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Everything posted by Horsetan

  1. That's instantly ruined any straight swap prospects
  2. The method of mounting to the underframe may be different to MM's method, so might not be a straightforward swap even without the lighting equipment.
  3. They are not insulated. I'll worry about lighting when I come to it.
  4. I think I'm in the wrong job!
  5. I have his list. There's 12.6 or 14mm. Might have to look elsewhere....
  6. Next in line for converting to 21mm.... Now, who does 13.3mm disc wheels in a P4 profile?
  7. I've been messing in it since about 1988. The emphasis is on messing.
  8. ....as with many other things. See also "Rip off" and "price gouging".
  9. ....and here are the 28mm axles for them:
  10. I wondering how the spring carrier behind the iron is supposed to run straight if there's no allowance in the iron itself for the bearing to run up and down.... Bill generally put in an oval hole so that the bearing could be guided. It looks like he forgot to design it in here.
  11. Interesting, if not exactly desirable
  12. I'll send him an e-mail anyway with the contact details of the potential customers
  13. In particular, that photo confirms that the coupling rods were fork-jointed on the middle driving crankpins.
  14. Over the weekend, I've had two people asking me about Des Sullivan @Weshty. Both want to buy his 800 class kits, but it seems he's not answering website e-mails. I hope nothing's happened to him.
  15. I recently offered two 7mm A5 full point kits on eBay at half the current retail price each. They contained everything including pre-formed blades and common crossings, plus gauges, and were very quickly snapped up!
  16. Bear in mind that point kits aren't cheap these days. A 7mm kit is getting on for £110!
  17. Clear photos of the J26s in later life, showing all the detail like this, are quite hard to come by, so this one is especially welcome. I'm still after good quality photos of 560 (which also had the enlarged cab) in its last few years.
  18. There'll be time enough to sleep when you're dead.
  19. I'm still using this stuff when I fill up my Citroën
  20. Bill Bedford was notorious for not providing any instructions for most of his etches during the time when he used to run an extensive catalogue. His principle was "IOI" (It's Obvious, Innit)....which was fine if you were dealing with a pair of coach sides, but anything more complex required you to be fully familiar with the prototype or you needed to be able to think like Bill in order to understand how the smaller bits fitted in....or you needed to be the original customer who had commissioned Bill to design the etch in the first place! I have an etch for a pair of BR Class 25 bogies, which Bill used to produce. The main structure is understandable. The cosmetic parts are far from obvious!
  21. Kind of makes you wish it was the chocolate Aero concrete that's a ticking timebomb in so many British public buildings at the moment!
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