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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. . I think Translink has decided on a Two tone colour scheme for the Enterprise Service --- "DIRT & RUST"
  2. A BBC Report of the 13/5/2013 stated: - The number of passengers using the Enterprise cross-border train service between Belfast and Dublin has dropped by 22% over the past 10 years. The figures were detailed in a consultation paper prepared by the Department for Regional Development.Translink, the Northern Ireland public transport provider, blamed the drop in custom on recent road improvements and a downturn in the Republic's economy. Of the six main NI railway routes, it was the only one to record a decline. They haven't mentioned the fact that they seem to let the Enterprise fleet go to the dogs. To see it in the station is a disgrace for an Intercity service and really looks the "Poor relation" compared to the local service.
  3. The coaches are also in a sorry state. Any wonder number of passengers are down, not what you would call a great incentive to travel on
  4. I just caught it coming through about 2pm on its own and made a dive for my camera. I assume it was heading back to York Road.
  5. Here is one that is on the platform in Central Station Belfast
  6. Thanks Lads. It is a fictional town with a main through station and a bus station as you can see with the amount of buses which travel to rural parts somewhere in Ireland
  7. Sorry about the quality of photos. Just cant seem to get to grips with this camera
  8. Speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Also Garda van both in stock at Hattons. I have ordered both Jonny
  10. kevrail

    Nir caf

    I was clearing out and found this ticket a limited addition that NIR produced for the first 1000 passengers to travel on the new CAF in 2004.
  11. Lovely Locos - I remember them well
  12. Wow More pics Please Welcome Roy. looking forward to more of your layout.
  13. Anybody going? . The Railway Preservation of Ireland are running a 'Bangor Belle' Steam Excursion on Saturday 25th. May 2013. Why not travel to the show by steam and enjoy a complete railway day out. There will be a £1 discount on the cost of admission to our show on production of a valid RPSI ticket. Depatures from Whitehead Excursion Station, Lisburn & Belfast http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/events/
  14. Kieran The layout is looking fantastic. I can't believe the progress
  15. I know a few years back there was a railway exhibition in Killarney beside the new Tourist Office, but it has been closed for a few years. There was an admission charge but I have to say it was worth it. Not sure is this shines any light on the matter!
  16. Jonny Here is one you might want on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/350797171045?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  17. Why would they want to preserve anything re railways. It is NIR we are talking about. -- Not Interested in Railways (NIR)
  18. I suppose this is what you call Showing a GARDA presence
  19. Jonny I bought my first 4 from Atlas and then gave it up. I didn't think they where going to produce the whole fleet. I am going to see if I can pick up where I left off. The range is impressive as each model comes out
  20. Jonny why don't you buy direct from Atlas. Here is the link http://www.atlaseditions.co.uk/collection/Eddie-Stobart/Volvo-FH-Fridge-trailer.html
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