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Everything posted by enniscorthyman

  1. Very impressive work,and your shed is just perfect,well done.
  2. They both sound good to me.The video of the new MM071 with sound is fantastic and captures all the power and glory of the real thing.Jeepers I am glad the new chips are not 135 quid as it's expensive enough.
  3. I had posted this on the old site,so for anyone who has not seen it,here is the sound chiped MIR 071 that I had a loan of last year which has the lok sound decoder.
  4. Good man Shem,do afew miles for me.
  5. Glad ye liked the photos. The Wexford club have done a great job and fair play to all involved.
  6. I sure do Rich.I love Enigma and Deep Forest as well. I must check out Peter Gabrial.
  7. I love Dead Can Dance -Yulunga
  8. Simply fab job on 187.The new 071s will look fantastic with your weathering and you copy the dirt on 078 on my avatar photo will give you one to do.
  9. Noel,the 071 class sound chip is the best from what I have heard between it and the 201 and 141.I had a loan of one of Gerry Byrnes 071s a while back and she Is a beaut.must get a chip when funds get better.
  10. Just got back from Wexford,and here are a few shots I took.
  11. I am just heading down for a gawk.hope to get a video or photo.
  12. I could do with a tardis to put the layout in.just think of all that space Rich.lol
  13. Fair play lads-ye could be up to worse things like chasing women and beer. Although to think of it ,there is nothing wrong with chasing women and beer when you are young and single.
  14. This is whats going on in the man shed at the moment- I got this wills Post office kit that i am converting to a an post version. This is a fecker to build as you have to cut out windows and doors and trying to cut the plastic is a %%%%%%s. The kit comes with a nice phone box so I have tryed the paint from a cement bubble (Ivory) which seems to work well along with the an post green for the mid section. I am trying different paint shades for these dapol poles. Next on the list is to convert my hornby deltic chassis for my sound chiped a39 SF.The deltic chassis seems to run lovly and smooth.
  15. FairPlay to you for working hard to save up for the 071s. You may not have a layout at the moment but it is a good idea to collect as much as you can as perhaps in the future you may have your own house to have a proper layout.
  16. I think the 101s had that large wheel like on the A and C class for throttling.
  17. Last year I built a sort of Demo layout for a vintage club field day. It went down a storm with both Adults and kids alike.And while the Layout was basic and built quickly,people that normally would not see any model railway layout let alone a Irish one with Irish stock were stunned to see locos and stock they remember as kids. Education of the public for our hobby is important as the most common question in where the feck can you get all this Irish stock. I building a new unit that will slot into Gerrys unused Ballybeg and hope To show at the next vintage day in September .
  18. From what I read the Irish government would not allow the spending of so much US dollors on locos at the time. Probably some trade agreements kicked in to.
  19. I do need another decoder for my 222 and was wanting to get the TCS 21 pin that you got and see if Gerry can get it to work.
  20. I look forward to see how you get on with this.
  21. Bullied did not want the order for the A and C class's to go to MV and had wanted the CIE board to look at American loco builders and in particular GM.However as we know his advice was not taken and the large order went to MV. I have read some good articles about this on IRRS journals.
  22. I was near Enniscorthy station yesterday and spotted a PW machine that I have not seen before. It looked like a single Windoff(pardon spelling) with two yellow cabs at each end and a load of Concrete sleepers in the mid section and a small fold up crane behind one cab. Any ideas????. She did look good and any close models available.
  23. Great shots there Noel.I will try and get a few at some later stage as they are fab looking.
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