That’s a fantastic question
I’m even thinking of towns in cork and can’t name too many that never ever had a rail connection. Killbritain, castownbere, glengarrif, ballycotton, cloyne, leap and rosscarbery.
Castletownbere and glengarrif were origionally supposed to be done in the origional CBSCR line, but instead those areas were served by steamship to the railway at bantry a fiticous glengarrif is already imagined in a layout by Ernie of this parish
leap and rosscarbery were also supposed to be part of a line between Clonakilty and skibbereen. Which was also scrapped.
Perhaps a fictitious line where a junction at Middleton bought you down to ballycotton via cloyne.
man that’s only one county!
Does anyone know any other major exclusions from getting a railway station, bellmullet? Louisburgh?