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Flying Snail

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Flying Snail last won the day on June 11 2024

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  1. The RPSI have both Cravens and baby GMs so you never know ... maybe one day! Hopefully when the time comes a 2600 set will find its way into preservation too
  2. Happy to put my name down for two etches too (two pairs of wagons).
  3. Exciting project, I hope you get the numbers. Is the request for expressions of interest a learning from the 22000 experience? I hope you crack the ' multiple units' nut ... would love to see more Irish DMUs in future
  4. HMRS in the UK have a large collection of Irish drawings: https://hmrs.org.uk/ Google Irish Rail for responses to Freedom of Information requests - lots of people request diagrams
  5. Your cottages and farm buildings are lovely models (as indeed are all the items you've shared with us here). The plans would be a great resource for anyone looking to create an Irish layout
  6. that would do nicely - especially if it was with "realistic chuffing and mooing sound" for all the sound aficionados
  7. Then there'd be noting to modify for people like MoI to impress us with ... well apart from the buffer spacing
  8. Interesting development - maybe one day we'll see some Irish train packs ... a Loughrea train anyone?
  9. And there's plenty of people into cars that would do just that ... The other thing to remember is that for most of us a collection like DJ's is collected over a long period of time. For the sake of argument, lets imagine that once you leave school and start working that you can save €500 per year to spend on models - thats not a small sum of money, but thats not a crazy amount either ... now imagine how big your collection will be once you reach DJ's age!
  10. Those are very nice MoI! I do think spotting a fake one on an exhibition layout would be a nice easter egg to find, .... but then for every one who found it funny, the poor exhibitor would probably have another ten visitors pointing out his 'mistake' to him. It would probably stop being funny very fast.
  11. I would love to see someone print one of these up in 7mm scale for their layout ... go on, go on, go on!!
  12. From 1916 too, that just adds to the value and sure a little rust is to be expected .... Section 90 of the Great Southern and Western Railway Act 1903 really was far reaching wasn't it? It reached all the way up to Newry apparently
  13. I believe (but am open to correction) that Marks Models here in Ireland also purchase collections - they certainly sell secondhand stock.
  14. I think you're gonna need a bigger bookcase ... I hope IKEA have enough Billys
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