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Everything posted by Branchline121

  1. It seems according to this article, Irish Rail and Translink are making a joint tender for new bi-mode multiple units, they sound pretty speedy too. What do you think they'll be? Stadler FLIRTs seem to be very popular over on the continent, and the only other current BMU possibility I can think of is those Hitachi yokes they have over in Britain. Either way, it seems the end of loco-hauled services are in sight, but at least they'll still be around for a while more as the trains don't look like they're going to arrive this decade. EDIT: I just noticed it says that the entire fleet will be in service by the end of this decade, although they still could be delayed I guess.
  2. I saw a recent video on YouTube by a semi-popular channel about Bulleid’s CC1, as far as I could tell, there wasn’t much errors, although referring to turf as mud in some parts was a bit odd, it was just fascinating to see a video about our railways, obscure as they are! Here’s the link for anyone interested.
  3. Probably should have had it a bit earlier, methinks -- although maybe the odd time of year is part of the charm.
  4. And that’s your typical Twitt- err, I mean “X” argument.
  5. Would I be right in saying the Dublin & Lucan tramway was the closest we got to the Maynooth loop, even if it only had interchanges on its east side and was a narrow gauge tramway? Also, it seems that the DART Interconnector may be back on track, it seems if the whole plan goes through Dublin will have a network similar to that of an S-Bahn.
  6. I can see why the Kingscourt branch line was excluded — low population, no connectivity, even less of a demand, but I’m still going to be disappointed; at least Dublin is getting more suburban lines, and the north is getting a respectable network too. If they can actually stick to this (unlike Transport 21, although I guess they did open the Midleton line) and have this: that would be great.
  7. Good to see there’s a future in sight for Irish Rail, even if it doesn’t include the Kingscourt line… I do wonder though, with the EU’s first railway directive having been adopted I imagine we might see companies like DB Cargo operating services around the country, although I imagine Irish Rail would issue a gnarly operating fee.
  8. Seems they’re planning to get it out this month according to https://www.irishtimes.com/transport/2023/07/17/atlantic-railway-spine-from-ballina-to-rosslare-and-higher-speed-intercity-travel-proposed-in-rail-review/, although the question is whether it will actually go through? Hopefully. There’s talk about reopening Athenry-Claremorris, South Wexford, Derry Road, and lines through Monaghan, Cavan (hopefully Kingscourt), and a new line in Donegal. Not much about upgrades to infrastructure (electrification, doubling, or signalling) but that may be because of the article cherrypicking the reports about new lines and not just improvements to existing track.
  9. Reminds me of these Swiss yokes: They used electricity to heat the water, without the use of fire! Although looking cool, I'd imagine they were a bit of a hassle, as they were only built like this for the war and reverted soon after.
  10. Scary stuff nonetheless that spammers could penetrate forums as niche as this!
  11. Would I be correct thinking that this is one of the few stretches of standard gauge rail in Ireland? (excluding the Luas)
  12. IIRC there was some sort of executable that checked for the presence of the 'North' programme in the 'South' one's files that could be booted up and would merge the routes, although it has been a while so take that with a bit of salt.
  13. Peel... Is that not the town famous for these? Seeing that on a flatbed would certainly be something to behold -- I wonder if they were ever transported on the line, or were they a bit late?
  14. What was it doing there?
  15. I'm gonna have to hope it's up and running again soon, this could really damage our local (Meath) economy. I wonder what will happen to the Navan-Drogheda line now?
  16. Ok thanks!
  17. I know this isn’t the forum for trouble with grammar, but I can’t find any info online about which is right — I’m making an invitation for my twins’ birthday party, and I’m not sure if it would be [NAME] & [NAME]’s birthday; or [NAME]’s & [NAME]’s birthday. Again, I realise this forum isn’t for these kinds of problems, but I’m getting desperate…
  18. Curiously enough the engines were built for the USSR, although never made it due to rising tensions from the Cold War. Perhaps GE thought the Soviets wouldn't mind the odd appearance as long as it worked?
  19. Ohh... A de Havilland Canada, is it?
  20. I wonder whatever happened to those railcars -- the quarry has long since been drained, but no sign of the stock! Perhaps they were scrapped?
  21. My guess is that they’ll probably have some of those new Alstom Coradias they’re testing out in the Low Countries to replace the 201 & DD combinations, as locos are definitely on the way out — there’s also the possibility of the higher-speed Siemens Velaros in the case that the line gets upgraded; either way, it seems that they will be dual-mode for the electrification south of Drogheda, or if IÉ decided to get their act together and electrify the way to Belfast.
  22. I wouldn't say the 071s would be converted to electric traction, it's more likely Irish Rail will just order some of those popular TRAXX locos that are everywhere on the continent.
  23. I wish they went back into service on smaller trains... Shame it's unviable.
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