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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Just did some research and we are both right infact, sorry.
  2. Hmmmm, I thought it was a panzer 3 ausf B, this is the same as the Panzer 3 but without a turret and fitted with a fixed one, the stug's were slightly different? Thanks for the comments tho.
  3. Hello Everyone, Sorry for the lack of updates this past week(s), I had taken a whole week off modelling and forums etc... To clear my head and get me focused for the beginning of school, but now I've settled in I can get back to finishing off the NCC wagon, but in the meantime I've built and finished this Panzer 3 Ausf B, and started on 2 more completely scratch built wagons, more info about these in later updates. I have also bought a brand new hornby fowler for a great price on eBay a couple of days ago and when I've finished off the current and started projects then I will begin on making a LMS NCC WT Class Jeep. Take care folks, Nelson
  4. This is a great thread Ivan, plenty of valuable information and period pictures along with plans and of course your fabulous inspirational modelling, thanks for taking the time to write out every post, can't wait to see her finished, your 80 and 70 class are amazing and this is going to be the same. Nelson
  5. Thought I'd share this, it's awesome, [video=youtube_share;PmDWQCLWmfk]
  6. Wow they look superb, excellent paint finish as well, nice one.
  7. My mate just told me this was on the news, nice to see us getting some attention? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28934268
  8. Oops my mistake, they do look superb.
  9. That's brilliant work, guessing they are the new railtec transfers? They look good.
  10. Those etches look great, nice Job.
  11. Thanks guys, I really appreciate your comments, No Dave I didn't, they are NER axle boxes but are a close match for those used by the NCC, and the buffers are LMS ones.
  12. Wow, wow, wow Noel this is amazing I cannot wait to see it progress.
  13. Hello everyone, Firstly I must apologise to the rivet counters, as you can see the straps haven't got any rivets and the main reason for that is, I don't know how lol I completed the body and the wagon is ready to be painted, Sorry for the slow rate of progress I'm definitely not one of those modellers who can produce something like this in 1 day, I like to take my time. Many thanks Nelson
  14. That's the one, I didn't know it was called the enterprise livery, thanks
  15. Yes that's right, I've always liked the look of the Marron, white and blue livery (don't know what it's called tho lol)
  16. This is AWESOME Colin, any ideas on liverys for them?
  17. Here's this evenings update, I got a bit more done on the chassis and its now finished and ready for a body to be built, yes the brakes are a bit over scale and its too high but I made the mistake by not measuring it until the glue had dried, so that's something to remember for the next wagons. Many thanks Nelson
  18. This is simply amazing, I would love to go next year [video=youtube_share;1t5hraJTkn8] Imagine the banter between the 2 trains if it happened here
  19. Hello everyone, Sorry for the lack of updates, mainly because I lost my modelling mojo but a recent exhibition and a vist to Cultra soon fixed that. This is only one of the superb O gauge scratch built engines that were seen running on "Stanfording" and it really is a wonderful model, hopefully one day I could be as good And the visit to Cultra, Northern Ireland's only railway museum provided me with lots of modelling references, and to my amazement, some wagon drawings My favourite locomotive of all time, U2 class "Dunluce Castle" and BCDRs only surviving locomotive, No30 So with my modelling mojo back and keen to do some modelling I've started work on a LMS NCC coal wagon (can't remember which variant) but for this one I've scratch built the frames, this way it's easier to get an accurate model in terms of dimensions etc, this is how much I've done so far, Ooh the cruel close ups that us modellers hate ah well, it runs surprising quite well without bearings and sits in all 4 wheels nicely. That's all for tonight folks, take care, Nelson
  20. I personally don't see the point in modelling books, but some people think different and I totally respect that, I personally feel that forums are far better as you've got more people that can share different ideas/opinions and its free
  21. Thanks heirflick
  22. Whilst on the subject of flats and I hope Kirley doesn't mind? Can anyone identify this wagon? Is it a 6 or 4 wheeler?
  23. That's a lovely looking model, will see about getting one
  24. Here they are, looking at the above pictures these ones seem more modern? Sorry if they aren't what your looking for. These were taken at ballymena yard, whilst travelling to ballymena I also saw a rake of flat wagons at Antrim, don't know it they are the same or differnt ones.
  25. That's very interesting, but unfortunately it does look like this year is the end of the 80 class sandite although it will be good to see at downpatrick next year.
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