I bought the digital version of the four off him (well they were only 50p each, and they're not too bad. Might chase him up for higher res, as there is no detail in the dark when you dicky around with the image....
Hi all.
You will be delighted to know that three etches have now been sent off for check and approval to the manufacturers this morning.
-Oil Tanker detailing
-Pocketwagon detailing
-New Cement Bubble detailing
The draft sheets have been returned to me already and I will be able to check them this evening.
Once confirmed, they should be available for purchase in three weeks.
Attah boy Robert!!! Now, less drooling over the keyboard and wide eyed, anticipatory rubbing of hands if you please. There may be children watching. ;-)
And that's the truth.
Range 320 miles
cruise speed 122 mph
fuel capacity 1409 litres
So roughly she will consume over 530 litres (€800) of fuel per hour.
No wonder helicopter trips cost so much...
Well, if you like building things prepare to pay good money for MIR and NNK/MTK kits. These went for good prices:
Yessssssss...... Deffo getting one, and more deffo, will actually build it...(though I have promised myself that already with Mr. Poots lovely creations)....
V. Tasty! Nice clean lines there and the colour looks good.
Don't underestimate "having a go"
I started out in the hobby just over 7 years ago this month.
Couldn't get the transfer packs i wanted so "had a go" at designing my own
Didn't want to spend €550 on a 15 rake of MIR bubbles (€1.50 to the £ at the time), so "had a go" at designing my own etches and used Kinder eggs.
Got an S Class from Paul Greene and loved it so much that when I heard SSM was for sale, said "what the hell" and bought it from him.
Go for it horse. ;-)
Enjoy it Kevin, and remember if you decide to get the SSM EGV, it comes with all the bits.
Colour photo instructions, transfers, plastic fibre for the exhaust pipes, roof detailing, door steps, glazing, wiring, and the sides are precurved for you
Many thanks sir. A question for you. Bandon tank B4 No.467 appears to be a dark blue-green in 1953 in Colin Boocock's Locomotive Compendium: Ireland (P.43). Is this the case or just slide colour abberation/degradation?
Thanks Glenderg.
Yup, this guy did one of the finest builds I've seen in a long time, and his photography is first class. He was also good enough to let me use the photos as needed, very handy, as a photo is worth six paragraphs of description.
If you do decide to go for a kit, I'd start with a tank, (T2, J26 or B4). The J15 is a little bit trickier.