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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Ahhh then I can't see any problems, I was only wondering that If they were second hand then probably they would have been modified, have you made sure that there's no other way electricity can access the siding?
  2. Hornby or peco, second hand or brand new?
  3. Many thanks guys ^ Hello everyone, Here they are, all 6 are now finished (2 GNRI brake vans, 2 SLNCR cattle wagons and 2 GNRI coal wagons) I will go over each one again checking for any parts that need to be touched up etc... Then they will be painted. Once again the roofs aren't fixed down as I'll do that after they have been painted. Many thanks Nelson
  4. Hello everyone, Here's my current project, it's the 6 GNRI wagons that I mentioned previously, these are being done as commissions. So far 3 have been done and here they are (2 cattle wagons, 1 brake van) the other 3 (1 brake van, 2 coal wagons) will hopefully be completed this week then I can get round to painting them all at once. The roofs havent been glued yet, I'll do that after painting them. The eagled eyed among yous will notice that I've moved my workbench, I've still got he old one beside me and it will be used for heavy cutting and storing things, this one is at chest height and feels much better than the old one. Many thanks Nelson
  5. It does look rather good but my only concern is what to do with the rest of the sheet and having to buy loads of sheets to make up a rake. HMRS transfers I find don't need varnish and stay on happy without, but do as you wish, watersides are another matter they really need varnish to protect them.
  6. Looks fantastic, where'd you get the NCC transfers please?
  7. Omg I can't stop laughing [video=youtube_share;Ar2neIJ_iPk]
  8. And one that's already built http://www.platinumfighters.com/#!bf-109e/c7r0
  9. Well here you are, http://www.platinumfighters.com/#!ha-1112-m1l/c12zi But be prepared to spend as they are £500,000
  10. They've only gone and done it 7:1 to Germany, hope they win the cup
  11. Wow, where do I sign up? That looks really good.
  12. Dad has got the heavy weathered variant on order, can't wait to get it there have been a lot of problems reported about the Beyer garratt, but hopefully no one here has got a dodgy model.
  13. Hi, I've noticed something yesterday and today, some posts seem to be posting twice, I've had this problem and I've noticed others have as well, what's happening? Thanks Nelson
  14. Edit: no idea why it posted my last post twice
  15. Thanks Lima, I use fox transfers yellow general lining (0.35mm I think) Some prefer lining pens but I haven't got one so waterslide lining transfers will have to do for now Nelson
  16. Absolutely beautiful, well done, the paint finish is just stunning.
  17. Great video, love the jeep and its rake of carriages.
  18. Here she is the completed model, simple enough to put together and nothing too complicated. Many thanks Nelson
  19. Thanks for the heads up mate on the tender, I've always wondered if he'd sell them separately, might have to get one very soon. WT would be good but interest would have to be very high if its going to go ahead.
  20. Hello everyone, Since my last post (the UTA carriage) there has been nothing new im ashamed to say on the workbench, basically because of school work etc... And all this fine weather but hopefully when the summer holidays come then ill be able to get back to proper modelling, last week I decoded to build a italeri panzer 3, Here it is, the Panzer III (3) by italeri, this is a nice simple kit, there's nothing really hard to do it but there is a large scope for detail. Last year I built one (as seen below) and I think it turned out quite well, but now I've got another kit of the exact same model but this time I'm going to see if I've improved in any way and see if it can be better than my first one. I've modified the commanders hatch so that it is now open, and I've also added battle damage but I'll show yous that when I've painted the tank in the next update, I'm going to leave it unmarked that way if I have a plan for a diorama in the future the. I won't have to worry about incorrect markings. To go along with the tank I've got 3 German panzer crew figures and they will be painted and placed on the tank to look as if they have stopped and are talking to eachother. Last years model Modified commanders hatch. I know not everyone will be interested on this but I thought I might as well keep yous all updated. Thanks for reading, Nelson
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