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Everything posted by Railer

  1. 70 20-22ft wagons would be longer then the 27 wagon trial that was made up of a mix of 42 and 47ft wagons by at least 60 meters. The trial train was reportedly 440 meters long. 70 cattle wagons would be around 500 meters.
  2. If you look at the bottom picture you can see that they are not, the standard windows are far too long compared to the vertical edges of the large square windows. On the top picture they look similar in size due to the angle of the shot and lighting.
  3. The two opening windows are interesting as to why they are fitted. The back of it still looks like a kit bash job to be honest.
  4. There are rumours now that EGV 7601 "Carlow" and dining coach 7169 "Wexford" are now in Inchicore works.
  5. It will have to be soon, the services is due to start in 6 weeks or so, the other 9 Mk3s are to be delivered to Northwall over the next 3 weeks. Irish Rail will test and commission the Mk3s on behalf of Belmond. As part of the tests 216 has to run north of the boarder to test the TPWS and NIR radio systems. Then the Mk3s have to be cleared to Portrush. Exciting times ahead.
  6. A few pictures of the Mk3s in the final stages and EGV 7601 being delivered to Northwall.
  7. Great shot. 209 is still facing the wrong way after failing it's Enterprise testing in Belfast some weeks back.
  8. Is that a bubble frame base on the top, both are in production at the same time?
  9. No bidding needed depending on the case at the time. They got 124 for a symbolic €1, Irish Rail didn't charge them for it, but they had to pay for it's removal from Inchicore and transport costs to their site.
  10. Leaves the question of what will become of the 071s, 10 has been overhauled and rebuilt so far plus they are all getting or have at this stage new electronic brake mods. Didn't know anything was happening with the tara terminal, always figured if they really wanted a 201 could just propel the train down the tramway to unload, that would mean the 201 has no need for the traverser and just shunt and haul back as normal.
  11. Oh, when did 233 slip out into traffic? That's the first time I've seen it after overhaul. Great shot getting both together, can't see that happening too often.
  12. I have a copy of the Irish Rail Working Timetabe 11th Dec 05- 9th Dec '06. In it it sates that all liners are limited to 780 tons at 36 TEU max. Exceptions being 1,000 ton cement trains only to be hauled by 071 or 201 class. (2x 141/181) not permitted. The 1,000 tons train are only permitted with special permission between Platin and Northwall and Northwall to Cork. I don't see anything in it about Tara Mine train weight limits other than the max weight of a laden wagon is 75 tons. Actually just found it, max tara weight limit of 12 wagons is 942 tons. Cement trains were 900 max, the 1,000 limit was worst case with a dead loco in tow if needs be.
  13. I thought it was over 2000 for some reason:confused: Without creep and wheel slip control the 071s can struggle with tara trains at times in the rain so it looks like these 54teu freights will stay 201 hauled.
  14. The 201s have creep control as is but it's hardly ever used. These trails are well within a 201's tonnage limits, they used to haul 1,000 ton cement trains from Dublin to COrk along with 071s in the boom times. But liners were limited to around 740 tons with the old DFDS liners being the heaviest. The tonnage trail with the autoballasters was over 2,200 tons and the 201 locos were not even close to being maxed out.
  15. Finger on the pulse as always Noel. Think you were tempting fate with your CPW test run.
  16. Like the NIR 201s in blue,there aren't too many photos of them around. Can't wait to see 216 finished and whatever other 201 gets allocated to Belmond. 225:praying:
  17. The ITG have no plans to run 124 at all and it's intended to just be used as a museum display piece when that gets built. It's a shame as they have acquired the last Mk3 PP driving trailer and cafe/bar coach which would have been ideal for 124 to haul on the DCDR.
  18. No, the 124 in ITG hands has little hope of running again. 134 has yet to be assessed by the RPSI until it is moved to Connolly shed along with 141 and 175. 134 has the best chance of seeing action again but it will be long, long time coming.
  19. Thanks for clearing up, just ordered some of 1, 2 and 3 to keep me covered. I;m assuming you will be doing the same for the bubbles closer to the time.
  20. For customers with existing orders, what packs will they get? All the same or will they be picked at random?
  21. That website release was last undated in January though. Still like TTC I'm interested to see what the surprise due this month is and the revised ST Mk2s are due around now too.
  22. Wow, those SSM flats look great. I'd love some myself, just don't have the skill or patience to make one never mind paint and weather.
  23. The Silver Fox GSVs are usually around €90-€100 depending where you pick on up or order from.
  24. Wow, really? I was expecting around the time of the Raheny October show at the earliest. Can't wait:trains:
  25. How about a sneaky pic of one of the pre production ballasts.
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