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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. If you had that at home who would need a toolbox
  2. kevrail

    Barls Workbench

    Excellent look forward to seing the fin ished product
  3. Happy New Year to all Irish Railway Modellers
  4. Looking great. What have you used to make the buildings. I assume they are scratch built.
  5. Looking Good. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product. That looks really fiddley>
  6. Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year
  7. Anywhere in bangor you can recommend?
  8. Are you using a spray gun or can the paint be got in aerosol can form.
  9. Kirley For my led strips I use this guy on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SMD-Strip-300mm-length-12v-YELLOW-3-for-2-available-/150779862421?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item231b2e1d95 They are led strips which can be cut and soldered and you can have different colours and using them in Metcalfe kits is good from the point of view that they do not disappate heat. He also is good if you need any questions answered. some of his other kits seem quite good also. For the street lamps I bought from ebay in Hong kong but not really impressed as they are wheat grain bulbs and tend to give off too much heat. I have also used Pre Wired 5mm Clear LEDs with White Light for DC12V - DC16V which also come in 3mm of ebay and these are not too bad. An example of thses are the COKE Machine on the platform which has a 5mm led inside it. If at all where possible I recommend the use of LEDs as opposed to Wheat Grain Bulbs as they are safer. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Trains-Railway-Models-/479/i.html?item=400317779751&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&_dmd=2&_ssn=wehonest_cn
  10. Kirley Now that you are at the paint stage where do you get your paint RAL 2000? is it locally and if so where?
  11. here are a few photos of my Tesco store as requested by Grange Castle. This is a Hornby kit plastic which requires no painting. It is advertised as a cafe and has transfers to be added of required. I have just added TESCO transfers and have lit inside with LED strip.
  12. Robert that was my next questions. The wheels are terrible and derail frequently. I get the impression the wheels move across at times which takes them out of alignment with the rails. I assume I would have to change the bogies or wheels. This is one of the reasons I have decided to experiment with these as I bought of ebay. My main problem is that due to space a rake of 4 coaches would be max. This is a project I will move on very slowly, although i have dismantled one already and have give it a couple of coats of primer.
  13. Thanks metvic. The Tesco is a hornby cafe kit adapted. I have attached a photo of the building leds on the interior with a The decals are just taken of the internet and the deliveries doors are just added on. Quite a simple adjustment really. No difficult work involved
  14. kevrail

    Track Cleaning

    Thanks guys more jobs for me to do..
  15. The fleet of buses that run around Kilcoole
  16. Kirley layout looks fantastic. The detail in the farm is amazing. looks like the one at Cultra in the folk museum More pics please
  17. Thanks Guys. I am sitting here with projects rolling about in my head - What next. MK111 IR Supertrain seems likely
  18. My son has arrived home from Edinburgh on Tuesday night. Every time I look he is playing with my Kilcoole layout. I can't get near it to do any work. He has never showed any intrest in anything like this before but is now glued to it. 5 solid hours yesterday and is taking full advantage of DCC running 2 trains on the one track plus compaining that if the points were electrified it would be easier to operate. today has been the same from bedroom to layout room.
  19. The detail on the side walls are awesome. Great job
  20. Great model. Where did you get the GARDA decals. Looks brill. I have this model but with POLICE decals. Would be interested how you achieved this. Just read the rest of your post re decals I am sure there is someway I can do this. I feel another project coming on. Great collection of models any pics on layout
  21. Rob Have just tried that using cocktail sticks to hold open and out she popped. Will see how I progress with the rest as I expect it is beginners luck. Need to go to Halfords to get VW Brill orange. Thanks Rob
  22. "I'm getting 2 of these for christmas and you aint gonna drive any of them. So there"
  23. Rich I have a couple of Louef MK3111 coaches which I was considering respraying to IR livery at some time. looking at them though I cannot see how you would take them apart. Any ideas? In relation to colour is it safe to assume that if I go to Halfords and ask for VW Brilliant Orange this would be the colour to use. As I say this is a project on the to do list so any advice would be welcomed
  24. Looks realistic. I look forward to seeing the finished product
  25. I really like the cable detail on the platform wall. What did you use for the black cable. Looking good
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