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Everything posted by kevrail

  1. Eamon No they where bought of ebay and are 01/87 scale Here is the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/svenibaer0/m.html?_ipg=25&_from=&_nkw=&_armrs=1&rt=nc&_dmd=2
  2. kevrail


  3. kevrail


    Thanks Guys Do I need white lines on my EVG? The respray is complete bar a little touch up and white lines if needed
  4. kevrail


  5. kevrail


    I have this hornby Sleeper but dont know what to do so decided to kit bash just for the hell of it to respray. I have now decided to see what it would be like to try and make an EVG. Result Work in Progress Comments welcome
  6. kevrail


  7. kevrail


    That is one problem I dont have to worry about Weshty, that is how I can take a room and fill it with my layout:-bd
  8. Tony maybe it is the "Classy" Logo that makes it a collectable
  9. TRIANG HORNBY R768 IRISH CIE LIVERY CLASS 35 HYMEK BOXED MEGA RARE ITEM! Is it a collectors item? I wouldn't pay the postage cost never mind the winning bid cost. Certainly wouldn't be on my layout. As far as I am concerned it is as described "RARE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. kevrail


    I fall into that category Broithe. Just done a respray. Jesus what a mess!!!!!!!! Even managed to get some on the kitchen window.
  11. That is a masterpiece
  12. kevrail


    Thanks Weshty. This was not a road I had intended to go down but now find myself being sucked in by the contents of this forum. There are a lot of Purists on this forum and I am not one but find myself being drawn into it. Not a bad thing but I want to walk before I can run and have kit bashed a few old MK III coaches to respray and am tentively crawling along expecting to make mistakes and when completed find that there are things I could have done better, but sure that is life. I have suprised myself at "Having a Go". I am finding respraying is an art. I did pass your stand at Cultra in November should have picked your brains there but alas will battle on. Good luck Kevin
  13. kevrail


    Thanks Richie and Anthony. Good suggestion but at the moment I am going to kit bash MKIII s and see how I get on with the resprays. If I can master that then I might try an EVG
  14. kevrail


    Thanks railer Now all I need to do is build one in some shape or form.
  15. kevrail


    Thanks Guys
  16. kevrail


    Lads What is the purpose of EGVs ? What did they run with? Was it 141s, I know they reun with the 201s but why. I noticed recently that the Enterprise has acquired one but for a long time it seemed to run without it. Where they purpose built or modified from old carriages? I would be grateful for they answers to these questions as I have wondered for a long time but never asked the question. I know I will get chapter and verse from this forum. Thanks Lads
  17. Only one word for this project. "PERFECTION"
  18. Broithe I wonder who makes this figure. Prieser, bachmann scenecraft or Noch. Or should I go down the route of the attached photos????? Not really the scene I was looking for in "Kilcoole"
  19. Thanks Guys for all the positive comments, I am humbled by the comments. I only started this as a simple hobby"plodding" along to build a layout that included scenery with buses and lorries. Unlike the "Purists" among you I had no great ambition to go into fine detail but since I have joined this forum I seem to be captured by the sense of detail you all aspire too in what ever form, be it buildings, rail stock or scenery. Each visit to the site inspires me to stretch my abilities to the limit and try some things I would never have have thought of. The knowledge, history, encouragement and practical help from the members is inspiring. I am tip toeing along now with the MK III conversion to cie supertrain status so it will be exciting to see the end result and if it is of a standard that is the norm on this site.
  20. Kirley Railtec have photos which I believe is supplied by Anthony. I am currently working on these and this is the info I am using. Hope that is ok with you Anthony
  21. Richie here are the latest overall pics. I am using the Metcalfe country station as a Hotel along with the metcalfe Pub and have decalled it with an Irish theme. Just need to decal the Hotel. The entrance porch has been lit with blue leds and paved, still to finish off to complete.
  22. What colour do you suggest???
  23. This is the overall layout back in August 2012 but I am extending a double track either side and at the back having a level above the track. I have started to respray my MKIII s to make a CIE Super Train and am finding not as easy as it looks on this site. I never thought I would try a respray but with the help of members of this site it has inspired me to have a go.
  24. This is a Code 3 vehicle for a GARDA "Speed Trap". They get everywhere
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