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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Now they do look cool in that livery. The pressure gauge really stands out more with the orange livery. It would be very hard to weather them and obliterate that lovely finish. Another winner on your hand's men. Rich,
  2. 11 years ago now and history Noel. The heart and soul of our railway is gone. Just as well that we have the models to recreate all those memories. Rich,
  3. Actually I was watching some footage on youtube a while back of Killkenny to Ballina MK11, MK111, & Cravens in 2006 and was wondering if that was you Noel looking out of the guards door window of the GSV in Manulla at 11 minutes. Rich,
  4. First things first to have even begun to even contemplate scratch building a motorised piece of rolling stock is a huge task to take on. To choose a piece of Per Way equipment is really testing yourself and your ability ( and possibly your sanity ) to produce a model that is of this models quality. It really is a superb model and deserves all the plaudits it is getting. Rich,
  5. Very articulate performance lad's, not shy of the camera or the microphone. Fran giving nothing away at the end re Accurascale. Hope you both enjoyed the weekend men. Rich,
  6. I agree with Gerry regarding the Kadee's. they aren't prototypical ( neither are tension lock ) but they are less unobtrusive. Hopefully in the future the tension lock will be replaced but the question is what will it be replaced with. I never tend to add them to the mix when forming my own opinion on whether a model is a hit or a miss and leave them out of the equation. It's just so fantastic to actually have some top class accurate wagons and that's what does it for me. Rich,
  7. Looking good Eammon it really is a lovely kit the plough itself looks very good. Keep the pics and updates coming, so far so good. Rich,
  8. Top man Billy. I loved his tour programs when he toured Australia and New Zealand on the chopper. I remember Peter Kay saying in an interview that he had seen Billy perform live two nights in a row and both shows were completely different material wise. Rich,
  9. Fantastic modelling all of it. There is the Military modelling the narrow gauge railway the maritime modelling is particularly eye catching especially the water. I love the light house and cottages there is so much crammed into that diorama and yet it really captures spaciousness. What is really interesting is the rendering of the stone with it's texture and colour particularly when you look at the the real stone wall behind the gent sitting. Thanks for sharing those amazing pics Seamus they are modelling gold. Rich,
  10. Ah Fred Scuttle ( Benny Hill ) I remember on the show years ago Fred being asked do you excersise your prerogative Mr Scuttle and Fred answered I do if it's slack. Rich,
  11. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the wallet. Rich,
  12. That's very decent lad's, but then again not surprising huge respect. Rich,
  13. Soldering is a subject that some over complicate and it tends to turn people off. The choice of flux's is a whats good for one is poor for another. Like anything it takes a little practice, work on scrap brass and when you are comfortable move on to a basic kit in a few months you will be doing it with your eyes closed. Actually an electrician thought me and the first few attempts weren't the best ( and I am being kind to myself there ) but I got there in the end. Rich,
  14. They are amazing models Seamus but that little beauty really stands out. Rich,
  15. Great Ernie I really need to familiarize myself with the steam era and the history of our railways before the diesel era. Rich,
  16. There are some really good shots in that collection that can be referenced for future projects. I particularly love the shot of 25067 at the junction in June 2005. Little oddities and difference's like on that one make the wagons stand out in a rake. I love the shots of Muine Bheag, what a really lovely set of buildings. It would make for a fantastic project to model the station with lot's of traffic to make it really interesting. Thanks for adding that collection Ernie I've really enjoyed looking at it. Rich,
  17. From the pics they look amazing Fran. They look meaty like they are on the prototype. Very clean castings also. Rich,
  18. Sounds great Seamus Trains a TK red and a pack of peanuts = a good day out. Rich,
  19. That'sounds amazing JHB it's a shame that there is no colour cine cam or video footage around of a movement like that. Rich,
  20. Was your Dad a railway enthusiast also Seamus. Lovely memory by the way and also very nice to see someone refer to their parent in a loving and respectful way, you don't see much of it these days on forums, maybe only on here. Rich,
  21. Pat knowing the diligence among the the four of you lads they were investigated thoroughly. TBH I can't find any record of another one neither and I have tried. Rich,
  22. Good look to you even though you don't need it, you'll be fine and enjoy it. Rich,
  23. I have to say that I have boundless respect for n gauge modellers it really takes patience and dedication. What is so good about this is that it will be good enough to be exhibited. Top work sir. Rich,
  24. Oh definitely pack B pack Seamus I love 25195 with the Bulk Cement stencils. I love the smaller CIE broken wheel models also. It's not that I don't like the Irish Cement logo I just can't remember ever seeing one out shopped in that livery or before the printing disappeared behind the dirt and cement dust. I seem to always associate the Irish Cement logo with the bogie cements. Either way they will all be weathered in time. Richie's weathering of his model is where the bar is and I would consider it more special effects than weathering it is that good. Rich,
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