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Everything posted by Railer

  1. Probably the same as the hoppers at a guess, €110 for a triple pack or around that ball park.
  2. Wow, you don't appreciate the amount of work that goes into a set until you see it all laid out like that.
  3. The completion percentage is very far along for the bubbles compared to the hoppers too and we can't even order them yet.
  4. The common user livery is just going on 231 and 233 for the time being. Only locos equipped to haul the refurb Enterprise stock that are excess to the Enterprise loco pool will get the livery. The Intercity livery is staying on all the non Enterprise equipped push pull locos as is.
  5. Don't think so now after seeing 231 in the new common user livery which is just the new Enterprise livery without the red and purple swirls. I think the slate grey would look very well on the 201s, could only see it happening if they brought back some of the withdrawn 201s as they can only work freight dues to their couplings and buffers. Can't see that ever happening.
  6. I believe there is more than one 071 going around with the flying snail 40 year plate. The grey 071 (I forget now) used on the recent IRRS tour had it fitted too. Think it was 076?
  7. That's what I was thinking when I saw it, very IE orange. Reminds me of the cab of 146 after the rebuild before they put the white stripes back on. Just wonder how long she will last in that livery, hopefully a year or so considering the DARTs still have DART25 logos despite being 33 years old and some loco and ICRs still have their Movembers.
  8. The end sticker was sort of red dayglow orange like what IE used on the 141/071s in the late 90s. I find the 80s NIR blue used on the Murphy Model 111 a tad too bright compared to my memory of it.
  9. 141 and 142 were bought by the RPSI and a private member within the RPSI so IE knew they were going to aquire them when they were painted in 2010. None of 071s have been ear marked for RPSI ownership......yet.
  10. Now the question of all time. Is that IE orange or CIE tan they used?
  11. I was wondering what the yellow parts are on the bogies of 082, they don't seem to exist on normal bogies like 081 below or 084 behind it. Same for one of the 201s, I think either 202 or 204 has yellow parts on its bogies too that other 201s don't have. I don't think its that they get covered in road dirt either, it's like a new design.
  12. All the RPSI BGMs getting ready for the move to Connolly. The shed is going to be cosy with 4, 461, 134, 141 and 175 all living in there.
  13. I reckon they can make it. They are 3 years into overhauling the fleet and are just over half way through. 077 was the first released back into traffic in April 2013 after about 3 years out of service. Think 087 just avoided the scrap heap at after 4 years out of action itself.
  14. Or 92-60-0117072-5 even. Long over due but not as long as 081 that is currently inside, that was the first loco in the freight livery in 2006.
  15. Nice shots, I see they changed 231's LEDs the right way around before they let her out.
  16. The trainsafe solution looks alot better then the DC concepts to me. I take it trainsafe don't distribute their product to retailers and you have to buy direct from them.
  17. Just found it, something like this. http://www.dccconcepts.com/catalogue/j/dccconcepts-mpd-loco-storage I have 3 2600 sets I'd like to store coupled as the draw bars are a pain and a bit fiddly at the best of times.
  18. I'm looking for a container that can store multiple units without have to un couple them or touch them. I saw one a while back where you don't have to touch the model at all and it can be placed on the track and then put back in the container. It was designed to very long American steamers. I can't think of the right name for it so google isn't throwing up what I'm looking for. Anyone know what I'm on about or the right name for them?
  19. Still makes them to order, along with the converted weedspray Mk1, Mk3 pps and EGVs. They come with more accurate looking B5 bogies on them now.
  20. I just hope IRM get around to doing some bogie flats sooner rather than later. Can't see that happening though with the options open of the current chassie base they are working off.
  21. I ordered a good bit from him. Great service. I wish he did some GCA tank tainers in 1:76 to model current IWT liners as they are very popular on the real thing. Also some generic 45fts.
  22. Typical formation is 6 standards with a genny unit at each end. One exception was then they were top and tailed last year working out of Heuston, in that case they were 8 standards with a genny unit at each end but that was the only time that many were used. Irish Rail have 6 genny units and 18 standards, to run as 3 8 unit formations.
  23. Yeah, there is not many tickets left from the latest RPSI mail I got last week.
  24. Looks like 231's LED light clusters were installed the wrong way round. The red should be on the inside of the white like 207 beside it.
  25. I was thinking that may be a reason if not the reason for it alright. Would like to find out for sure myself.
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