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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Brexit-The gift that keeps on taking my communion money
  2. Looks Very similar to the current state of innoshannon viaduct
  3. To a young fella like myself. There is simply no comparison between B/W and colour. The atmosphere is much easier for my imagination to capture call that a sin if you will!
  4. And thanks to IRM. There are some track panels waiting to be laid!
  5. There is plenty Of locos and coaches I can think of that could find a home there
  6. I wonder who will get the last A class ever sold 1st hand
  7. Didn’t know ye could do that!
  8. That’s a fantastic question I’m even thinking of towns in cork and can’t name too many that never ever had a rail connection. Killbritain, castownbere, glengarrif, ballycotton, cloyne, leap and rosscarbery. Castletownbere and glengarrif were origionally supposed to be done in the origional CBSCR line, but instead those areas were served by steamship to the railway at bantry a fiticous glengarrif is already imagined in a layout by Ernie of this parish leap and rosscarbery were also supposed to be part of a line between Clonakilty and skibbereen. Which was also scrapped. Perhaps a fictitious line where a junction at Middleton bought you down to ballycotton via cloyne. man that’s only one county! Does anyone know any other major exclusions from getting a railway station, bellmullet? Louisburgh?
  9. It’s some sort of 4-4-0 design here in Ireland too. It’s yellow and it has a level crossing silhouette on the sign. not a bad alternative, but hard to imagine in my head. Would a stretched 071 look well?
  10. I always spend them in Argos, bound to find SOMEthing of use in there
  11. Characterless, peat briquette, doorstop, paperweight unreliable bricks that some may think of them. I will always like the 201 class (ecpecially in IE Silver/Green). And regardless of what many think of these locos, they will be with us a good while yet!
  12. Lima 201’s should be the beginners entry level mode to the Irish hobby, if only they all went for that price!
  13. Even though twould look unreal, you’d still get the same wibblers complaining about the livery, I know this since there was even complaints about 134 being in IR slate gray, even though 134 looks great in that
  14. That’s a neat little claim to fame!
  15. I garuntee I will end up liking the 22k as much as I loath getting on them at the moment when a mk4 set is the alternative. nostalgia sells!
  16. If the 201 was built in the 70s. I Guarantee it would be “beutiful”
  17. Obviously I’m going to suggest eith my CBSC bias, so here is a rundown of the lot. a lot of there terminus are very edible. macroom shared similarities with dugort harbour in that very spacious design Kinsale is more limited being closed in 1931. But certainly some changes can be made to that date if necessary. I plan to do kinsale, possibly in 7mm in the future clonakikty is probably a very easy one to pull off. It’s backdrop being famous for its views down onto the harbour Baltimore is not one I personally have seen done before very few buildings around it to make it “look right” easier courtmacsherry…….needs no introduction. Many have considered it and some have succeded in making it in the last they lads across the water have made such a great model of bantry already, there thread is worth investigating too
  18. I’ds say not, ids say Next time we will get word is when IRM have them in for pre-order
  19. What is the livery on the wagon nearest the J15 with an almost creme snail in the side. I saw one of these lift the bantry line too, is that the colour they used for maintainance back then?
  20. This station was fully painted in October of 1960, and flattened by 1963, it was a road by 1964
  21. Is it still the case they only make Irish stuff in August/October i’d be getting one in silver if any colour. I reckon even still I’d have to make modifications to my order if this van is anything to go by. I think the chassis, and the gangway are supposed to be silver. And perhaps with the release of the A class. Revising the colour of these to fit those locos more would be better? I don’t think RTR versions of these will be out soon if at all. When JM designs have done a great kit for those of us skilled enough, and silverfox have these ready to go at a years notice! So I MIGHT pick one of these up
  22. did anyone on here ever get the bullied luggage van in its origional silver livery and what it was like?
  23. 3 of my coaches have found a new home 20 minutes away….
  24. 100 euros for 2 wagons, which the fella on adverts will deliver for 5 for 100 and there brand new! Some enthusiastic pricing there. I’m going to assume the Chris Dier 29k isint worth 567 euros either
  25. And as we speak, the seller has changed the listing from murphy models to “scratch built?” As I suspected, didn’t even realise what he had
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