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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. I Found this on You Tube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X-smrTKK54 Enjoy
  2. [h=1]Silver Fox A Class A2 Irish Loco[/h] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Silver-Fox-A-Class-A2-Irish-Loco-/261173026583?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3ccf201f17
  3. [h=1]Lima NIR 3 Coches Inter-City Livery Irish Murphy Models[/h][h=1]Lima NIR 3 Coches Inter-City Livery Irish Murphy Models[/h] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lima-NIR-3-Coches-Inter-City-Livery-Irish-Murphy-Models-/261173041599?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3ccf2059bf
  4. Northern Counties Committee. Thanks Broithe for that. I am still at a loss as to what would be in oo gauge. Locos,coaches this thread I shall watch with intrest!!
  5. Thanks for the pics Tommy. I want to decal my 150 with Translink but don't really want to do a respray. This has given me a few ideas. Love the layout
  6. Where would you put your Layout??????
  7. The simple ideas are alwaqys the best!!!!
  8. What is NCC?
  9. The quality of modelling is just breath taking. More pics please to inspire me
  10. kevrail

    DC to DCC

    Have a look at this site for DCC. It may answer some of your questions and help you decide. Personally I think it is the way to go. http://www.dccconcepts.com/index_files/DCCadvice1.htm
  11. looking Good. Any chance of pics of the DMU that you have decalled translink?
  12. Here are some more I found on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/tapedeck17/m.html?item=261170807352&pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3ccefe4238&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  13. kevrail

    New IÉ logo...

    By the looks of things they just whipped the photo of the internet and shoved the new logo on top
  14. kevrail

    New IÉ logo...

    I Know Mad or what. You thought they would have at least used a train with the new logo. Cheap marketing
  15. kevrail

    New IÉ logo...

    I Know Mad or what
  16. Yes Jonny well spotted Lothian Bus. My son brought it home for me from Edinburgh
  17. kevrail

    New IÉ logo...

    They have started using the new logo on website and facebook
  18. keep me updated. a few pics of the roofspace would be good so we can see your progress.
  19. My Bus fleet going in and out of the Bus Station at Kilcoole RailwayStation and also up and down the Main Street.
  20. Jonny No pics yet of your Tesco Shop
  21. My God that is one hell of a collection. Jealous
  22. Welcome EP. ask all the question you like as someone on this site always has the answer if not then it will be discussed and plenty of good advice given. keep the pics coming as we all love to see others layouts, ideas etc.
  23. Willkommen an Bord Frank. Das Layout ist brillant und das Rollmaterial und Busse sind nur vor Ort auf. Halten Sie die Videos kommen. Welcome aboard Frank. The layout is brilliant and the rolling stock and buses are just spot on. keep the videos coming.
  24. I have used this site. The signs are not great you can download any that they have of the net yourself. The buildings are not to bad for filling in spaces and easy to make. The best value is the portacabin which I have used. Attached are photos of the portacabin for £1 is great value I cut the windows out and put lighting inside on one of them but the rest I have left as they come.
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