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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. Does anyone have a colour code for the roof of the rebuilt EGV's? On page 90 of Irish Railway Rambler the pic clearly shows that the roof is a fairly dark grey colour on 4602 at least. I'm at that stage now. Eyeballing it I'm reasonably happy with Revell 69 granite grey which I have here by chance but in the unlikely event of anyone having a RAL code that code would be appreciated.
  2. Possibly fell off the back of the loading bay in the factory they were made in.
  3. I'm already looking forward to the rerun of the A's in a few years. I'll buy the same liveries again in the new running numbers. They are that nice a model.
  4. So I'm happy enough with the Ford Cargos. The transfers seem to have a little yellowing of the carrier film, probably due to age, but in reality from more than a couple of feet away it's not noticeable.
  5. Personally I am actually quite happy with the frequency of releases from IRM. It gives the old wallet a chance to recover. I suppose this is related to how much of each release you're going to buy. If, like me, you will take at least one of everything in your era of interest (or more as many do), then a release means at least several hundred € if not into the thousands and a breather between releases is probably required if your life isn't to be cut short in your sleep by the one laying next to you I fear that if IRM released too often, people would be forced into choosing between items they want. You can see these sorts of comments about UK outline releases on RMWeb.
  6. Good stuff. Just checked my order and Book Depository still says it's awaiting publication
  7. I might give that a go with the newspapers. Not a bad idea at all. Yeah those EGVs were bought like that, not scratch built or anything. I'm sure IRM will announce them in RTR the moment these are done lol. The road vehicles will have an Irish accent applied to them. I'll say no more for now.
  8. First projects for the new and improved spray booth... I've switched to undercoating with the airbrush because the finish is just better and using water based acrylics there's no smell. I can only say good things about the Oesling acrylics. Just using deionised water as a thinner though he says tap water is also fine but our water is very hard here. A gallon of deionised water costs like €3. Just keeps spraying with no tip dry.
  9. Here's a pic of 112 carrying a builder's plate I guess:
  10. I can ask him if he would consider doing the panels as a transfer Robert. If anyone has a pic of the text under the 071 brake it would be great if it's the same plate.
  11. Hi all, I'm in contact with Steve at Railtec at the moment about producing new transfers for the 111s. The current sheet is out of production and was missing some details anyway so Steve is going to kindly update the artwork. I've been able to provide him with suitable images of the Murphy Models 111s but there are three plates on these locos it seems, the builder's plate, which is probably the generic GM one and can be found online, the FUEL one, which is probably doable without an actual photo but there's also that instruction plate under the handbrake wheel. Does anyone have a pic of that, preferably including the wheel itself for scale? Cheers
  12. I am pretty sure I've passed through that without actually realising it.
  13. Yeah that's the Large Acrylic Collider there George
  14. Hey Popeye, yeah it shouldn't be physically possible because the system is a simple "create a vacuum and draw air in through trickle vents" so the grey box contains a large fan that vents air directly out through the wall and in doing so creates a constant vacuum in the three other ducts. The system runs 24/7 so there should be no opportunity for anything unwanted to make its way the "wrong way" up the ducts into the the living spaces. The spray booth obviously has a filter to catch paint over spray. When I took the booth apart there appeared to be no contamination beyond the filter in the fan area so I'm pretty confident no actual paint pigments will even get into the ducting. I like being able to paint inside as I have full control over the environment, lighting, dust, temperature, humidity etc.
  15. Small update. Still no model making so don't get too excited... I got sick of sticking the vent pipe from my spray booth out the window and it wasn't working very well anyway as a gust of wind would just blow the fumes back into the basement. I've now plumbed into the house mechanical ventilation system. I fitted shut off valves to the house extraction ducts so I can maximise the draw when I am painting, if I need to. I'll try it without reducing the ventilation of the house first. Maybe it's enough of a draw at least for acrylics. I added some new ducting which had to be punched through the wall from utility room to my hobby room. The other big advantage is that I don't have the noise of the high rpm inbuilt fan in the spray booth. It was loud. Coupled with a good size compressor tank it should be a fairly calming environment in future. Bit of patching up to do around the hole but that will all disappear under the layout someday anyway.
  16. Look forward to hearing how it works. I tried messaging the developer but haven't heard back yet. I mean even without Full Throttle support it's still very interesting because I couldn't justify a Loksound in every one of my locos. Just too expensive.
  17. You'd need your head examined to pay that for what it is.
  18. lol yeah I didn't really suspect he was trying to rip anyone off. Just hadn't a clue what he had on his hands.
  19. Hmmmm.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304373295680 Wasn't 085 factory weathered? Yeah, that's what's wrong here.
  20. Looks right at home there!
  21. The most important test would be easy to perform. From a standstill with the loco "ticking over" in idle, hit whatever F key "Drive Hold" is (if you use the US ESU files I am pretty sure they all use F9 by default) and then whack up the throttle to max. The loco should stand still with no motor revolutions but the sound should not, it should ramp up to notch 8 (full throttle) as if the loco were trying to move a heavy train from a standing start at full revs. If that doesn't happen, the developer hasn't (yet) implemented handling for FT. Notching back down the sound revs should drop back also. The throttle controls the sound not the motor when Drive Hold is engaged.
  22. Guinness and egg sandwiches must have made a right mess of the buffet!
  23. Yeah fantastic bit of team work to secure Aidan's legacy. Well done to all concerned.
  24. Sean, how does the sound syncing work with full throttle features like drive hold? Have you tried it out with a FT file? The NextGen app digests messages from the z21 server (or emulator) and then acts on them but I'm wondering if it gets confused with FT. FT is not at all common on European ESU projects so I'm wondering has the developer considered how to properly handle them.
  25. I would lol. I'd buy any new tippex ones. I have a rule that I don't buy locos to renumber so I have only one of each of anything I was interested in. It keeps me in check, otherwise I'd go mad altogether buying stuff. But then I don't feel bad buying a loco if I don't have it
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