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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. I saw that on Facebook, what a plank. some poor sod is going to be wondering why everyone was raving about the 071. It looks very shoddy What’s worse is It might not be intentional. Judging by the reviews of the seller. It’s likely that he thinks it’s the same model selling for €300
  2. all it’s missing is a tin van….
  3. Perhaps “hint hint” we need some RPSI locos to haul this stock
  4. Looks brilliant as always Perhaps some irishication to those coaches could be in the cards?
  5. Date of June 5th 1958 was a Thursday, as I previously mentioned, a vintage 6 wheeler was always used the strengthen the service on Thursdays
  6. If there was a sound chip, Facebook has provided the perfect gricer quote
  7. Agreed! All major preservation society’s are based north of Dublin. ma’am cross, RPSI, cultra, C&L, Donegal ect. Waterford has the Suir valley, Kerry has the lartigue railway, Clare has moyesta, Tipperary has ITG in carrick. The cost and time to get to and from any of these sites is a bit of an object. Meanwhile in the whole county of cork we have no.36 in Kent and 2 Park Royal coaches in the west cork model railway village.
  8. Sell old MM ones for 400 quid and buy new ones for 189.99….
  9. this is dead right. As scarce as they are now. We still have a few more years to wait for those GMs to become viable again With NIR mk2 coaches, A and C sharing general shape and detail (and as we know, IRM like to re-use assets as per the recent wagon announcement!) the bookies would be odds on for a C Class announcement much later on this year.
  10. Fair enough, I would have thaught with the only 3 in service. It would have had to wait a while for its turn (granted there were only 3 800 class locos too, and I’d hope as much as anyone else they will get RTR representation)
  11. Agreed, anyone anticipating an NIR mk2 should get a kit/rtr hunslet.
  12. They were painted that way around 1970 (I think!?) anything green was gone
  13. A42, A30 and A55 work on pre 1963 van. A55 and A42 for post 1963 grey. I don’t think either livery saw the red/brown livery vans. I could be corrected on that I think the last of the green was gonr by 1967, and cravens introduced in 1963(?). I’m not sure when the last green A class was repainted though. Something that @jhb171achill might be able to elaborate on
  14. Great idea in theory. In practice, that one guy will buy it and share the 3D model to whoever wants it. Or even print out the model and sell the finished product. Hence why such you don’t see it too often.
  15. Looks like you could have 90 and a rake of DWWR vans to go with it!
  16. It might be worth a shot to try print out 90 in N Gauge and see what comes out. Does anyone make an N gauge terrier? and more importantly would anyone in this forum be interested in an N gauge no.90?
  17. I have seen somone in here, getting a fairly rough Clayton railcar. That they were able to salvage but the delivered condition was fairly bad (I beleive it was a shapeways product) however I believe that the models being provided here are of a decent enough quality for most people, as I’m sure you can make your own opinions on by looking at the below images And demonstrated here is a 7mm model, which was made by simply upping the print size
  18. The thing with N gauge, is that 00 gauge model can easily be scaled down and printed out. I just don’t think a 3D printer could do a very good N gauge model due to the sizes involved for the comparatively big nozel
  19. Actually, who would take a mark 4 DVT. Much harder to 3d print….but I have seen struggles trying to get a somewhat accurate one
  20. I know at the moment that GSWR no. 90 has sold about +70 all around the world. And there is an option for 7mm scale. As all it takes is adjusting the sizes of the file. I think an “Irish Platform” model would be a pretty good addition. It could be done cheaply enough and the finish would be ok That’s what I set up this forum to establish. I don’t want to make something that will be made in RTR just down the road. But popular enough to sell a fair few (like the Bulleid turfburner CC1)
  21. hello all I was wondering as a whole. What the Irish modelling scene would want from the 3D printing scene. I think this thread is a bit overdue as I’ve had 3 people come to me recently asking what they would think would be a decent mix between popularity and not easy to get any other way. I’ve always taken the attitude that 3D modelling Has some fine picks for actual sellable product. GSWR no.90 was perfect as it was easy to make, small, had an obvious choice for donor chassis and was not In kit form yet. Of course there are many locos that could borrow British chassis and be passed off as Irish. Maebh, J15, BCDR 4-4-2s ect. I wonder if these could too be improved im not sure if the demand is there for a FULL RTR version but a 3D print CC1 might be A way to go. With a donor chassis found of course. (It would be easier then a bandon tank to find a chassis for *sigh*) im actually suprised Silverfox has not sold a resin kit for this. As we have seen from the likes of KMCE and JM design. 3D printed wagons are looking quite decent. coaches are also a good starting point. There is a well known drought in pre-Craven coaches. I wonder would old GSWR coaches be of any use to anyone? Something that has me thinking recently is the possibility of 3D printing Irish scenics. We all know that there is an Irish footbridge in the works at the moment courtousy of @RobertRocheand the IRM team. Who hopefully will update us on this project as it develops. what I was wondering however, is 3D printing station platforms, buildings, water towers, and platforms. Aren’t many Irish platforms have a very simular structure to them, and would be very easy to make different sections ect.
  22. A good freind of mine has one, and will lend it to me for a while. besides, all I’ll realistically need it for is a Bandon and a J26 (whenever I get round to ordering one of those)
  23. Good luck with that bandon, I’m going to attempt the chassis. although this may be of interest to those of us not talleneted enough not to even attempt kits (Even though I don’t know how he is going to do the chassis with all my experience!)
  24. All this, and I was offered a 141 yesterday for €100…….there are still plenty of people willing to look past these stupid prices. And offer them like what they are. 15 year old models! I know people REALLY want these models. But they should not give in to these muppets trying to swindle modellers who need “this one thing”.
  25. Those lads won’t be looking forward to the 1959 enthusiasts special train then……. On one the Brian baker films about the CBSC there is scenes of an AEC railcar pulling out of Bantry. You can see someone’s drying clothes in the back garden against which is against the embankment. He remarks “I bet they rejoiced when steam was replaced!”
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