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About Branchline121

  • Birthday October 13

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    Compared to most others on the forum, I’m very young. I couldn’t really tell you where my railway interest comes from, but what I do know is that I’ll probably like them for the next 80 years, then I think I’ll be dead.


  • Interests
    MGWR, particularly my local line, the Kingscourt branch; but I also like all other 5ft3 lines.


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  1. They're both on the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/irish-enterprise-north-add-on https://archive.org/details/irish-enterprise-south-dundalk-to-dublin I'd recommend using Open Rails if you're using a modern computer as vanilla MSTS doesn't run that well on them.
  2. Seems like the crews have a preference for 220 at the moment, as I saw it out again today around 10 AM in the gullet on a 3-letter-liner. I would too seeing how clean and shiny it is!
  3. Sort of resurrecting a dead thread here but I've always wondered how the MGWR port extension managed to stay open past the closures of 1947. It's pretty much a duplicate of the GSWR line but without stations and with worse access to Connolly. I suppose I can see why it managed to hang on with the yard at North Wall but I'd ponder its future considering Docklands is due to close and its replacement will be accessible via the GSWR, so I find it surprising they still have plans to electrify the MGWR line.
  4. Video hot off the press: https://youtube.com/watch?v=yLmnSDxKxCE
  5. Here’s the link to the picture of the real thing out ‘n’ about if anyone hasn’t seen it yet.
  6. The new DART has been on the line, as seen on this Facebook post. First new type since the ICRs I'm guessing? Interesting nonetheless.
  7. A 201 in Navan… never knew that had happened before.
  8. Although the 2700s are due to be scrapped, I’ve heard word of 2751 possibly being kept as a shunter for the Portlaoise ICR depot. I’ve also heard that the lads at Maam Cross are investigating acquiring the unit for preservation, but nothing since. Has it been moved already or is it still in storage? It’d be interesting to see it return to service after so long but likewise it could be a useful asset for Maam Cross. I’d be interested in hearing if anyone has updates on it anyway.
  9. I wouldn’t call the 071s inactive as I’ve seen them on IWT liners around Dublin and AFAIK the hydrogen project hasn’t been cancelled.
  10. I used to enjoy playing a game called ‘Railway Empire’ (Wikipedia) on the Xbox years ago… it even had a map of Ireland to build on, but most of the game was based around the Great Plains of America — and the stock for the Ireland + GB DLC was mostly recycled French locos. I think there’s a sequel by this point but I never got around to playing it, but I might at some point as the first one was a fairly decent strategy game.
  11. Probably for the best: Dublin should bide the time it has left until it’s cursed with the Heuston West station “building.” I suppose I should be looking on the bright side — at least Spencer Dock looks presentable.
  12. Don’t forget all the HOBS wagons still with the old logo.
  13. 90% sure I saw the unit on the main line outside Inchicore this morning.
  14. Looks like this sort of thing has been done before: https://www.railjournal.com/regions/north-america/cpkc-trials-use-of-hydrogen-tender/
  15. 085 is now being converted, but it's components are going to be kept as intact as possible incase the hydrogen thing doesn't work out. Apparently there's only a range of ~50 km so if they go into proper service they'll require a hydrogen tender!
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