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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. Where do you source all these Jonny?
  2. http://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/shop/kits_modelling/irish_railways_inc_murphy_models_rtr_kits_transfers/index-2.php Guys Has anyone used these overlays from DC Kits ? If so can you tell me what you think of them. Thanks:confused::confused::confused:
  3. Hi Stuart No I only work on my own layout " Kilcoole" which you can look at in the layout section. I would have a bash at this garage though.
  4. Can you give us some detail on building this type of diaorama
  5. It is a nice job Jonny. I knew you would like it
  6. Are the buildings scratch built. If so what have you used?
  7. Fantastic Can you give us more information and pics. I really love this thread and so will Grange Castle
  8. Hi Jimbo - Nothing wrong with that loco shed. I think that when you start modelling and you have built a few pieces you will always find fault with the original pieces. You can add or adjust as you see fit but the cost must be low on your loco shed so even if you had made a hash it would not have been a big expense. keep it up and keep the pics coming
  9. kevrail


    I certainly second this Well done & Thank you Stephen
  10. kevrail


    This is a great site and very friendly - long may it reign
  11. Welcome Jamie:trains: Post pics of your progress
  12. Great work. Keep the pics and updates coming. This is a great thread.
  13. kevrail

    Old photos

  14. kevrail

    Old photos

    Adelaide goods yard, Belfast CIE locomotive shunting at the yard, long before the withdrawal of cross-Border freight trains. The yard was owned by NIR. The locomotive and wagons were CIE but the driver of the pilot loco would, most likely, have been NIR.
  15. any particular time?
  16. Absoutley fantastic kieran What a job. Well done
  17. kevrail

    CIE Brakevan.

    Great Job How long did it take you to complete?
  18. Anyone going? If so what time. Is there an entrance fee?
  19. Lovely looking layout there Eamonn. More pics please
  20. Jonny I am suprised you just havn't bought the lot.
  21. thanks for the pics
  22. Those are ones I did myself. The range rover just changed the signs but the van I did a bit more work on although I am still trying to do the stripe decals. I love your vehicles - You deffo need something to display them on - Need to start on a baseboard
  23. My Garda Fleet on the streets
  24. Your Stobart Fleet is increasing on a grand scale - love the horsebox
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