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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Probably some of you have seen these pictures before but for those who have not I would recommend a look at Keith A. Jaggers record of his trips round Ireland in the 1970’s. He did two trips: 1970: Rosslare–Dublin–Belfast and around Ulster & 1976: A round excursion of Eire from Limerick, and a full day in Dublin You can download it from here http://www.jaggers-heritage.com/resources/Irish%20Interludes.doc Gloriously evocative of that time.
  2. Just to add fuel to the fire DC Kits are selling 141/181's @ £80 http://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/shop/kits_modelling/irish_railways_inc_murphy_models_rtr_kits_transfers/index-2.php
  3. Thanks Dave for your pictorial record, I’m sure it’s tedious photographing and entering them on the site but please keep it going. I remember coming across a Lima Catalogue of Irish Trains for a £1 but I did not buy it, something I have regretted since.
  4. Have we a contest on which sound chip best captures the 071?
  5. This thread is just getting better and better.
  6. Is this a record, 40 bids and only 9 days to go! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200788068765&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  7. Congratulations to the Wexford Club on the opening of your new clubhouse. Thanks Eamonn for providing the pictures. Love the Cement Works. By the way is this the first time the 3 main railway shops in Ireland have appeared on the same topic?
  8. The Americans certainly have a different outlook on their layouts and lots of innovative ideas.
  9. One of the classic type propaganda films of the 2nd WW, nice find. There are great B & W films made by the Transport Unit covering the end of Steam & early Diesel era. I suppose the most famous is the Post Office Night Mail Train with commentary by John Betjeman.
  10. Busy busy layout, looks the part.
  11. Thanks for the photos but like Shinkansen I have already completed my rake of Mark 3’s. The photographs I really wanted to see but were very elusive were ones looking down on the roof detail. Leaving that aside always nice to see close up photographs.
  12. Thanks for the photos Gareth although it is depressing to see this heritage disappearing. Love the subtle placing of your van in the composition of the last photo, nice touch.
  13. Thanks Sinkansen for sharing these great photographs
  14. Very effective, glad your testing worked out.
  15. Great work Anthony, you make it look simple but that's the sign of a skilled model maker.
  16. After living with a layout in the attic I took the plunge and started at ground level. I had wasted space at the side of my house and a local shed builder made me one to fit the space. It’s 16 x 16 x 9 x 16 which means it narrows at one end and has interesting angles on one side. After the shed was erected (just after Easter) I had to wire it, put in insulation and sheet it with plywood. The very awkward corner became the location for a helix as I wanted to use the under layout space for storage and the helix could get the trains to the upper level. Bench work was then built round the walls. I started to cut out track beds from plywood sheeting The wood frames stacked on their sides are for the middle section which I shall only erect when I have most of the construction work completed on the wall benches. The Clerk of Works is on guard at the door. Still “Cookie cutting” plywood for track beds Chaos seems to rule and I am running out of space to work, you have to move stuff to cut and the process seems endless. So that’s what has been keeping me busy for the last few months. No model making and I’m getting withdrawal symptoms. My consultant on this project is Anthony who continues to be a great help in the move to DCC as well at advice on the build in general -long may his patience last.
  17. Thanks Guys for the suggestions. Anthony I emailed DCC Supplies re section B and am waiting a reply. If you are about Tue night I'll phone you re electro points.
  18. If you keep going up have you enough room for a level 4? (I'm sure the thought has crossed your mind) Looking forward to seeing your single line.
  19. Kirley

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Great to see the continuing progress.
  20. I am moving to DCC for my new layout and also using Peco electrofrog for the first time. I wish to tap into the wealth of experience available on this Forum for advice on how to wire points for the following two track layouts. Section A Section B Simple explanations on what is required would be appreciated.
  21. Really like your D301
  22. Very impressive, great rolling stock, watched the video to see the crash - glad you did not show it.
  23. Excellent work, when you say "The kit is nice but it is tricky as parts are small," I would interpret that as bloody hard work - well done. Looking forward to seeing your photos of the Level Crossing kit
  24. Kirley

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Thanks for showing the model at its development stage, looking forward to the release date.
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