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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. A great day had, good to see you all. Would have to concur, teh range of stock on Old Blarney was amasing, Dalkey Head was breathtaking and Bleach Green had to be seen to be believed. Only sorry I saw it just prior to dis-assembly though!
  2. And we even have the correct RAL colours as well! NO more handmixing, if we want to scratch build ;-) 5003 / 4003....
  3. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Wow, must get me some of those...I saw them alright, but was only thinlking of my bus purchase duh!
  4. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Heh! Well I've finally finished building a model of the level crossing gate kit. Photos to follow!
  5. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Lads, the instructions will include Colourail photos of all four liveries, I paid dearly for the copyright to do this! ;-)
  6. Conor, lovely job on the bedford. A few simple ways to reduce your image size are 1. Press CTRL and PRNT Scrn button and copy into microsoft paint or microsoft photoeditor (if you can find it on the web) and then save. It will reduce the size down to 50-200k based on picture complexity 2. Open up Microsoft office picture manager and go Picture / Resize / Custom width and height and enter 800 in the first field, this will also significantly reduce picture size.
  7. Yishhhh! Creepy or what. As Giftgrub say about Daniel O'Donnell....."Dead Doll's eyes..." Great article though.
  8. 40' bells??? bring 'em on!
  9. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Just to advise that the cabside windows have a slight indent so that you can cut out thin acetate, glue on and then glue the brass window surrounds over them. I am thinking of yee lads. ;-)
  10. Only this model's mother could love it.... 200+ snots!!! Jayzussssss.....
  11. There's been a big change in what qualifies as "approved" manly hobbies over the last decade or so. Another aspect is that grown men are now free to wear the sort of t-shirts we would have given our left arms to wear back in 3rd and 4th class. The popularity of Gaming is another manifestation of the same thing. I agree that it changed in the 70's alright. I remember that Eason's in Patrick St. in Cork used to have a MASSIVE Hornby layout every Christmas. Then by the early 80's it all just went, along with the shops (Trains, Boats and Planes etc.). Great to see it all back again, and d'internet has played no small part.
  12. Dave gave me my two at the MRSI last week, lovely crisp job done, and quality paint job. Top marks!
  13. At that quote I'm surprised you were so mannered in requesting his departure....
  14. Truest words ever spoken, worth summarising in latin actually "Qui non intendo acquisitionem, subsisto conquerentes" Any newbie manufacturing should be encouraged, not pointlessly used for target practice.
  15. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Gentlemen, thank you for your kind comments and feedback. It was a pleasure to meet you all last weekend, a great time was had! Yes, the painting could have been more precise, but timelines...timelines. It's just good to know that all the work and corrections did the job. Especially as the original master had to be scrapped as it just did not capture the subtle angles of the prototype. Anyway, work progresses, the moulders have confirmed today that the moulding has started, so 3-4 weeks shoudl see it right. Regarding glazing, I will provide some preprinted thin sheet for the side and some thicker material for friction fitting in the front, as Glenderg mentioned and as I have used successfully on my A Class a few years ago.
  16. Agreed. I had it on the list to do, but after that description, it's just been bumped right up.
  17. Points AND pints? Good call sir. I'm up to my 'nads packing and prepping for tomorrow. A painted B&T Sulzer B109 will be there...
  18. Richie, That is so true. A loop and a set of points. Heaven.
  19. Gentle Jayzus, that photo would stop yer heart. Mr Murphy's latest oeuvre is a cluckin' masterpiece.
  20. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Of course Anthony. Of course. :-)
  21. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Heh! Studio Scale Models will be at Trade Stand L, all day Saturday and Sunday. See you there.
  22. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Yes, I will have a full completed one at the show for all to fondle...
  23. my Man!! Very best of luck on your new venture. Given your quality so far and the popularity of your posts, I figured it would only be a matter of time before you went commercial proper. I look forward to getting a few kits. As some of the other posters have commented, we've come a long way in the last while in terms of availability of quality Irish themed goodies.
  24. Yez can buy yer own fekkin' paint....
  25. I got it yesterday, the airbrush is the usual basement level job (but heck, one of those did me grand until I got my Iwata). The compressor is a sturdy solid little divil. 100watts, 3bar output, good weight. And comes with the usual moneyback and product guaranteethat Lidl standover. It's not too loud and sure beats freezing your ass out in a cold shed, as I found out last night as I was able to work from my office. Cleaning is easier as well as you just haul it along to the nearest sink, set it up and clean away with full pressure.
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