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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. love the Stobart van. Did you do that yourself
  2. Brilliant. Can't wait to see in situ.
  3. More pics Kirley. I love the layout.
  4. KeyLites http://www.kyteslights.com/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=230 Thanks Kirley
  5. Am I drunk or are those pictures up side down
  6. Welcome to the Site Rangermouse Brilliant Work
  7. Some examples of the use of the LED type strip for interior of buildings and the use of different colours
  8. For my Street Lighting I have used 12v Grain Wheat which I bought of ebay. The single lamps shown below worked out quite well but the double lamps I do NOT recommend as they are a nightmare to wire up due to the 4 un-insulated wires There is a great selection on ebay to suit style and price. I bought mine from the following. they are plastic and can be painted to suit your layout requirements http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/sis.html?_kw=20pcs+Model+Single+Head+Street+Lights+Lamppost+w%2F+Billboard+Scale+1%2F75+10.5cm&rt=nc&_dmd=2&_id=400265157349&_vc=1 Another good source is Key Lites http://www.oovo.com/ Some examples of the finished product. One thing to be aware of when using this type of light is that it does generate heat and should NOT be left on for long periods unattended. The wiring at the termination end of the lamp can be Pluggerable terminal connectors to give you flexibility and a tidy wring loom. If you still feel that you need more information I recommend a site that will help explain the basics called the Electronics Club http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/index.htm Even for experienced people this is a good site to revise those days of Physcis classes and well worth a look. I hope this has been of some help to someone and as I always say if you need help someone on this forum will have the answer:banana: Some Examples of what can be achieved simply and in expensive.
  9. Jim-Jim If you are looking for practical advice and inspiration try Everard Junction on You Tube. He has some good tutorials that give you practical advice. http://www.youtube.com/user/EverardJunction/videos?view=0 Great to have you on board
  10. And here is the final result
  11. Use of the Blue LED strip
  12. Yes I know they do but I find this is a cheaper alternative and just as effective especially in buildings and you can use plug and socket connectors on these if required
  13. I thought I would post this thread re lighting your layout, simply because I have had a lot of favourable comments on the lighting on my layout. Generally I use LEDs 9v-12v for my buildings as most of them are Metcalfe Kits and with less heat than Grain Wheat bulbs are safer to use. Also they are just as inexpensive as the Grain Wheat. The 2 types illustrated are shown 1- Pre Wired 5mm Clear LEDs with White Light for DC12V - DC16V' they also come in Pre Wired 3mm Clear LEDs with White Light for DC12V - DC16V' they can be bought of ebay and the link below gives you a selection to choose from http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/sis.html?_kw=30+pcs+Pre+Wired+5mm+Clear+LEDs+with+White+Light+for+DC12V+-+DC16V&_id=400317779751 2 - SMD Strip 300mm length 12v ( A disadvantage to this type is that you have to solder the +ve and -ve but is not a major problem really) I buy these type of ebay from the same guy and is very good providing information. He has a good selection of colours which allows a mix and match approach to your buildings as can be seen in Kilcoole http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SMD-Strip-300mm-length-12v-BRIGHT-WHITE-Buy-2-get-double-/160953051862?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item25798caad6 I have included some examples of what may be very easily achieved from my layout 5mm Led used to light outside of signal box Shown lit 5mm LED shown unlit I hope this is of use to someone
  14. Thanks Bos. Still a lot to do although it seems more buildings than railway. I want to add some depth to the layout in general so am thinking of a layer at the back above to landscape but can't make up my mind. I have also thought about tearing it down and starting from scratch as I feel I could make better use of space to start again. Not sure what to do yet as this forum really makes you think. But who knows what will happen
  15. Some more pics of Kilcoole Bus Fleet
  16. Some updates on the layout and the new Ambulance Station
  17. The layout looks bigger than you have described. Can you post some more pics of overall size. It does look a great layout. I have a small room and I would like to see what you have done as it may give me an idea to use as musch space as I can Thanks
  18. Have a look at this site for basics and ideas http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/Electrical.htm
  19. Hi Jim-Jim Ebay will give you some good bargains http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190798884669?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 also Hattons of Liverpool are good for pricing guide. http://www.ehattons.com/
  20. I never noticed that
  21. Looking forward to that
  22. Any date when the new shop will be open? looking forward to this:banana:
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