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Robert Davies

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Everything posted by Robert Davies

  1. I never get tired of seeing your layout, buses, or locos Noel - btw 077 needs it's bodyshell reseating. -Rob
  2. Ooooh that's what they meant! Thanks BosKonay!
  3. Can anyone point me in the direction of some prototype pics of the type of Transit bus that Oxford are doing? Thanks, -Rob
  4. Off topic for a moment - sorry! Fran, what's that CN loco? It looks like one of the New Generation SD70s - who makes/supplies that model? <drool> -Rob
  5. There's collections of the older Kinder eggs available on German ebay. Search for 'Kinder Ei' Here's one link (I think these are the ones you need) : http://www.ebay.de/itm/20-Kinder-Uberraschungs-Eier-/140907680775?pt=%C3%9Cberraschungseier&hash=item20cec09407 ...and here's the how-to: http://newirishlines.org/2009/06/19/scratch-building-a-cie-cement-bubble/ -Rob
  6. First things first, I'm a customer of SSM, but not of this particular kit - I have been very pleased with the items that I have received from SSM. I count Anthony as a friend. Those things being noted.... I cannot disagree with anything that Anthony has said about this Sulzer kit in this thread. Here are my observations and annotations from the photos provided in this thread. Grilles This should not have got out to a customer, if it is a QC problem, it should have stopped at the supplier, not at the customer -you cannot make an ex works engine from this start point, short of cutting out the grille panels and making your own. The Ends From the verticals and the cross lines, you can see the roof is differing in height left to right, also it is of differing profiles between 1 and 2. There's a 'bulge from the top of the edge of the right hand window that extends down the bodyside. Do the windows' spacing look correct between the left hand edge and the right hand edge of the bodyshell? Ditto the lights. The Roof The roof detailing does not align with the sides, but is diagonal across. Really the only way to save the roof, both profile and detail, would be to sand it down and start again with your own detailing. Check out Anthony's pics in the first post in this thread for more evidence of this. Imagine having a white line alone the top of the bodyshell edge similar to a black and tan livery, your eye wanders from the catwalks to the white line and back again - difficult to miss the issue now isn't it. The above issues, to me, are inconsistent with a 100eur kit. These issues need rectifying. We should not lower our expectations because we model the Irish scene, neither should we be expected to. The days of the Hornby Hymek should be behind us. -Rob
  7. That is one seriously tidy build! The quality of the Dapol mouldings nowadays is pretty dreadful - It's almost worth digging up some of the old original Airfix kits, they may be old but the mouldings are spot on. Still can't get over how tidy a build that Burmah tank above is...
  8. If God loves a trier, God must really love this bloke.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HORNBY-2-x-CIE-IRISH-RAILWAYS-HYMEKS-LOCOS-/190787674228?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models
  9. I think a new vocabulary of superlatives is called for. I think I ran out at exquisite, and both the shed and the works are are so far in front of that , that a new system of measurement would be required. Thanks (I think!) for sharing your work with us - I'll just be off to start stamp collecting.... -Rob
  10. As Boskonay said, pictures please, and an idea of price you're looking for - I need to see if my wishes for an 'A' = my ability to readily afford it! -Rob
  11. Don't the Irish ones (the real ones) have buffers?
  12. Thanks for that Eamonn! I'll go back and have a look at that thread again. ....and you're quite correct - the white metal one has been 'interesting' to get somewhere near right so far - I should be able to get a decent second hand car with the contents of the swear box
  13. Just a quick question or two. I've put the white metal MIR 121 that I acquired from ebay together as far as I dare, but now I need a chassis. The question. What chassis did you use in yours? Any issues? Thanks again, -Rob
  14. What he said above. Plus, it can be worthwhile getting a hold of some Athearn Genesis motors (keep an eye on ebay), which are really nice, and in some models are a drop in replacement. If the wheels are OK on the Athearn chassis that you have - ie NOT the dreadful cast iron things, replace them with NWSL equivs - there is some mileage in polish up the commutator (I use the folded edge of 800 wet 'n' dry paper, it's a VERY crude for of truing) Some people chop a coil or so off the brush springs to good effect too. -Rob
  15. This is going to be one of those posts that waffles on for a bit but leaves you no wiser than you began... Or will it? Over on this side of the water diecast bus collecting is quite a sizeable minority pastime. At my local exhibition a couple of years back, I got talking to some exhibitors that had gone a stage further and had setup a Faller road system 'layout' using converted 1:76 scale diecast buses. I will admit that they looked most impressive! The conversions pretty much boiled down to cutting the Faller bus chassis in half, and lengthening it appropriately to fit the 1:76 scale body, some trickery, jiggery pokery to swap more suitable wheels on board, and away they went. The conversions went around the layout considerably more slowly than the Faller buses - but those always did look like they where auditioning for a remake of 'Speed - The Movie' anyway, so no great loss there. There's a fair bit to look at on youtube too: -Rob
  16. I'd not seen either of those - no mean feat considering the length of time I find myself on youtube! Thanks for posting them. Y'know, on the first vid, if you didn't know that the brake vans where yellow, you wouldn't know that they where from looking at the video. -Rob
  17. I was hoping for a Bulleid pacific in IE 'plug' livery.....
  18. Roger, over.
  19. Could be a busy few weeks/months when someone's pocketwagon and tank wagon detailing kits arrive too My wife's been insisting I buy myself a dedicated flat glass building plate too - apparently the glass cooker hob has 'other' uses....
  20. Very nice! AEC Railcar too? What lights are you running under in the railway room? -Rob
  21. A bit more info for you here on the old site Dave: http://irishrailwaymodeller.yuku.com/topic/656/Tara-Mines-Wagons Until someone who knows what they're talking about shows up!! -Rob
  22. Oh... I think there's a very good chance that the buyer will build it. In fact I think he's just sizing a chassis up for it now.
  23. Yes... The 121 did go for quite a bit... It's only money...
  24. I quite fancy a GS4... being rather partial to the old Espee The choices aren't great though, the Bachmann 'toy' or the BLIs - I have four other BLIs - two fell apart, and the other two are average runners at best.
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