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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. They are a good 30 quid a loco more expensive than I had "psychologically budgeted" for. I had a figure of ca. €200 in my head, given the A was more of a loco for €190, but factoring in the (presumably?) much smaller run size with these ones. Ah well, I still followed through on all 5 (tippex) I had on pre-order and pulled the trigger just now. I have the 9 tippex ones from the first run but I told myself with another 5 I can justify running most of them as double headers as they mostly were on the Cork main line by the mid 90's. Money is easy to spend when you want to spend it. I'd be more than a little suprised if these don't sell well. The baby GMs have long been the most desired re-run loco (or anything?) on this site haven't they?
  2. I had this issue too last year I believe. You have to select partially it in the step before you go to the checkout IIRC. I asked this same question a few months back if you want to search for it.
  3. My opinion is slightly nuanced. I can't really "forgive" the EGV livery mistake because there is no additional cost in getting the stripes and whatnot to end where they are supposed to end, but I can't really see Paddy making the mistake on purpose and not recitifying it on purpose. I'd be surprised if some element of that wasn't out of his control. I was never in the market for that livery so it doesn't actually affect me. Having said that, plastic moulding differences do have a real cost in additional tooling requirements and there I am happy to accept compromises like vents, lamp irons or sockets or whatever in the wrong place on a given loco in that particular livery because there were too many variations on the prototypes to cost-effectively accurately (down to the last detail) represent them all. You kind of have to pick one or two and just go with that. My mk2d's are on their way to me today according to the post office website. Can't wait
  4. Cheers @dave182 looks like they are indeed 21mm friendly. That's good to know.
  5. Cheers guys. A little too late for me so.
  6. When would those Dong Fangs have been in service?
  7. Relieved to see the IR ones as delivered. The colour looks fine. The early pre-production ones looked very red indeed. Mine are on the way to me as we speak. Got the IRM mail earlier. The Galway livery EGV error is inexplicable really. It's not a minor detail and it was flagged before they went to production it seems. Unless there was some oddball livery on the prototype that we are all unaware of? Quick question for those already in possession of theirs....did the bogies end up 21mm friendly in the end? There was some speculation they might and they look different to the original design. Rotating axlebearings?
  8. I'm glad those coaches are outside my chosen era.
  9. We're lucky in that CIE/IR struggled until quite late on to put out a consistent shade of orange. We get away with these off-shades and in fact a uniform shade of orange in a train, even of mk3's, looks wrong. We can mix and match the new MM mk2ds and the earlier (later!) ones, as well as the MM mk2a/b's and the upcoming IRM mk2c's and they will look spot on.
  10. This is the modeller's equivalent of scope creep: Era creep I call it
  11. It's the presentation box I'd be really worried about.
  12. Good call on the composite instead of a standard. Bit more variety to the train.
  13. Depends where you secrete the models.....
  14. First and it seems last visit in November gone.
  15. @WRENNEIRE Dave are these sort of longer term plans after the small GMs or are we talking about 201s and mkIIIs going to production this year already? It's an ambitious list of stuff to get out.
  16. By the time these coaches were in the IR livery the only remaining first class coach was only used on Dublin-Belfast services IIRC. I think a pair of standards would be more prototypical for this era but the first wouldn't be "wrong", just very unlikely to see a 4 coach train with that sole remaining first on a Belfast service I would imagine. The Mk2s were the mainstay on Dublin-Belfast until the DeDietrichs relieved them.
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0h3yp1m?fbclid=IwAR3Sje7mkS0JA6bYtREVVNo4hGTXXNrcwnYkmb74FWtccGIMUE7S0Hhp6LM
  18. Merry Christmas everyone. Nothing railway related under the tree as I don't trust Santa to get me the right stuff lol. The main this is to have our health and happiness
  19. Any pics of these different BR container variants for those of us with no clue about them?
  20. According to this German wiki page, Booth Poole was taken over by Brittains in 1971: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booth_Poole_%26_Company My father had left them by then to start his own business.
  21. This was Booth Poole I guess. My father's first "proper job" was there and he remained in the motor trade all his life.
  22. I wonder did any of the Ford cars get shipped over the border by rail at all. This whole area is quite fascinating and this traffic didn't exist in later eras, so anyone wanting to model a train load of cars needs to be looking at the 60s and earlier it seems. Might encourage more folks to model the era!
  23. Yeah great news. I have ordered the flying snail ones. I must be doing something wrong because I don't ever seem to get the partially button. I just opted to pay by card. I also noticed that when you click on checkout pre-orders without opening up the list of pre-orders, it just emties your cart and you have to start again. This happened to me with the Bulleids too. After starting again I was careful to click the drop down arrow to display the pre-order list before clicking on "checkout pre-orders" and then it went to the checkout (but like I said, no partially option was visible there, only the CC option).
  24. Top work!
  25. Roll on March! These will sell out the moment people start seeing them in the flesh, if not beforehand.
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