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Everything posted by WRENNEIRE

  1. Next show 17th Feb Trying a Sunday this time Speaking to both traders and the general public at the last show they seemed to prefer a Sunday gig rather than a Saturday one I will post a trader list in the next couple of days when we have our final tally
  2. Thanks Dave, thats all I get? I have had to take these models out of their boxes for you people, even had to tear the protective paper off some of them. Gimme a break.............
  3. January 08 saw the next issue of the Baby GM's 143 156 181 & 188 Again 500 of each produced
  4. I dont there is a "one liner" in existence to sort out this mess. I find myself in a bad place regarding all the negative feedback on this issue Des and Anthony are both on my Christmas card list and I have spoken with both of them regarding all the issues brought up I have ordered 6 kits and hope to have them soon. One should be here tomorrow hopefully I am buying the kits to resell; I have some customers waiting for them I do not see any issue that cannot be sorted The acid test however will be whether or not the kits sell. When the kit arrives I will post some comments, however I do have to agree with Train Model and GMO71 in the way that the forum seems to have gathered like vultures to criticize SSM I have tried having some bits made commercially in the past and it was a nightmare, so bad in fact that I took a large hit and never went ahead with it The amount of time alone that goes into these projects is phenomenal and if time alone were charged at the average industrial rate the models would be twice as dear, but the thing that I really admire with any project is the balls to get up and do it, remember its money up front with all these projects, bring your items to market and then hopefully see the smile on your customers face when they purchase one Remember folks this model was available for view at Cultra for 2 days I never heard one negative comment, bar from the mean bastards who were giving out about the price, but they complain all the time anyway! Knowing the man that Des is, I am sure he will sort out some bits to remedy the concerns Knowing the man (and a half) that Anthony is, he has had time to ponder. We all know he jumps in first, asks questions later. He has pointed out some flaws in the model but let’s leave it at that. We are all in this hobby together; let’s enjoy it while we can They said the Titanic was the dogs gonads……..
  5. Not sure if I want to Broite Looks like "kiddy bait" to me
  6. My own favourite was Sherbofiz Cost was 3d, never bought one in new money It came with a liquorice straw that you could suck the sherbert (sounds rough!) through The fizz was created by forming carbon dioxide on your tougue, would bring tears to your eyes Some bloke in a yellow hat and high viz vest probably took iy off the market?
  7. Just for you Fitz http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/curly-wurly-p-522.html
  8. Rich Heard you are doing the next Stillorgan show Any idea what models you will be showing?
  9. Just finished Connelly's "The Black Box" which was in my Christmas Stocking Have read all his others as well Styled myself on Bosch back in the day.......
  10. Quiet enough Kieran Small event, at most there would be 10 traders and only 3 of them selling railway stuff, 4 if you count Baseboard Dave. A lot of die cast and also books. Small crowd as well, it was a pig of a day weather wise Hopefully they are keeping their loot for the next one!
  11. Rich I have boxes of that stuff, plastic and white metal Maybe when you are delivering my orders you might like to have a root in my drawers? Maybe stay the night?
  12. I would have had a better chance of putting out that fire after a gallon of Arthur than me jills the fireman Was someone standing on his hose? Answers on a postcard.....
  13. Whats the value of this lot? He paid around €1500 - €1600 depending on where it was bought Everything is now secondhand, no guarantees with anything Still some 201's knocking around 141/181's still available RPSI still around Loads of Cravens around Mk 2'a hard enough to get So I reckon it could be bought today from the various dealers and shops for around €1200, so to make any sense at all it would have to be bought for €1000 max I could not see myself buying it for anything over €900 as the return would be minimal I see postage is quoted at €100!
  14. Same seller again, westoys I mailed him to tell him that the top prices were for R768 Boxed locos as his were not in original boxes as "they only came in sets" according to him Anyway let him at it.
  15. Just heard that the 071 has been shortlisted for "Model of the Year"
  16. I see the Hymek has been sold Looks like he accepted an offer on it I dont think it was Anto's £1 offer! I have done some business with the seller in the past Removed from my Christmas Card list!
  17. Well done Nigel Super post Love the vids as well
  18. All will be in Freight Livery 2 locos in the shop at the moment, stripped down to their bits.
  19. A little off thread but Jasus Wept, Love the second pic Just to show its empty!!!! http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/collectibles/4442788
  20. Back in the day I loved F1 Carnage left right and center Fires breaking out in the pits The odd spectator slaughtered Now I think the drivers should be wearing yellow hats and jackets like our friends in H & S
  21. Picked up 20 141/181's yesterday All brand new, have not even been taken out of the box in some cases Mostly CIE Black and Supertrain liveries A couple of IR's as well Drop me a PM if you are looking for any particular number
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