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Everything posted by Irishswissernie

  1. Londonderry & Lough Swilly Rly, Letterkenny goods yard. ca 1952. Loughrea Branch G612 at Attymon and after arrival at Loughrea 28 October 1962.
  2. CB&SCR Baltimore station 5 November 1960 x2.
  3. I wouldn't rely too much on the date being correct, JGD 's records especially after 1963 are sketchy and much amended, possibly years later when his health had declined.
  4. Not quite railway but one does have CIE on the barge or barge contents. These 2 were with a batch of freebies with no location details but the date was 28 October 1966. They were with a batch of Irish railway negs and these 2 are of an Irish canal the giveaway on the footbridge photo being the usual tall TV aerials on the flats to the left. Ideas anyone?
  5. 3 J G Dewing negs today from 1964. 207 at Mount Pleasant on the main line. 207 again but at Aghadavoyle date is probably 29 May 1964 as I have almost an identical JGD colour slide taken then. 171 at Omagh.
  6. A couple more from the Courtmacsherry area as 552 trips a few more wagons of beet to Ballinascarthy 5 November 1960. Several trips of 3 to 5 wagons +Brake Van appear to have been tripped in the beet season each day to Ballinascarthy where a C Class Diesel then took the assembled wagons to Cork. 552 spent the night at Clonakilty shed.
  7. There's a signal already in place but unlikely to be from when the line was in operation https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.6409222,-8.7606741,3a,75y,57.13h,73.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBw8bxi7Bvv1rKws-0E8LFQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Just need to win the Euro Lottery to finance the job.
  8. Courtmacsherry 5 November 1960 x 2. (552 is the loco) Dublin Connolly 144 28 October 1995.
  9. Coleraine 28 June 1952, 66. Cavan & Leitrim, Ballinamore 6T shunting and taking water.21 March 1959.
  10. Limavady Junction 19 April 1948. Antrim Down Starter, 30 June 1952.
  11. I have added a couple more JM Design wagons, pictured here behind A30 along with a few others from the same stable. They await adulteration er painting etc.
  12. SG3 37 and UG 49 at Grosvenor Road Goods 1968. Some nice wagon underframe detail!
  13. 2 views of Westport. 632 on shed 6 July 1955 (note the gated coal bunker). 2 August 1967.
  14. GNRI/UTA Victoria Bridge 24 August 1962. Londonderry & Lough Swilly, Tooban Junction 20 April 1953.
  15. Clonakilty Junction 5 November 1960 x 3
  16. Inchicore B132 Ca1962. Note the 2 dirty marks the Crew's boots have made above each step, I should weather my 121's accordingly! Connolly, J4 258 June 1961. Foxford 663, 6 July 1955.
  17. Negative only arrived yesterday Jim along with some L&LSR ones.
  18. Limerick Junction 4 July 1955. 700 +361 head an up goods. CDRJC/NCC Londonderry Victoria Road , 8 on 10am to Strabane 20 April 1954. Dublin Connolly, 147 22 Feb 1991.
  19. Timoleague & Courtmacsherry Light Railway 5 November 1960, 552 at Courtmacsherry Dublin Inchicore Works C222 , said to be 1960 but possibly a bit later.
  20. Ennis 3 November 1960 , a few cattle wagons in view. Clarecastle same date.
  21. I don't know how much of Ireland is covered by wind turbines but over here you can't shift round the coasts/inshore for them. The Missus and I were down at Blyth yesterday and here she is posing in front of one. No she isn't a dwarf !
  22. Connolly 27 March 1992 143. Waterford 4 April 1993 158. Claremorris 5 October 1992 189.
  23. 3 G Roose Ennis slides today. 3 June 1996 168 on 14.00 to Limerick City. these 2 both 19 April 2000, 169 on the 13.50 to Limerick and 150 in the yard with bagged cements.
  24. GNRI Drogheda 86 29 May 1958. GNRI Dunleer 170 29 Sept 1958. West Clare Lahinch 7C ca 1954.
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