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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Nice video Eamonn. I have similar problems with my A Class on a Hornby Class 55 Chassis, what did you use to solve your lack of traction problem?
  2. Sorry, I only took a few shots of what caught my eye. It’s a delightful little layout, very atmospheric.
  3. Some more pictures. The numbers were definitely down on previous years although it was late on Saturday afternoon before I got there. Nice to meet up with some site members and talking to other modellers. I did pick up on two new Irish themed layouts which will be unveiled at the Culta Show.
  4. The Worsley Works kits are not an easy option; you have achieved great results, looking forward to your blog.
  5. May I also offer my condolences Seamus at this difficult time.
  6. Excellent!
  7. Thanks again Dave for your latest instalment. Could I suggest when you complete your saga it is entered in the Resource Section without all the comments for easy reference. You are chronicling a major part of Irish Modelling history and it deserves a special place on the site.
  8. Welcome Hunslet to the site, I have followed your developing layout on the RM site both for the sight of Northern stock and also ideas I can pinch. (Imitation being the greatest form of flattery).
  9. Thanks for the video, again I would follow the comments of others - your layout has the "feel" of an operating railway, which all model layouts aspire too but only some succeed.
  10. O so true. While testing new track work, I had the sickening experience of seeing my Hunslet instead of going straight on, turning right on points and dropped to the level below. The front coupling and the buffer beam took most of the damage and while I was able to repair it the model will carry the scars. It has made me double check all points before test runs and will include safety edges as soon as the construction allows it.
  11. Now for something completely different. A radio show on BBC Radio Ulster. John Bennett's Lost Railways - Episode 1 John Bennett sets out to rediscover some of Northern Ireland's long-closed railway lines west of the River Bann, and learns about a disaster which transformed railway safety. If you can access the BBC iplayer it can be got at http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01m19wr/John_Bennetts_Lost_Railways_Episode_1/
  12. Excellent work Richie, you are setting the bar very high in this line of modelling.
  13. That was not cut with a jigsaw – let us into your secret Dave? In American videos of ‘how to build a layout’ they refer to using a “cookie cutter” for cutting out all their helix’s and railroad beds – do you have a “cookie cutter”?
  14. Found my original Airfix Low Loader model and part of an Esso Oil Tanker. I’ll not tell you how old they are but are probably older than lots on members on this site. The kit came in a yellow colour and you can see where I used some pollyfiller underneath to provide some weight. I would like to strip it back and paint it in more authentic colours (and hopefully a better job than using Airfix paints and brush) but building the layout is taking all my time at the moment.
  15. It's no fun working underneath the benches, I've just spent a week on my layout doing that -but it will be worth it in the end!
  16. Great pictures Heirflick, thanks for sharing.
  17. I did not realise CIE had such a wagon until I saw on in Rails Throught The West. I have an old Airfix one but the JCB has long gone. Must dig it out some time, put metal wheels on it and see how it runs.
  18. Excellent work on show here. Looking forward to see how the Bachmann tankers work out.
  19. Des if you right click on the drawing and use 'save picture' you can download the pic to your computor and enlarge to your hearts content.
  20. Thanks Stephen, I always thought that box was just for remembering your details.
  21. Stephen, yes I see the above but not the "stay logged in" box that David mentioned. Is it the "remember me" box that you tick to stop the time out?
  22. I can't find a "stay logged in" box only a "remember me" box when I log in. Can you help please?
  23. I have noticed recently that if I do not use the site page for a matter of minutes I am automatically logged off and it is getting a bit tiresome to have to log back on again and again. Is this the same for everyone or do I have to adjust my setting to delay the automatic logging off for a longer period?
  24. All for keeping things handy -good idea.
  25. I am always amazed by the complexity of the human mind!
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