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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. Hello all Work for tonight is the old breden coach.First I have sanded The coach down and then since all my primer is gone going to be painted in grey as It will help the paint stick. when I was sanding the coach down the coaches first livery(very light revel green which was imposible tp get pf the brush) that I had pit on looks vey like GSR green. The first image is the revel paint (sorry that it is blurred) the second is a is a pic of a model made after the death of Fry but using so GSR paint he got in Inchicore. I think they both look the same.
  2. Hey Colin Is it scot macs workbench?
  3. Hi colim Steven Johnson who co wrote the book with Alan O rourke did a few small miny books on old rail lines or links around Ireland but mostly in the south east. hope it helps.
  4. Thanks minister for hardship did any of the locos have not cie logo?
  5. Hello all at the top of this topic the first pic is of a diorama I wanted to finish and here it is 90%of the way.The scene is not based on a real place but has ties to a house I lived in Dublin. More coming very soon Hope you all like.
  6. Yes thats the one Imagine trying to model something like that. You would probaly have to pit the motor in the wagon and somehow make the legs of the hourse move.
  7. Hi galteemore I have always wanted to do O gauge where do you get the sleepers and stuff?
  8. Wow great pics I remember hearing about a branch in Cork that was horse oporated. Like on the Fintona The horses only carried one name. Insted of Dick like on the Fintona branch they were all called Paddy.
  9. Very interesting In my mind there is no reason to Flatbottomed rail on the sidings as you would not see the difference as most beet siding were covered in vegitation.Any way hope your layout turns out fine.
  10. So if it is a Irish layout what era will it be
  11. First decal on Sorry about the light.I think the decal is two high? Can anyone tell me if I am right? Hope you all like.
  12. 279 POUNDS! No way will anyone pay that price for an Irish engine that only worked in Cork until 1940.
  13. Prity big! would look even bigger when modeling N gauge.
  14. Inishlyre get a paint job on the side of the diorama I thinks it makes the model look 100%better
  15. Look class what is the overall lent of your layout?
  16. One of those 0-6-0s number 13 lasted until the 1960s working the docks in Belfast.A lot of NCC engine like Duluce castle were run to the ground by the UTA but nymber 13 only survived as it was given a rebuild in 1953.
  17. It may be in Irish railways miscellany films from the 1940s?
  18. Interesting pics. The tender on the castle class as well as the V(I think) look very old.
  19. A V and a VS class togethor would just be class. I remember there were 2 tenders at Mullingar both from the VS class. I beleive the RPSI are building a new NCC W class whitch sounds great but I would like to sea something CIE running but the RPSI have to do withwhat they got as they picked up some WT class wheels in the 70s
  20. Hello all With the diorama on hold I decided to work on some carriges and wagons.The firat job is a H van in green witch was an experenmental idea so they would go with the coaches. I though I would do it as I saw on on a differnet topic on this form. when the paint is dry I will pit decals on it. Next job is to clean up this Bredin coach.This is one of my favorite coaches I have as I built it when I was 9 years old and have kept it as at the time I thought it was class. The CIE stripe was hand painted using a thin brush and a very stedy hand.The body and windows are somewhere but right now I will be working on the cleaning up and the new paint job. The last job is probaly the simplested.It is to fix and hang up a picture that was a present from my ant in England. It is a colection of wills cigarette cards from the early 1920s .It includes a A1 with original tender ,A SECR 2-6-0 that would have looked like the midland vertion only in different livery and My favorite is 461 in the green livery that she never carried. Hope you all like.
  21. There seems to be dents at the back of the loco does anyone know why they are there.
  22. True There is one new loco idea that is possible and that is a 5ft 3in jintie.The reson is that there is a full chasis and boiler in England that is not used. It could be used a Downpatrck
  23. It is a real pity that CIE did nothing to save some engines.One of my favorite engines ever is 301 of the D11 class witch was the last ever GSWR 4-4-0 in service.It spent its time working on the DSER line until 1961. This engine realy should have been preserved as a display loco as the engine was raised from the dead once or twice due to the demand of the line.
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