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Everything posted by Darius43

  1. Made a start on one of these this morning Cheers Darius
  2. Simply the beets. With apologies to the late, great, Tina Turner. Cheers Darius
  3. How I did the beet loads. Load support “tables” made from 2mm thick card and glued together using pva. Tabletops painted black (to stop any light card colour showing through) and tables dropped into the wagon. Neat pva applied to the tabletops and beets spooned on - pressing them in gently with fingertips. Beets secured in place using diluted pva - sort of ballasting with beets. Loaded wagons join the rake. Cheers Darius
  4. Two more completed. Beet loads to follow… Cheers Darius
  5. Hi John, For the base colour I airbrushed Phoenix “Rusty Nails” Track Colour enamel mixed with a little Matt Black and thinned for airbrushing. Once dry I misted on a weak coat of light grey. Sugar beet loads added. Cheers Darius
  6. Dunpaintin. Next step is to add the beets. Cheers Darius
  7. And then there were three… Cheers Darius
  8. Primer on. The detail on the resin moulded parts is superb. I’ve even got some model sugar beets with which to load the wagons. Strictly speaking they’re HO rather than OO but hopefully no one will mind… Cheers Darius
  9. First of five… Wonderful kit - goes together in about 30 minutes including parts clean up. With thanks to Provincial Wagons/Leslie. Cheers Darius
  10. Some haulage has been rostered… Cheers Darius
  11. Two more wagons assembled. …and completed. Cheers Darius
  12. Fairburn, Class 40 and a GWR Castle running in the shed today. Cheers Darius
  13. Decals applied followed by some weathering and coal loads. Cheers Darius
  14. Some Bachmann Thompson coaches with light weathering applied. Will be running in the shed later… Cheers Darius
  15. Two more hopper wagon kits assembled - plus a BR 21 Ton hopper wagon (also Parkside). These are fun kits to build and go together well. Cheers Darius
  16. Started some Peco (Parkside) BR 20t Hopper wagon kits. Coal loads to be added followed by weathering (or vice versa). Then seven more to go… Cheers Darius
  17. Last weekend in the shed… Cheers Darius This weekend in the shed… Cheers Darius
  18. Coastal Defence Train completed. I added Lanarkshire Models tail lamps to the gun trucks. Cheers Darius
  19. Thanks - the scarf was made by rolling out a thin line of Humbrol putty, flattening it and trimming it in place. Cheers Darius I’ll tell mum! Cheers Darius
  20. Some more passengers painted… Cheers Darius
  21. Loco chassis arrived and duly fitted. Cheers Darius
  22. First troops on board… Still quite a few more to assemble and paint. Cheers Darius
  23. Initial painting of the figures. They were given an overall spray of khaki and then details were painted using the end of a cocktail stick - even the finest brush is too coarse. Once the paint has dried overnight, shadows and highlights will be picked out using a dark wash - sparingly applied. Cheers Darius
  24. Tarpaulins fitted to wagons. Cheers Darius
  25. Thanks Mogul. We already have a Boche Buster on the layout. Cheers Darius
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