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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. That was the plan put in place…close the branchlines to courtmacsherry, Clonakilty and Baltimore. And even the mainline wouldn’t go to Bantry…just bandon. This plan was however scrapped, became the plan one final time before andrews killed any chance of it going through. It was lifted and sold ASAP. CIE put an abandonment order on 50 miles of trackbed that still had track left or be lifted! That whole line as far as bandon was built to be doubled by government order during the famine so imagine a double track out to bandon today! I have a feeling that the intense save our railway committee and court cases didn’t help the west cork case unfortunately. The youghal Middleton branch got off lighter thanks to TD Martin Correy
  2. West Cork Railways Birth, Beuty and Betrayal book launch is set to be December 3rd at the Oriel hotel Ballincollig, It will be its own stands at the cork model swap meet 2022. Those who wish to attend that event be sure to head down to this stand and pick up a signed copy.
  3. Dave Lindfield from Model Rail Baseboards will be joining us on the 3rd December in the Oriel House Hotel Dave will be giving Scenery and Soldering Demos on the Day Any one interested in taking a table please let myself or Mark Dunlea know ASAP. This event will now also be the launch of the the book West cork railways, birth beauty and betrayal. With book signing from Chris on the day.
  4. Oooh look what arived today FullSizeRender.mov as smooth as a whistle. Infact smoothest running peice of rolling stock I have @DJ Dangerous I’ll have to start disassembling them
  5. The original versions are plenty adequate. The only issue was the Lack of a speaker which is almost resolved now! I don’t even model the eras but if a 201, 071 were to be released, I’d take em. That theoretical mad Black and Tan 071 would have take the cake or points logo. With the 201 in silver/green along with that mark 4 set is the era which I have the nostalgic connection too (that might sound mad but the first time i used a train was in 2007!) Leave MM with the GM locos and IRM with everything else….for now! We were reminded everyday that the A’s were coming and “once the’re gone, there gone!” and still some did not heed the warning
  6. I’m fairly sure they were selling them at raheeny
  7. Some photographs would be handy, my little tank engine sounds like it had a similar diagnosis
  8. Somone told a whole pile wasn’t made because the demand wasn’t there until the last minute, this is especially the case with the blue and grey versions As long as MM keep operations as far as I know the 071s will make a comeback….only issue is the list is long!
  9. My favurite had to be “Castletown” inspite of the 6 wheelers not Co-operating
  10. Some other Un-model related things I picked up was these posters. I’ll need to frame thing they look so good! Unfortunatly the GSR one looks to be made out of a print rather then being based on a real poster but it’s style is interesting none the less I also picked up a few things by the merchendise stand, a green hat and polo shirt and don’t worry, I did check with JHB, it’s the right shade of Eau de nil
  11. i got my 2 packs on Saturday. The problem is there was only 4 left when I got there……all of which were pack D. so now I have 2 pack D’s, do eventually I’m gonna have to find Someone one else with a duplicate pack!
  12. If only tara mines knew they could get A 75 percent discount if they lost a few extra supports
  13. Somone made a great point that if you had the origional box, put them in that box and pass them off as the origionals ffs
  14. I must say it was comical seeing lads go to the show, buy the discounted wagons and leave. I arrived at 11 and multiple people had already stocked themselves with wagons and left….at 11 on the dot!
  15. The brand new Daimler fire truck, Mark 2s and upgraded 141s all there Mark 3s are a bit hard to produce between suburban styles ect. 201s are also still in pipeline, details need to be finalised however There was also a ladder at the side?
  16. The Cork special train is just pulling into harmonstown now. I hope there isisnt a que the weather is desperate
  17. How many of those will be gone after this weekend I wonder
  18. It went from halfway-Rathpeacon-Inchicore works and some day to Maam cross when it’s been fixed! I was also inticed to learn of get another failed West Cork railway heritage project. Which this stock would have been involved in had it gone ahead (considering there is a good chance all that rolling stock ran on the Ex-CBSC, and the Ruston dealt with west cork wagons almost everyday in mallow, makes sense) unfortunately it never did….I may go into further detail on s desperate thread
  19. I’m not sure anything of that type would have survived into 2022 I have a Circa 2022 photo of it somewhere, I just can’t remember where…
  20. I was talking to a fella who would often come home from the UK via Northern Ireland and drove the backroad out as far as Dromod and enniskillen to get down to cork undisturbed back in the days when that skill was *kof* practiced by many *kof*
  21. Incorrect post. Admins may delete
  22. Update straight from the source for those wondering the CIE green bus that was once located here has now been permanently moved. I don’t know Where but hopefully a good home. The Ruston was moved along with the bulleid beet wagon to rathpeacon, and then onto where it is today. the 6 wheel coach has been moved to a secret location within cork, I understand it’s in quite good shape with a very good owner. (And as a coach that worked in West Cork, I’d love to see it again). the brakevan had moved to a location halfway up the country. While I can’t disclose anything I took this photo out the top window of the bus as a child, I never thaught the bus was going anywhere! it even had my favourite livery. The last time I saw it there was earlier this year… the track started just in front of this Ruston. I’m told it was mechanically very good. cosmetically not so good. The end of the track, what was only supposed to be a temporary set up anyway….to think there was a heritage railway at my doorstep. And I was just a few years too late to take advantage of it
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