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About StevieB

  • Birthday 18/04/1949

Personal Information

  • Location
    Wychavon (South Worcestershire)


  • Biography
    I am a 64 year old Englishman who has long found Irish railways fascinating because of both their similarity to and difference from the railways in the UK. Save for the fact that my younger son's father-in-law came from Dundalk, I have no connections with Ireland whatsoever. I do, however, have the same birthday as the republic. That's probably where my interest comes from!


  • Interests
    Railways (full size and model), cats (Siamese and Bengal), American oval racing, Sunderland AFC


  • Occupation
    Retired Chartered Engineer

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  1. StevieB

    G S R

    Correct me if I’ve got it wrong but most of the railways had agreed to form the Great Southern Railway but political interference…… Stephen
  2. Anyone who has worked in the public sectors knows that money is the major constraint for both new works and maintenance. It is, after all, our money being spent, not governments, they only have it because of the tax they take off us. With the benefit of hindsight, and don’t we all have that in abundance, everything would be built so that it never needed to be improved, only replaced when life expired but then it always surprises me that the general public don’t understand the concept of a working life, everything just goes on forever. Rant over. Stephen
  3. Hi John How much are the covered vans, please? Stephen
  4. I did wonder if the weather might play a part in the desire to run chimney first. As you say, running tender first with no protection through a storm would have been decidedly unpleasant. Thanks. Stephen
  5. The railways of Ireland and Great Britain have a great many similarities but also a number of distinct differences, the most obvious being that of track gauge. A less obvious one is the, apparent, distinct lack of tender first working. Almost every terminus had a turntable, even the narrow gauge ones. Any ideas why this might be. I did, however, recently come across a photo of a freight train coming off the Waterford line at Cherryville Junction with the train engine, a J15, running tender first. The situation nowadays is different, with so few turntables around. Stephen
  6. What was the date of this special? Stephen
  7. I’m sorry for all those whose orders of 6w coaches are taking an age to arrive. My only complaint was selecting Parcelforce Next Day, or whatever was the name for it. All other Cartier’s seem to work 7 day weeks but not Parcelforce. Anyway, the wait was worth it! Stephen
  8. You have to remember that Southern green came in two shades, Maunsell’s olive green and Bulleid’s malachite green. Stephen
  9. I stand corrected, thanks. Stephen
  10. I think that would be rather difficult as Hattons no longer exists, hence the involvement of Rails to complete matters. Stephen
  11. So, does that mean you’ve paid for something that’s not been delivered? They’re clearly unconcerned about two versions of your order, one you got from Hattons and one Hattons sent them. Stephen
  12. There’s no reference to them on the website. Stephen
  13. More nothing more that, sold out. Stephen
  14. I’ve paid for one so let’s see if it arrives tomorrow. Stephen
  15. I’m intrigued by the dropped platform by the crossing, not seen very often. Stephen
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