold and sticking to RRP is counterproductive in that regard. My comments have not been directed at any retailer in particular and I don't think the comparison you are making with pure retailers that carry the overhead of operating physical shops and holding large and wide ranging inventory is valid. Some of us are lucky enough to have a comprehensive model shop near us for everything we need from big ticket items down to the small specialist items but these shops are an endangered species. Paying a premium to support them is fine but won't be enough in the long term. They themselves need to take action to ensure survival and that means going head to head with the so called "boxshifters". Why accept being undercut by a British retailer, why not at least match their prices and take them on in their own (UK) market across all products? I'll close off on that note
  20. Gentlemen, both of you are making a distinction between an Irish and an UK market when in fact there is only one market for models of Irish interest and that market is not based in a single country. And in that context the question "why is there such a disparity in price between retailers, wherever they are based? is still valid. I can think of no reason Irish retailers cannot compete with UK retailers across the board and should be doing so in the interests of survival. The concept of expecting RRP is long dead in retail.
  21. By all means shop local, but we live in a competitive world and the real question is "why is there such a disparity in price?"
  22. I cannot provide a complete answer but can cay that the Nth City Mills was served by a siding up until the early 1970’s. The track layout can be seen on Geo Hive http://map.geohive.ie/mapviewer.html. (select the historic map 1888 -1913 and zoom into the Phibsborough area). The siding branched off the MGWR line on the north side of the Royal Canal immediately after that line crosses from the south to the north side of the canal at the 7th lock but since the Mills are on the south side of the Royal Canal this siding crossed back across the canal just below the 6th lock. The supporting stone walls of this bridge still exist. There were a couple of loops on this siding. Logically it would seem that wagons serving the mills were probably shunted between there and the Midland yard at Nth Wall for marshalling.
  23. Absolutely very brave and I also look forward to buying some of these wagons. My sentiment was to have this news broadcast as widely as possible.
  24. There appears to be no reference to this proposed joint venture on the IRM web site. May I suggest that it might be a good idea to do and also provide the link to the survey on that site .
  25. Excellent news; and hope there is sufficient interest to make this a reality. Indeed 'Winged or Flying Wheel" is the proper description of the logo, although while CIE should have known better and the later logo probably deserves the description of "broken wheel" it should really be referred to as the "Roundel".
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