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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. They have a speaker fitted in the factory Chris. You just need to pop the bonnet off and fit a sound decoder.
  2. That large circular US layout was Eight Dollar Canyon.
  3. "Honey I shrunk the baby"
  4. My first time at Warley. I'm surprising the young lad on Friday after school when we head to the airport instead of home. Very much looking forward to it.
  5. I suspect regular use was made of the TPO's letter box for urgent letters.
  6. And as an analogue to Accurascale's Powering Britain range these could form part of the Emigrating Ireland one.
  7. I'd probably have to pass on GSR and earlier stuff, for the moment anyway. I will take anything that would have been on the rails in both 1962ish and 1995ish. Seems like the GSR livery would have been gone by the 60's for sure.
  8. Does anyone have more details on the weedspray train's evolution from these triangulated chassis? Did the tanks get removed from the Bulleid wagons and placed directly onto the 42' flats or was there an intermediate 20' wagon used?
  9. Has there already been discussion about which other wagons are based on this chassis? Any pics for those of us with little clue about wagons from that era?
  10. First I have heard of them!
  11. Thanks a lot for organising Paul! Sounds like things went very well and everyone was happy.
  12. Just marvellous. The moss on the roof is a nice touch!
  13. Thanks chaps. A mine of information as always
  14. Did the double decker beet wagons in use in the mid 90s use the same chassis or were the bodies welded onto a later chassis type?
  15. These terms (flying snail and cie roundel) are used in the descriptions of the wagon packs according to IRM.
  16. But the packs with the flying snail description would be suitable for a layout based in say 1962?
  17. I'll be ordering the green n grey era ones. Great to see a new chassis enter the range.
  18. Lovely setup Jack. I hope you find some new fremo friends at the show. It's a great concept.
  19. Yep, says so in the youtube description:
  20. Same. I always assumed H would be the fuel of the future for everything but BEV development is clearly moving at pace. There are (admittedly luxury) cars that already have the battery range of similar ICE vehicles. Batteries are becoming more energy dense, lighter, cheaper and even safer (from the point of view of fire) every year. I am pretty sure we will see BEVs with much greater range than ICEs in the coming years. The trend is really clear now. H remains a viable fuel for those buses and HGVs but even there I reckon batteries will be so good in twenty years that justifying the infrastructure maintenance costs for H will be very difficult. There is already a Tesla truck tractor unit on the market. It doesn't yet have the range but it has the power. The range will come.
  21. Yeah I "model" 1994/1995 (though I may make an exception and allow a 1992 mail train some day!). No black or grey roofs and no Galway livery yet at that stage. The coaches were kept reasonably clean. The orange roofs were even clearly visible on the EGVs most of the time. Living dangerously for me is mixing IR and IE stock together lol.
  22. Nah I sold them in the end and ordered the new MM ones instead
  23. Yeah but you can't just use the existing storage and dispensing infrastructure at a filling station. An entirely new tank and dispensing system has to be added and this costs almost as much as a new traditional filling station probably (given the fact hydrogen is stored and dispensed under pressure), and petrol and diesel will be niche products in the medium term. It won't be worth maintaining the petrol and diesel side for the few remaining customers and hydrogen will be pretty niche too, as virtually all cars and light commercials will be BEV. That only leaves heavy commercial vehicles as a customer base. In Denmark recently the hydrogen filling stations all shut down or will shut down in the near future. It doesn't bode well for hydrogen as a mass-market fuel. https://fuelcellsworks.com/news/in-an-unexpected-turn-of-events-denmark-will-close-all-its-hydrogen-refueling-stations-for-vehicles/
  24. This isn't a hydrogen fuel cell project. They are modifying the combustion engine to burn hydrogen instead of diesel. It'll definitely make loud noises of some description.
  25. I think @Noel has experience stripping paint from resin. I have painted it, but not had to strip it. I believe I used IPA to degrease it (briefly) with no ill-effects. I would try to test a bit of whatever I was using on an inconspicuous area first. If using brake fluid as a paint stripper it will need to be a classic non-silicone type, so anything that is NOT DOT 5.
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