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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. Hattons have Base Toys IE01 Leyland Comet Flatbed "C.I.E." - A nice addition to the Irish layout. £6.99 sterling not bad http://www.ehattons.com/67952/Base_Toys_IE01_Leyland_Comet_Flatbed_C_I_E_/StockDetail.aspx
  2. have a look at my post for lighting. May be of some use - I would always recommend LEDs much better and safer that Wheat Grain http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1621-Layout-Lighting
  3. =D=D=D Speechless - Looking forward to watching this layout grow
  4. Great to hear baseboard done any pics? Spar looking good
  5. This has been around Belfast Central for most of this week.
  6. Another masterpiece in the making. Great work Kieran
  7. Very deepest sympathy for your loss Seamus.
  8. Anyone going tomorrow. If so what time.
  9. Really love the pics of other parts of the layout. GVS Station brings back memories of travelling to & from Dublin and I remember the customs at GCS Station. Keep the pics coming, another fantastic layout
  10. More pics please Anthony of the CAF. Bloody lovely. A video would be nice. Wow what a layout.
  11. Probably the best way is to sell on eBay. Have a look on eBay that might give you an idea of what the pieces mat fetch
  12. Any pics David to wet the appetite
  13. nice to see Ballykay back and herself. Another fantastic layout. More pics Anthony please
  14. I meant fantastic Kieran.
  15. I am losing my breath. Kirley junction and now this. Lads there is a serious amount of talent and skills on this forum. I take my hat of to you lads
  16. excellent work - WOW the layout is fantastic - Well done Kieran
  17. Excellent work - More pics please
  18. Kieran Fantastic work
  19. I have never seen this layout - Looks great any pics??
  20. Looking great - is making me feel like ripping up my own layout & restarting - More pics to keep us updated with your progress
  21. I found this layout on you tube - Nice
  22. Merry Christmas to all on the site. It is thirsty work being an irish railway modeller
  23. Quality modelling - 1st class
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