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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. May I also extend a welcome to the site. It's nice to see scales other then the usual OO. While the larger scale would be easer to work with, it shows up a greater amount of detail or lack of it. David you need to have no worries on that score, excellent work.
  2. Some pictures taken this morning in Derry showing the formation of a Works Train. 8111 & 8113 with ballast wagons and some close-ups of bogies etc for a weathering guide. See all the pictures in the What’s Happening on in the Network Section
  3. Rail Works start in the North West. Some pictures taken this morning in Derry showing the formation of a Works Train. 8111 & 8113 with ballast wagons and some close-ups of bogies etc for a weathering guide.
  4. Very smooth in operation Anthony, any chance of a picture of the “workings” underneath?
  5. Leslie, my vote is for the longer wagon.
  6. Let us know how you get on David, I have a number of MIR kits with Athearn chassis and would like to convert them to DCC.
  7. Layout Update(1) Progress has been slow on the layout. I’ve started on the storage tracks as a good place to practice as it will be out of sight once the main layout level goes on and all soldering attempts will be well hidden. I have 3 tracks coming from the helix and each split into 2 additional tracks each running for over 12 feet before coming back together as the tracks turn the corner at the back of the shed. This is to allow an engine to run around a rake of coaches and be able to PULL the train back up the helix. I have used electrofrog points for the first time and will be using DCC system so again the storage section was a good place to start. My big mistake was testing track and points with DC power. All went well until I soldered in the track droppers and switched on DCC power. I have short(s) in the system and had to undo a lot of the track work to identify where the problem is. It was a hard lesson to learn and I’m still looking.
  8. The Derry to Coleraine train journey has been described as one of the most beautiful in the world A section of the railway linking the two biggest cities in Northern Ireland - Belfast and Londonderry - has been closed for the next nine months. The track between Derry and Coleraine is closed for major engineering works and will not reopen until April 2013. see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-foyle-west-19035968#
  9. Welcome to this site (with possibility of a bit of prompting). I have been watching this project on the "old site" with interest. Doing Park Royal carriages as always been a long term ambition of mine so am keen to see how it’s done. Excellent work, keep the posts coming.
  10. Superb engineering John.
  11. I suppose Anthony it's full stream, sorry traction, ahead with Level Three. Looking forward to see its progress.
  12. Thanks Gareth for posting -looking good
  13. It’s just something else, I love the weathered finish. You will need a micro camera installed inside to see what’s going on in there.
  14. Looks superb, pity it’s after closing time! I take you will have the lights working?
  15. Good luck with Dunbell on the long road ahead of you developing your layout
  16. Gareth of the Belfast Model Shop did a model of one of these. Maybe he'll put up a pic of it.
  17. Over £50 a coach and one of the coaches in an inaccurate model – still it is a nice set. The price hike Dave in 2009 was when money used to grow on trees!
  18. Breathtaking!!! –great attention to detail.
  19. Thanks Guys, Gareth it's a EFE Bedford, TK Arti Flatbed -British Rail with Container.
  20. Wagons, Buildings and Vehicles Taking time out from building the layout to clear up some odds and ends that needed completing. The last of the MIR Cement Kits. Farm house buildings for the new layout. Thanks to Enniscorthyman for the technical advice on the Post Van. I wanted to do a UTA lorry and was told the livery was either UTA Green or in the later period Eau de Nil. I tried the Eau de Nil –(something near duck egg blue) but it did not look right so green it became. Now it’s back to track laying and wiring points –no excuses .............unless I did some DCC conversions.
  21. Just breath taking!
  22. It’s just amazing what can be done now in the modelling world –things like that only used to happen in comics.
  23. O the joys of kit built stock but still looking good.
  24. "Continuing with a bit of scenery using budget materials. Herbs and green paint for fields and match sticks for border fencing. Unfortunately one has to try come up with ways around expensive scenic materials." It does not matter where it comes from as long as it looks right - keep it coming
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