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Robert Davies

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Everything posted by Robert Davies

  1. That is nice! Smoke generator in the steam car too? Forgive me for I have sinned, the first word that I uttered on seeing the price, was not suitable for a family friendly forum, the second word was "me!"
  2. Is that smoke?!? I've never heard of Trueline Trains, so this is very much 'all new' to me. If you've got time, some more pics would be appreciated. -Rob
  3. Being a Postman in former times, I suspect that the Royal Mail is being ripened up by top line management looking for a big payday when privatisation occurs. Moving aside from that for a moment, I find that postage from the Republic to the UK not too bad in most cases. The only differences being a slight price hike (over internal UK mail) and a delay of two to three days door to door. -Rob
  4. I'm still chuckling about this nearly twenty four hours later
  5. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HORNBY-CIE-IRISH-RAILWAYS-HYMEK-LOCO-/190781501832 Speak a little louder, I couldn't quite hear you.... :D You'd think for that kind of money, he'd throw in a decent postage option!
  6. Just adding to the 'things I didn't know list' - Ammonia bogie wagon underframes are really green under all that ****
  7. She doesn't know does she? There y'are married to a lovely lady, and out you come with the 'marriage is purgatory' quote... Do you have a dog? Does it have a little house outside? Is there room in there for you? :ROFL:
  8. Oi!! Where's the "This thread is worthless without pics" smiley?!?!
  9. Thanks for your observations Jonathan I know that from my mainland experience, that if you look along a freight from the steam era up to the early eighties, all the wagons fade into much the same sort of colour, brownish brake dust, with fading from the sun(!) and wash from the rain. You may know that all the wagons in the train started off different colours, but look at the train in 'long view' and all the train fades into a brownish/greyish colour.
  10. My views on the 121, pretty much match Anthony's, I'd say the 121 from MM is in no way guaranteed. Couple this with the new found enjoyment I'm getting from actually, y'know, building things, and the MIR kit appeals more and more... -Rob
  11. Not having got a 121, and rather liking them, I quite fancy that MIR kit... Shame it'll probably go for mad money
  12. Modelfair have a SuperTrain 141 at 69.50ukp http://www.modelfair.com/product/44422/murphy-models-mm0142-class-141-super-train-livery -Rob
  13. Gareth, I too saw the Translink tender document, but could find no further specs apart from that the wagons where to be refurbed and converted from vac to air braking. However, this pic does show some remarkably similar wagons in service with SNCF: http://tgveurofrance.com.pagesperso-orange.fr/wagons5.htm Compare with the pics in this thread from the old site: http://irishrailwaymodeller.yuku.com/topic/1009/Photographs-of-NIR-Class-111-Ballast-Wagons#.UORjbmlwpVM The ends of the SNCF wagon's hopper are supported on a square block type brace, whereas the NIR models are supported on an 'A' frame type bracing. An HO model, of the French/Belgian type is available from this lot: http://www.mistraltrainmodels.be/product.php?lang=en&id=145 -Rob
  14. Maybe that would explain a bit....
  15. Is it me, or do the ballast wagons in the final part of that clip look like the ones currently in use with NIR?
  16. Apologies for not thanking you for these pics earlier Rich! The detail shots of the ballast wagon(s) where just what I was looking for - I'm trying to size up my next (mini) project, and I've always had a strange attraction to per way paraphernalia. With those detail shots of the bogie timber wagons, I can see how they were constructed - strategic cutting and shutting of the ex 4 wheeler upper decks on a 40ft bogie flat. In fact, looking at them again, you could do the same with the Shapeways uppers and a Hornby lower.... Hmmm... -Rob
  17. That cake's rather sweet D'you see what I did there? sweet
  18. Hope you don't mind Noel! For those that want/need to watch on the page:
  19. Another one mainly for the UK dwellers, but maybe worth doing the sums and making an enquiry from elsewhere. Two Craven coaches, one open 1508, one buffet 1521, for 59.98ukp + 4ukp delivery UK mainland: http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/product/35221/MM2PACK_Murphy_Models_Bargain_Clearance_Coach_Pack -Rob
  20. Apologies for quoting and bumping this, but I found the bit of the thread that was discussing these Piko bogie timber wagons here: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/283-My-new-loft-layout?p=14803&viewfull=1#post14803 -Rob
  21. I see what you did there But seriously Anthony, It's great to see you here. -Rob
  22. Robert Davies

    A sad loss.

    No! A part of my childhood has gone too... F A B Gerry Anderson.
  23. Just putting this here to keep the bargains mostly in the same thread On the same site there's this Piko bogie timber wagon @19.99ukp in HO that was talked about in a thread on here a while back: http://www.thesignalbox.co.uk/sb-special-offers/sale-piko-db-ag-lumber-wagon-was-34-99-now-27-99.html -Rob
  24. I reference that clip frequently for a variety of reasons; to check the state of weathering on the wagons, to check the colours of the stock, to listen to the Baby GMs pulling away... etc etc etc.... Any more that you post will be appreciated Eamonn! Thanks, -Rob
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