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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. just found this on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HO-Gauge-Jouef-HDI-CIE-Irish-Coach-/251218335920?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3a7dc798b0 HO Gauge Jouef HDI CIE Irish Coach Poor condition- box has no interior, windows damaged genuine HDI chassis current bid @ £10.50
  2. Brilliant keep the photos coming
  3. hattons are now taking orders for the Scania http://www.ehattons.com/60477/Oxford_Diecast_76IRZ001_Scania_Irizar_PB_Eireann/StockDetail.aspx
  4. Has anyone completed one of these, if so could you post pics please.
  5. hattons have them advertised @ £15 also a 76FT009 Ford Transit LWB High Bus Eireann @ £4
  6. looking good kirley. What type are the donor coaches, Jouef by any chance? The brake vans look super!!!!
  7. I love this patrick keep posting photos as you progress.
  8. Where did yaz dig this one up. It couldn't fit on my layout
  9. I agree with you Sentinel281 but would he not have been better selling single or even smaller lots. Feel sorry for the guy
  10. Must have a look at this sounds good. May set me off on me train travels again.
  11. No probs:-bd
  12. Some new shops in Kilcoole and station is populated. New Tesco Metro and Cafe Nero opened in station :banana:
  13. kevrail


    my first attempt kit bashing an EVG. Did these have logos and I think there is a white line missing. Comments welcome sorry for the quality of pictures
  14. i love the station building. Is it a scratch build or kit?
  15. Hence lies the problem! No one wants to take responsibility unless someone puts up money for it. Cultra Station House was built in 1897 and is assumed to have been designed by GP Culverwell. It replaced Sir Charles Lanyon’s original design which was burnt down in a malicious fire. The replacement was built in a typical decorative red brick late Victorian style and is a listed building, partially two storey and partially single storey. The two storey portion was once living accommodation for the stationmaster and the single storey housed waiting and ticket collection areas. Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/abandoned-cultra-railway-station-to-get-a-new-lease-of-life-16198980.html#ixzz2I9tXYFI3 It is a piece of railway history that has been forgotten due to the fact no one wantss to take the responsibility and probably will be lost.
  16. Well I suppose if it is not going to be knocked down that is good, as long as it is done tastefully. Marino station building is quite well done for a domestic dwelling.
  17. They cleared the ground around it a while back and then left it to grow wild again. At that stage I think planning permission was sought for dwellings. I was always suprised why the transport meuseum could not have taken it over and refurbished it. Strange! Probably will end up being demolished and new dwellings put up in its place. Craigavad station building at least was saved even if it was refurbed
  18. Hi Karl With a computer and printer you can keep the costs down. I have just set up my own layout and had the same questions. I went for DCC as I believe you can have more realistic movments on the layout. You can convert your current locos to dcc quite easily and cheaply. The guys on this site will keep you right and advise and encourage. Love the pics. Great to see you on board kevin
  19. If you want somthing simple this might be an option. I havn't tried it myself but have bought led strips off this guy and was pleased. This is a simple option. Maybe buy one and try it on one coach and see how it goes. It will not cost a fortune to experiment with this. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Battery-Powered-Carriage-Lighting-with-Switch-NEW-/150637707878?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item2312b50266 The video of Everard Junction is excellent but not for the faint hearted. In my experience the use of resistors and soldering can put people off, but it is not as difficult as it looks.The main problem is getting power from the track to the LEDs in the carriage as Everard Junction explains. Have a look at the video it is well worth a look even if you decide not to go down that route it will fill in some of the gaps.
  20. A bit of a diversion as I wrestle with my coach respray
  21. MK II :banana:Express Version
  22. If I sold this on Ebay could I get £250
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