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Everything posted by Ironroad

  1. Only three in the western hemisphere, c'mon folks, there are more of us. DJ, I know it's nice at the 28 degree mark, but it's not too bad at 34 degrees either.
  2. Ironroad


  3. Ironroad

    Enviro 400

    It's difficult to discern whether the problem lies with Hattons or Hornby- overselling on pre-order or not receiving the expected allocation. But seems similar to the problem I had with my pre-orders with Hattons for the MM 121 locos.
  4. Yes it is, but you do not want to get stopped at the level crossing just off Marietta Square, freight trains with 100 bogie wagons are typical.
  5. I'm in Marietta GA (Atlanta)
  6. A flag on the Canaries, now how anonymous is that?
  7. Very intriguing it is most unlikely that cars moved from the Republic to the North at that time.
  8. I'm not a car expert, but I suspect that picture was taken in the very early 1950's as two of the cars resemble Ford Prefects of the late '40s to early '50s. The picture posted showing a car train at Glanmire would appear to have been taken later in the 1950's as it seems to be carrying the successor model of the Ford Prefect (certainly the body style is mid '50s). The period I was referring to was the mid/ latter half of the 1960's, so it seems cars on flat wagons may have been a feature on Irish railways for a extended period of time (maybe 15 - 20 years).
  9. My father worked at Nth Wall and I know they loaded cars onto flat wagons. Nothing sophisticated about it as cars were driven into position over boards between each wagon. I don't think they made up full trains but these rakes of flats were probably part of the regular goods train formations heading west. So a train carrying cars in Claremorris is probably correct. But not sure they would have been Fords since they were assembled in Cork but certainly not exclusively Fords, I clearly remember my father making specific mention of VWs. I'm not sure how long this traffic lasted. Cars transported on open flats were vulnerable to damage by vandals hurling stones off bridges and there seems to have been some of this.
  10. Since you are located in the US this may be of interest to you. https://www.ebay.com/itm/BACHMANN-HO-IRISH-RAILWAY-EZ-TRACK-00651/324532973482
  11. Even the thought of a train travelling at 40mph on the loop line and through platform 5 is frightening. But you've reminded me of my earliest recollection (at 3 yrs old) of seeing a steam engine and it was on platform 5. As this great steaming noisy beast stormed along the platform, I hid under a bench. I also remember those enormous hydraulic buffers and seeing them in a mangled state after the enterprise failed to make a timely stop.
  12. As this discussion evolves, some ideas are emerging. But as alluded to by Mayner, it may be best if this endeavour is driven by a "collective" rather than one individual (no disrespect is intended here the initiative already taken is great). Perhaps that collective could be formed through support from MM, IRM, the clubs and individuals willing devote time and effort? Any thoughts on this?
  13. Both sentences are a bit like asking which came first "the chicken or the egg". I had no reason to suspect the existence of Irish Models so wasn't actively looking for them. I was at a loose end at close of the day on a business trip and strolling around a big hobby box store in Wisconsin and was dumbfounded at the sight of a green Irish Train set, that's what got me looking. The whole point of the discussion here is about a means of raising awareness and interest in modeling Irish Railways and measuring demand for specific items. So it seems to me the Facebook page launched by Bumble_Bee may contribute at least a little to this. There is an enormous Irish diaspora and I'm sure that at least a small percentage of that group may have an interest in modelling railways, but the probability is that very few know of MM or IRM. Something more than stumbling over things or word of mouth is needed. I'm not a marketing expert so I don't know the answer.
  14. So true. I had already started investing in GWR outline when I discovered by chance that some Irish stuff existed (albeit very little at that time) but that was a game changer. The existence of Irish stuff isn't all that obvious, you have to know about it.
  15. Hi Fran, I expressed disappointment at a comment you made a few weeks ago which seemed to say the exact opposite of this, (as regards steam) you have me confused.
  16. The primary objective of the Facebook page as stated to promote Irish Railway Modeling to a wider market and to help with measuring interest in RTR models. I would be inclined to be supportive of that because I wonder if it wouldn't have greater reach than this forum. Personally my interest in Irish Models was sparked by the MM/Bachmann trainset when I saw it in a store here in the US about eighteen years ago. But I was completely unaware of this forum until about 2017 when I discovered it by accident. This forum is invaluable there is no disputing that but 1500 members is a very small club and the actual number of really active members seems to be a small percentage of those 1500, so are we really reaching the potential audience and can we really gauge potential etc. on that? This forum and the Facebook page can be complementary so let's give it our support.
  17. Hmm 3 wheel coaches, that would be interesting. All joking aside, I have an abiding dislike of the company that calls itself Hornby and have never bought their products. Leopards don't change their spots, This is the entity that drove the real Hornby out of business almost 60 years ago, took their name and discarded their products, which were far far superior.
  18. Steam engines were still in use and when the A class was introduced in silver livery, and steam was still around (phasing out rapidly) when the green liveries appeared. I think you can safely run A's in these liveries hauling similar rolling stock as was hauled by steam. Much has been said elsewhere on this site about the variety of rolling stock in use in that period, there was little standardisation.
  19. I have no idea and would also like to know the reason. Why run three Tara's daily when it could be reduced to two, or even one? This is an extract of regulations published in 2019 on train lengths (full document in in the resources forum), but no reason is given. Except where specifically authorised, the number of vehicles attached to fully braked freight trains must not exceed 36 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs). For the purpose of calculating train lengths, one 18.6 m (62’ 9”) bogie wagon or one 22 m bogie pocket wagon is counted as 3 TEUs, all other bogie wagon types are counted as 2 TEUs and 2-axle wagons are counted as 1 TEU. On a selfish note I'm not complaining because a great reason for modelling Irish railways is that prototypical train lengths is possible.
  20. Did anyone notice the drivers cab door on 072 at 6.59, 11.33 and 13.54 in this video?
  21. My preference is for the early configuration with 121's. that's an image fixed in my memory.
  22. I'm open to correction, but I thought they were used on the outer suburban services between Wicklow and Dundalk, I remember seeing them un Tara St in the late '80's
  23. I agree it may be premature of Hattons to advertise these items and indeed for anyone to pre order without ultimately knowing the bottom line but the frenzy of buying at the point of release of of Irish models is difficult to deal with and I prefer to try to secure what I want ahead of that. Missing out is disastrous and leaves us at the mercy of mercenaries on EBay. But a word of caution, a preorder with Hattons is not necessarily secure. It would seem they don't have the courtesy to advise they are sold out on pre-order nor do they operate on a first come first served basis. For example I pre-ordered eight 121s as early as April 2019, I only got six of these. One was cancelled arbitrarily by Hattons the other is still recorded as being on pre-order and Hattons are still insisting the will supply when they get it, but that is nonsense. One other thing to be aware of is that if you update your credit card information in your profile on the Hattons website, this does not change the credit card details associated with your pre orders and you must also separately update the credit card info on each order.
  24. I agree and say this with a heavy heart as a customer of theirs for over 40 years. I have no complaint about packaging but they arbitrarily cancelled one of my pre orders for a 121 while another one is still recorded as being on pre order and still pending delivery and they insist that is the case despite the fact this version has long since been released to the trade by MM.
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