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Train model

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Everything posted by Train model

  1. Train model

    Train model

  2. Is anybody doing a 20ft wagon for the bodies
  3. http://youtu.be/i_FgSnc58pE Only a scratch
  4. It does on my layout
  5. Are you changing direction or getting out
  6. David all the books in the world won't make a model maker out of me
  7. Well is it possible to get a cad drawing from all the fantastic work that has being done
  8. Hi David would you consider getting it copied by means of a 3d printer in oo scale
  9. http://youtu.be/CYMqHl1FwrM Sorry for the delay
  10. Hi Kieran I was on to the guy that sold me the a class and he is going onto the web to find what model was used.I cannot take it apart because it seems to be glued so hope the loco never brakes down.I sent you my e.mail address so if you contact me I have it pulling 12 coaches at a very low speed.i cannot up load videos on the site
  11. It looks fantastic id love to see it in oo gauge
  12. Reminds me of my mispent youth oh predictive spelling got it in 4 goes
  13. Thanks Kieran but who is doing ready to run
  14. I am just wondering as I don't build but happy to run locos how are the SSM models going.Is anybody making them to sell on has a flywheel motor being found.I never saw the actual model
  15. It reminds me of the one back in the 80s with Paul McGrath it looked like Paul trains on Guinness
  16. You are not wonderful Dave
  17. Train model


    142d800 still up for grabs
  18. I'd say its 40ft wide and 10 long
  19. It's very good and an amazing enterprise set pure class
  20. Delighted I good sale better than all the tyre kickers
  21. Train model


    Last year wrenn posted his new number plates and it seems he is the proud owner of an Mercedes e class in wexford it's a peugeot galway Renault Kildare Hyundai Clare ford focus Longford is between Roscommon and Cavan and for base boards Farm layout Wicklow a John Deere
  22. This must be where they got the idea for the blues brothers car it's 45 miles to Offaly we have half a tank of petrol 2 woodbines it's dark and we need sunglasses hit it.
  23. Saw a Lima class 33 in irish with 4 coaches for €100 last week in ho scale
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