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Everything posted by Jimbo325ci

  1. Figured it out - some photo hosting websites are blocked here - had to use a VPN to bypass it. They look very nice - good work!
  2. The pictures are just showing broken links for me...
  3. Looks like there's a rerun of the ballasts with a selection of running numbers! And a slight price increase....to be expected these days I guess. http://irishrailwaymodels.com/index.php/shop/
  4. Thanks that was my understanding too. Some of the posts above suggested using it so perhaps they were lucky!
  5. Does addresspal not have the same restrictions on liquids etc as the regular mail? Have people successfully used it for enamels?
  6. I've emailed so hopefully get a response at some stage. Just put it here in case anyone had experience with it. It comes in a spraycan or tin. Would prefer the tin!
  7. Also anyone know what the 1K acrylic RAL paint from vinney Byrne would be thinned with? Cheers
  8. An old thread I know, but curious to know if anyone has used the railmatch acrylic line of paints. Like Noel I want to get the dirt colours but the carriage is pretty hot from the Uk for a few tins of enamel paint. Have read through the acrylic v enamel post by Richie in the past. I've taken a dislike to Vallejo paints/primers. Just can't get them to work. This is most likely a case of bad workman blaming his tools as I know there are many people out there who swear by them..... Love the Tamiya acrylics. Mixes and sprays easy giving a solid finish - I have both their acrylic and laquer thinners. Using the laquer thinner seems to give a good bite into plastic and I use it to thin their paint to lay instead of primer on plastic models. So before splashing out on the railmatch acrylic, I was hoping to hear if they are any good or not. Would rather pay the extra carriage for the enamel than for potentially unusable acrylics.....
  9. Looks good Eamonn
  10. Thanks for that, it's well written and easily understood! Again, very nice work there and looking forward to seeing more
  11. Nice work! I've a few bits of stock that needs weathering - would love to get a walk through of how you do it, what you used etc when you have time. Cheers
  12. Pm also sent
  13. I based it on Popeyes pre-resin casting work.... It's a parkside Dundas chassis - only the sides were used with plastic strip added. The buffer beam is scratch built using plastic strip and white metal buffers. The brake gear is a mix of homemade and bits of kits.
  14. Evening folks, I built these about 6 months ago. Haven't had much time recently to get around to finishing them but thought I'd put them up in a hope to motivate myself to get stuck in again! Both are resin casts from D&M with SSM etched additions. Chassis is heavily modified/scratch built to widen it and details added to make it look Irish. I think the brake gear gives them quite a 'heavy' look and felt important to add as much as I could. The camera has shown a few areas which I can hopefully improve on in future builds....
  15. I expect you've seen this, but about 4 pictures down there's a bubble with Irish cement markings..... http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/locomotives/loco102.htm
  16. Looks fantastic! Fair play
  17. Very impressive lads, sold out in almost 3 months to the week! You've obviously been listening to what people want. Looking forward to future releases!
  18. Excellent thanks. Order gone in for 2 packs
  19. Went to buy some and it says out of stock! Sorry I missed these but delighted for the lads they sold so well! Good job fellas!
  20. Congratulations Richie!
  21. Merry Christmas everyone
  22. Excellent. Thanks Noel!
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