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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Rich any chance you could post your pictures up so we could all have a look at them
  2. Yes I would be interested also
  3. Thanks Guys she's a nice little addition to may layout maybe Jim will do another run sometime:tumbsup:
  4. I got them at Jim Poots stand at the Bus show last Saturday Stephen
  5. I would love to do one of the Dublin Buses that had an all over wrap I can't remember of the top of my head it was an RH and it had the all over wrap of either 98fm or fm104. It was mainly black with a huge red guitar on the side. That was my favourite.
  6. Yes I keep getting that also. When that happens I just upload those photos with photo bucket. Use Photo bucket and get them up for us to see them
  7. I think it might be more down to the quality of the iron tip. I have a cheap iron and a lot more expensive Weller one the cheap iron tip looks like the one in your picture and the more expensive Weller one is like new and to be fair the Weller gets a lot more use that the cheaper iron.
  8. Looking forward to the pictures
  9. For more pictures of the KD click here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/191-JIM-Poots-KD
  10. I bought this model of a KD from Jim Poots at last years SDMRC show in Blackrock. I been just doing a little bit of work to it in between other jobs and I finally got her finished. I did her as one of the buses I used to drive out of Ringsend on the number 15 route. Enjoy
  11. I don't recommend using these on DCC as they can cause resistance with some systems causing the system to trip. Always better to solder your bus wires
  12. When I think of some of the situations I caused with those train horns =))=))
  13. Do you still have the set Rich
  14. I recently got this Scania 480. I painted the unit red and de liveried the trailer and painted it white. I did a few small modifications to the unit I put super singles on the front steer and mid lift axles, I gave the mirrors a coating of red and fitted a air condition unit to the roof.
  15. A Murphy Models wagon set I weathered recently
  16. Your right mate it was a hard one to get right
  17. Tornado Weathering pictures can be seen here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/189-Tornado-Weathered
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