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Everything posted by Railer

  1. Just a few questions. Anyone know the numbers of the Shale wagons that were converted to become Tara Mines wagons 31026 and 027? Also the number of the Shale wagon that was brought to mine last year as the new calibration wagon as the old one was life expired. There was a picture of it coupled to 2 timbre wagons at the Inchicore running siding but could not see it's number. The life expired calibration wagon that was replaced, did it ever run or was it always static or have a number,?
  2. I have a picture of a 121 with Mk3 PP set in Connolly with the green stripe. It looked awful. Thankfully no push pull Mk3s got this applied to it. I'll try dig it out later.
  3. As for predictions, 42ft flat Bagged cement/ pallet cement Oil wagons 22ft flat Bogie bulk cement 4 axel coal or timber or kegs 47ft flat Ammonia tankers
  4. I think it's supposed to be a symbol of his confidence in his product. It's an item of sentimental value to him, apparently.
  5. Think 112 is or was out for maintenance, that's why NIR had 216 on loan for 3 weeks on ballast duties with 111+113 on spoil. 216 went back home yesterday for a routine maintenance exam. 8208 went back north to replace it.
  6. Wow, very impressive. The amount of research required compared to Irish outline is massive. I love the added detail of the instantor coupler, I assume we are getting those on the Taras too as they were in the CADs?
  7. Countdown over, what happened lads..... The suspense...........
  8. Fire damage actually, Dave. Was beyond economic repair.
  9. I don't get this as a point against a valid successful oo model. Tara wagons only run Navan to Alexandra Road with trips to Limerick works as required. Shale wagons, (which I'm looking forward to aswell BTW) are even more limited in run area. In regards to gauge, thats just something we deal with, has to be overlooked for the greater good and all that.... But yeah, the CAF Mk4s can stay on the very long finger imo, so much more interesting Irish models to cover.
  10. That's a big shame lads. Was on my personal wish list. Scratch build Mk3s with the duck test for the next few years it is so.....
  11. I personally don't see Oxford doing an accurate Restaurant or EGVs or control car myself, never mind proper plug doors on the standards. Oxford are only going to do a respray at best of a wrong model Mk3, can't see anything more than that myself.
  12. Looking at Oxford's current effort I'd be very confident a proposed hypotethical IRM Mk3 would be the superior product.Yes it would cost more, have higher fidelity and features but worth it to the modelers that want as good as it can be for a little premium.
  13. What about the Silver Fox Mk3 puspull sets. I personally don't think they are are worth the price but appreciate the effort. At the same time I'd like something alot more accurate and detailed for the money. Even if/when Oxford do Irish Mk3s I'd love to see what team IRM would come out with. Oxford seem to be going for midrange price point, while Hornby Mk3s cost more yet not high end enough detail wise.
  14. The other think to take into account is that the Oxford Mk3s are Mk3As, as in the UK loco hauled Mk3s. Our Mk3s were based closer on the UK HST Mk3 design. The International set that we called Mk3A were a different animal again.
  15. Would love some dedicated, no compromise rtr Irish Mk3s, Pushpull sets and all especially with the 121s due soon (relatively soon anyway) would have been icing on the cake.
  16. A Mk3 prototype that is of intrigue to me lately are the 2 Belmod Flying Scotsman Genny Sleepers. A model of them would be very interesting to me even if rather limited appeal and interest.
  17. I see Oxford have released some of their Mk3 range, Hattons have a few in my favourite UK livery, Intercity Swallow. Anyone here any first hand opinions on them or any Irish resprays of them so far.
  18. And the squirting oil packs...
  19. While surprises are nice and not having to wait so long is great too at times, there in is also the nature of the hobby that these nice surprises tend to be expensive, especially if there are rakes involved like the cements and up coming Taras. As mentioned above, I like the Hattons approach to see where things are to plan funds in advance seeing as how quick some models or packs of them sell out if left on the long finger. I'd like to know what's planned for the year in general but a surprise thrown in now again would be sweet too.
  20. Will be keeping a very keen eye on this myself. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of this labour.
  21. Sure is, picked up a copy at the Blackrock show. Found it odd that there is no summary of the Cravens in it despite everything else.
  22. Thanks for the heads up. I am currently offloading all my British outline 00 models and turning to N gauge for British and maybe some German stuff. Keeping my Irish side of things 00. Only starting N gauge this week strangely enough and will be interested in this. Just got myself a Peco starter track pack to get me going on N gauge for the time being.
  23. 111+113 failed early this morning while on PWD works causing all sorts of problems on part of the NIR network.
  24. The Enterprise rake is made by D&M models, they have a section here on the forum, Dave is usually quick to respond to PMs. They also make the excellent IMO 2600 units in any running livery or numbers you like, have 3 sets myself. Apologies if hijacking this super thread.
  25. Its 208 and 209 that get the 8 prefix on NIR as they own them. 228 is still 228.
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