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Flying Snail

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Flying Snail last won the day on June 11 2024

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  1. Thats great news for us over here Leslie
  2. Circus train loading at Heuston in 1961 .Taken from the IRRS Twitter: https://x.com/irishrailways/status/1064866932065792001/photo/1 Anything Anywhere Anytime .... love it!
  3. Hi Leslie, I got back into the hobby during Covid, and I've had the pleasure of meeting you at the most recent Blackrock and Clontarf shows. On both occasions you've been very giving of your time and a mine of information. I'm the happy owner of some of your kits as well as two of the Dapol vans. As others have said above, the market appears to be heading to RTR - even for niche items from the Irish scene. However, your kits are great and very accessible for the beginner - having all the components required (and excellent instructions) to produce an OO model. They've helped me transition into building model trains, and its clear to anyone involved in the hobby that they been an important part of the Irish scene! Thanks for all you've done. I've no doubt that even in retirement that'll you'll continue to be an important part of the Irish scene for many more years to come!
  4. The lettering on the Denny's van is rather elegant isn't it? It's all rather captivating - the faces looking out from the railcar and the P⁊T reflected in its windows. No need to wait for the breakfast fry either, sure you can have a mixed grill for your tea!
  5. My New Irish Lines (Vol 10, No 4 - Nov 2024) popped through the letter box today - and there sitting on the cover is a fine photo from @jhb171achill of Cyril Fry's model of the Waterford & Tramore four wheel third No 4. According to the inside cover it was built for the Waterford and Central Ireland railway in 1878, sold to the Waterford & Tramore in 1900. Now, the interesting thing is that this carriage is different to that shown in the HMRS four-wheeler diagram that @Mayner based his drawings from earlier in the thread (that HMRS drawing is also from 1878) - Fry's only has two oil pots on the roof (instead of four) and the panelling is noticeably different. Could we assume Fry had seen the real thing or had access to a drawing/photo when producing his model, making this a third authentic carriage design to go with the two HMRS drawings? By the way - the cover also a nice picture of Fry's model of Waterford & Tramore's Bury Single too!
  6. My condolences to Chris' family and friends. A real loss to the Irish model railway scene. RIP
  7. I wonder ... isn't there a 20 ton brake van up in Cultra?
  8. Congrats to everyone involved in the project - that was a nice piece. Great to see whats been done in Connemara. Looking forward to when it's open.
  9. Well if thats too cheap for you, you can always buy them in accuracale's sale for €173
  10. Geoff Marshall has a good piece on the new Dart+ set
  11. It'll be on the RTE Player https://www.rte.ie/player/
  12. Irish Rail press release on it: An Bord Pleanála approves DART+ South West Railway Order
  13. These caught my eye when I saw the pre-announcement. I've a growing interest in the LNWR and the race to the North. I'm sitting here looking at my Improved Precedent that these would suit to a tee .... but the prices!? Dunno, it's a difficult one ... I want a few of them, but ... I wonder will these (admittedly beautiful) coaches sell well at that price point? Lots of decorative detail, but I don't see lighting listed ... could that put people off? Will people hold off in the hopes of price reductions? Should I roll the dice and hold off in the hope of getting them cheaper?? ... or maybe should I get the Parkside kits and do some actual modelling?
  14. If I was to stick to the rules stipulated by Darrman then Mountrath (Kilbricken), a particularly nice Sancton Wood station that's now sadly derelict. If I were to stretch the rules a little, then Moate ( okay, a lot - but technically it still has rails through it), for the obvious reason that it would reinstate the Mullingar and Athlone link (not commercially viable, but I often thought it would make a nice heritage railway between two big towns - in which guise it might even happily co-exist with the greenway. It would need a very generous benefactor though) If I were to continue that train of thought and throw the rules completely out the window, then Valentia Harbour .... reinstating that station means reinstating the whole line
  15. Excellent video - thanks for sharing
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