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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Hot diggidy dog damn!! That castle roof detailing is top notch.
  2. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    I sure could, or some 1.5mm masking tape to help get the shape right. But as you say, the silver or all black would be vetry straightforward to do.
  3. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Say you want to do the final colour (orange with black stripe) Assemble the whole model Get a spraycan of grey primer and blast the assembled chassis and the resin body with it Get a spraycan of orange brown (volkswagon orange will do), spray the resin body Get some masking tape and cover the orange area so as to expose where the black is to be Spray can of black etc..... That's it really. Of course for finer work use am airbrush, Lidl are selling a mini compressor and a basic airbrush for €65 at the moment. You just can't go wrong. It beats a 2hp compressor cause you can work inside the house without waking the childer...
  4. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    There really is very little to put together. The metal parts and grill bits just glue on to the body shell. The under frame can be bent to shape and adjusted with a pliers and all brass bits can be cut out with a strong scissors. Superglue is your friend. Pop out the class 55 bogies from the donor and pop into the holes. Off ye go!
  5. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Thanks lads. Just a few weeks to go for availability...
  6. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Apologies on the delay folks, here they are.
  7. Truly necessity is the mother of invention. Nice one! I'll throw a batch pf levers on my next etch and they'll be there if you want them... For the bridge, plaster of paris will be my way to go, simpler and cheaper than resin. I will also be doing a brass girder bridge with plaster buttressing. I will likely provide the bridge parts prepainted.
  8. Heh! I was smoked out primarily by the quality. T'was only on a reread I saw a reference to levers...how could I refuse ;-)
  9. To quote Smoke Robinson (or Japan...the version I know) I'll second that emotion! Stunning, stunning work. The Malahide brickwork would make you swoon. The bridge is masterful. I was considering releasing a plaster of paris version, but this..... And to put the tin hat on it. Hendleys! Who's looking for brass etched levers eh?
  10. Laughed out loud. Not good in open plan office.... ;-)
  11. I will start work on the 42' bogie flat and the Ammonia in the new year so I would hope to have something around mid March.
  12. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Fully fitted prototype being finished this evening and photos to be added.....
  13. I'd buy one for 60-70 and kitbash the hell out of it, but what's the point? The MM '11 version is just too damn good! The MM '01 to my mind is good from a collectors perespective, but certainly not as a runner.
  14. The thing is, after falling from 35 miles and hitting 1000kpm....what do you do for a rush the next time? Total respect for this guy. Astonishing bravery.
  15. As Anthony says, it's single action so not the greatest. Still, having had one myself when starting out, it's better than a paintbrush! So for less than 70 bongs for someone starting out this is a great little job. I particularly like the desktop compressor. Firstly, it beats freezing the ass off yerself outside in a cold shed with a 100dB compressor roaring in your ear every 5 minutes. Secondly, being able to paint at room temperature means quicker evaporation particularly if using acrylics and surgical spirits as a spray medium. Thirdly, the selection of valve adapters is well handy, having had to purchase ones for my Iwata in the past on line... I see myself calling to Lidl this evening.
  16. Don't think so , a real skanger wouldn't have bothered, couldn't have or else just kicked the door down... Or burnt it.
  17. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    The whitemetal bits arrived in the post yesterday. I will start working on finishing the prototype and put some pictures up. Yipeeee! Nearly there!!!
  18. JHB, Meant to say thanks for the livery info, well comprehensive, and much appreciated.
  19. George, The very best of luck with this venture in the "Real Capital", particularly in a great spot like D'Imperial. Sorry I can't be there due to other commitments. Weshty.
  20. Anton Savage was interviewing the american investigative reporer on the word yesterday evening, and they were discussing his Foundation "Livestrong. It seemed to be a vehicle for more raising awareness than any type of cure-finding. http://fraudbytes.blogspot.ie/2012/01/lance-armstrong-investigation.html
  21. Some hero... “The U.S.P.S. Team doping conspiracy was professionally designed to groom and pressure athletes to use dangerous drugs, to evade detection, to ensure its secrecy and ultimately gain an unfair competitive advantage through superior doping practices,” the UNITED States Anti-Doping Agency said. “A program organised by individuals who thought they were above the rules and who still play a major and active role in sport today.” http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/sport/2012/1011/1224325146302.html?via=mr
  22. Thanking you sir. I plan to do a little bedford in the 80's style just like one in Steve Rabone's photos
  23. Studio Scale Models provide a transfer pack for the classic Schoolbus range, VB1 http://www.studio-scale-models.com/TVehicle.shtml as well as a brass detailing kit A30, front radiator grill and wing mirrors http://www.studio-scale-models.com/Scenics.shtml
  24. Lads, Thanks to this thread, Studio Scale Models provide a transfer pack enabling you to create most of the 70's -80's cie vehicles. It's pack VB5 (IR,Cie fleet) Go to http://www.studio-scale-models.com/tvehicles.shtml for details.
  25. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    You want one, you got it.
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